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Posts posted by wallcracks

  1. Clearly, this is a sign that renting one's house is a moral risk and all renters should therefore be cleared by police on a monthly basis before being allowed to re-occupy their homes. If no one rented homes, no one could keep drugs in rented homes...

    Sorry... I'm just trying to stay with the spirit of Thai news morality here.... tongue.pngbiggrin.png

    is 20,000 baht excessive for this area for rent ? if so, why would the renter pay this much if he wasnt getting an extra service, ie; storage. maybe.

    Well I guess not, yesterday I saw the House on Thai TV and there is no way you could rent such a House for 20,000Baht a Month!!

    More like double the amount.

  2. Whether it was in thailand or timbuktu it really does not matter. His record company dumped him for drug abuse. He is getting the chance to get help and to be honest I commend the Thai Government for giving him the chance and not righting him off.

    DRUGS KILL and are proven to cause crime. THE THAI GOVERNMENT HAS MADE ALL DRUG USE ILLEGAL. If you want to do drugs fine it is your body but next time you buy ask your provider if he sells to kids?

    What are you talking about??

    I said he did drugs in a foreign Country and in Czech the consumption of Hard Drugs is Not illegal!! Got it??

    Even the possesion is not illegal.

    As long as the Thai Police has no evidence that he actually did Drugs in Thailand they cannot charge him!!

    Sure they want to investigate now but there is no way they can charge him with anything...

    And yes Guess he don t care much that his record Co. Dumped him he has money and Connections overseas, with a good Manager he can do his own Record Label. Anyway he stays in Europe a lot.

  3. It is not proven yet that he did do Drugs in Thailand he said he smoked Meth but the Picture of him with the Pipe was taken in Prague (Czech Republic) not in Thailand

    Meth and any other Drug for self Consumption is 100% Legal there.

    That means he did nothing wrong in Thailand and any other Country, they cannot Jail him until they have evidence that he did Drugs in Thailand too.

  4. since drugs are bringing all the other drug-related crime to Thailand I am happy with Khun Yinglucks politics.

    Specially in Phuket the so called hard drugs like Cocain and YabaIce are on the rise....and so are the burglars

    I am wishing the good old times back when we can sleep with open doors or windows :ph34r: these times are past

    and whoever is sleeping with open windows, be aware, this time is over after the first druguser catches attention

    and visiting you while you are sleeping....and be happy not to wake up then.... :jap:

    Well the Burglar is happy if I not wake up Yes!!

  5. Quote . "Ms Kemporn explained to the police that the concoction used was a mix of five Alprazolam pills, seven Atarax pills and five Chlorphen-Y pills."

    Just incase anyone else out there wants to spike someones drink and rob someone, the nice reporter has told them the EXACT combination, quantity and method used to administer the drug. Good work.

    5. Alprazolam Pills would be all ready more than enough if the victim is previously Drunk.

    Guess the rest of the mix was just to make sure.

    Dangerous mix...

    this Girls should be charged with heavy theft and attempted Murder.

    + no Bail granted

  6. Similar thing happened to me in Manila about 15 years ago lost $4000.

    A friend of mine lost around 6000Euros in Bangkok the same way.

    I could not believe after he told me his story I knew right away it was a Scam but at that Point he did not even realize it a 100%

    On thing is for sure these Guys are very convincing

    his story was not exactly the same but in some Points very similar teaching basic Skills etc..

  7. The barges are just to increase the flow aren't they? Churn it out to sea. Does it say they're gonna fill them?

    Ive got 2.5 metres of water outside my window flowing like i dont know what..quite frankly I don't give a <deleted> what they do as long as its quick!!!!

    You have 2,5 Metres of Water outside your Window but still electricity ????

  8. It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

    Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water (for months at a time) to keep the "chosen few" dry! Pray they don't get their patent plastic shoes wet, in case their heels or soles fall off, or their cheap Chinese trouser may shrink!.

    I watched some sad moaning bitch the other day in Bangkok on the TV, she had a noodle stall, fat legs, a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, hair in the usual HiSo bird nest. She was all upity beside herself, with her fat arse and fat legs and sour face and white white complexion, and whingeing cause the water was almost up to her fat ankles!!!!!!!

    I like the quotes from De Niro in Taxi Driver - (They seem rather fitting)

    "Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

    " I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the <snip!> toilet. "

    "All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets"

    Open the floodgates, all of them!

    Are you Crazy or just Plain Stupid???? Never read such a Bullshit.... and since when is a owner of a Nodle Stall a HI SO???? :blink:

    Bangkok is the heart of the Economy in Thailand of course they rather flood a Province instead of the Capital they would do this in any Country not only in Thailand

    as a previous post said rather 500 submerged as 5000 a Square Km but I would say it s around 50000 up in Bangkok on a Square Km and think about the damage .... If you have a Problem with that you can move to Bangkok as well .....

  9. The key point is that Thai prostitution is by Thai for Thai. While tourists will frequent sex spots the tourism traffic alone would never support the industry. So, how are they going to change the cultural norm of prostitution and infidelity with kept mistresses among Thais?

    Agree with that. The same everywhere in the world.

    What people don't understand is there is big shift in tourism in Thailand, from tourists from the west to tourist from the east, a lot from China. .

    The traditional form of Thai "prostitution" (mia noi business) that is so exotic to western tourists, is very common to Asian people. They won't come to Thailand for that.

