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Posts posted by wallcracks

  1. As I said previous No Visa on Arrival anymore for Black Africans. (Visa allowance only after Background Checks)

    I m not a racist but I bet 8 out of 10 Nigerians etc coming to Thailand are crooks...

    No visa on arrival for black Africans? But white Africans should still get it? Except for South Africa, no African countries get one anyway. They already have to apply for a visa. And some of those black Africans you assume are crooks are businessmen that export manufactured goods from Thailand to their home countries.

    Yeah that s why I said 8 out of 10

  2. Both suspects reportedly told police investigators that they had been in the drug trafficking business for more than a year and travelled to Thailand twice a month.

    They caught them with five Kilo of Coke

    Does that mean they did bring every Month up to 10 Kilo of Coke into Thailand and this for more then a year !!!

    As I said previous No Visa on Arrival anymore for Black Africans. (Visa allowance only after Background Checks)

    I m not a racist but I bet 8 out of 10 Nigerians etc coming to Thailand are crooks...

    No-where is it implied that they bring in 5 kilo per time.

    Ha you think the only brought a few Grams and that is the first time they did bring this quantity???

    Don t think so

    Nevermind anyway they will be gone for a long time .....

  3. Both suspects reportedly told police investigators that they had been in the drug trafficking business for more than a year and travelled to Thailand twice a month.

    They caught them with five Kilo of Coke

    Does that mean they did bring every Month up to 10 Kilo of Coke into Thailand and this for more then a year !!!

    As I said previous No Visa on Arrival anymore for Black Africans. (Visa allowance only after Background Checks)

    I m not a racist but I bet 8 out of 10 Nigerians etc coming to Thailand are crooks...

  4. The warnings go out here to farangs staying long term in Thailand, which is; Do not become involved!

    Avoid business ventures within the sex industry, such as bars and massage parlours.

    Watch your backs those successful owners in the restaurant businesses, as there are those that want to be more successful than you and gain a main foothold into your territory, it has become cutthroat.

    Consider carefully when financing land and real estate, many have died in land disputes.

    Try not to become romantically involved with Thai women from the underclass's or other such Thais.

    Stay safe and use common sense when living here in Thailand, if you value your well being and life that is.

    In other words, don`t dive in the pool if you think it`s too deep.

    Are you for real or do you think you are something better or by any chance a racist???

    Try not to become romantically involved with Thai women from the underclass's or other such Thais.

    If you are to scared to live here why you not just go home??

    That s the most hilarious Bullshit I ever read.

    And guess what there are loads of Foreign people for example in Bangkok who are involved in the Sex Industry.

    But of Course you need muscles and or be well connected.

    But certainly you need to have this assets as well in any other Country if you want to get involved in that Industry

    Got it???

    Good post mate,is he honestly giving advise,because thats some bullshit khun Beetlejuice.U obviously are an expert in this area,i think not.Forgot to say,wash your mouth out racist human

    I make no claims to be expert at anything, it`s just common sense and this has nothing to do with racism.

    I quoted Thais because we are in Thailand. Or perhaps I should rephrase what I said and just say; underclasses or undesirables, meaning those of the criminal elements.

    What people do or become involved with is their business and when they find themselves becoming immersed in situations that they are unable to control and the worst happens, then they have no one else to blame but themselves.

    As I said, they get involved at their own risks.

    It is easy to live in Thailand and easy to get destroyed here also.

    Of course I'm scared, or perhaps extra cautious is the right term, because I am in a foreign country with no statutory rights and vulnerable much more then a Thai citizen, so I try to do things in ways that do not create dangerous situations for me or put me at the mercy of the police or criminal gangs.

    Even back in my own country I would do the same.

    All I am saying is, just play carefully that's all and I mean that with good intentions and sincerity.

    As the wise man says; it`s your funeral, buddy.

    I quoted Thais because we are in Thailand. Or perhaps I should rephrase what I said and just say; underclasses or undesirables, meaning those of the criminal elements.

    Here you did it again If you write it like that is sounds like every Loso Thai is a Criminal this is discriminating.

    But anyway it is off Topic

    I do not think that the Brit was alone the