    And in the future, they are are going to be the main source for tourism.

    The problem is western tourists don't realize they don't represent the future of tourism for Thailand

    Following Countrys Represent the Future of Tourism in Thailand = RUSSIA, CHINA ,INDIA and any other Asian Countrys you are right on this one.

    Just check 10 Years ago you would not see a Russian Sign in for example Pattaya or Samui ... Check now, almost every Shop has a Russian Sign in front..

  10. Swedish prison 2011.

    Sodertalje, about 50 miles south of Stockholm, is a maximum security facility housing Sweden's most violent offenders. An intense debate concerning the prison system here was set off in August of 2004 when Tommy Olson, a convicted cop-killer and several accomplices staged a dramatic break-out from Hall Prison with the help of guns and cell-phones they had gotten from corrupt prison staff. They were re-captured just days later after a nationwide manhunt. Now Swedes must decide the future of their prisons, whether they will follow the American model of tough punishment or maintain an approach designed to maintain the humanity of even the most hardened prisoner. For now, practical measures such as x-ray screening and background checks of staff members, have been adopted. Construction of a high-security prison wing is under consideration. ///One of two "apartments" at Hall Prison where inmates can receive family or friends. The apartment includes an adjoining bedroom for conjugal visits.

  11. the new ones say BNE Water org appeared a view month ago just around 2. weeks ago I saw one BNE WAS HERE sticker on top of the Pagoda of Wat Arun ....

  12. The incident was reported to local police, who are investigating.

    Consider it solved.

    :lol: most probably.

    Actually thai police are pretty smart in solving cases especially getting leads etc. They may not be CSI but if the Australian Embassy is serious about getting to the bottom of this and piles pressure on the relevant authorities the results will come in. The shooting doesn't sound random but I think its premature to speculate.

    Hopefully they won't just find a fall guy though.

    No not smart they just blame a Burmese Cambodian Laos Immigrant if they can t or won t find the real Culprit.

    So you thought they are that good becaus usually they get them within 1. week LOL

    and if there is a Farrang involved it s anyway Suicide......

  13. <br />
    <br />Both suspects reportedly told police investigators that they had been in  the drug trafficking business for more than a year and travelled to  Thailand twice a month.<br />They caught them with five Kilo of Coke <br />Does that mean they did bring every Month up to 10 Kilo of Coke into Thailand and this for more then a year !!! <br /><b>As I said previous No Visa on Arrival anymore for Black Africans. (Visa allowance only after Background Checks)<br />I m not a racist but I bet 8 out of 10 Nigerians etc coming to Thailand are crooks...</b>
    <br /><br />Yes, you are a racist !<br /><br />Sad to see so many bigots on this forum (anti-black, anti-Muslim, anti-Jewish, anti-gay, anti-Thai and others) !<br /><br />Jem<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    No JemJem I m not a racist, I wrote Black Africans because the Topic is about Nigerian and Ghanaian Drug Dealers and the Problem this is the Majority of People who Deal with Drugs here in Thailand.

    For sure there are Drug Dealers from other Countrys as well no doubt about it.

    The Fact is that the Blacks are the People who run up and down Sukhumvit etc. and sell Cocain ...

    I did not say all Nigerians or Black Africans or Blacks from any Country are Crooked but let s say min 6-7 out of 10 are (at least if they are from Nigeria) and this is a very high number

    Check out the Prisons in Thailand and tell me who is the Majority of Foreign Inmates!!!

    = Black Africans

    it has nothing to do with racism just facts...

  14. How you would know hoch much one can swallow, sounds like you are a specialist in this field!!

    Maybe he is; maybe he isn't but he's right. If you want an idea of just how much weight and volume that quantity of cocaine represents , just go to the store, pick up two kilo and one 500g packets of sugar, imagine the contents packed into 250 condoms then envisage swallowing them.

    I guess common sense isn't that common in the court of public opinion.

    Sorry but you cannot compare Sugar with Cocain first of all most of this stuff is not fully dryed out and pressed into Tampon Shape, that makes it more easy to swallow.

    Sugar is Dry not pressed crystalline and has a different Chemical Density

    But Sure it has to be a big Stomag to swallow that much dope ;)

    Hmm . . . you sound like you're a specialist in this field <_<

    Common Sense and Law Enforcement ;)

  15. How you would know hoch much one can swallow, sounds like you are a specialist in this field!!

    Maybe he is; maybe he isn't but he's right. If you want an idea of just how much weight and volume that quantity of cocaine represents , just go to the store, pick up two kilo and one 500g packets of sugar, imagine the contents packed into 250 condoms then envisage swallowing them.

    I guess common sense isn't that common in the court of public opinion.

    Sorry but you cannot compare Sugar with Cocain first of all most of this stuff is not fully dryed out and pressed into Tampon Shape, that makes it more easy to swallow.

    Sugar is Dry not pressed crystalline and has a different Chemical Density

    But Sure it has to be a big Stomag to swallow that much dope ;)

  16. Ha you think the only brought a few Grams and that is the first time they did bring this quantity???

    Don t think so

    Nevermind anyway they will be gone for a long time .....

    Try again:

    - No-one can be swallowing 2.5kilo of Coke.

    - The frequent amount of travel allows them to build a stash of drugs, hence the high amount of it.

    How you would know hoch much one can swallow, sounds like you are a specialist in this field!!

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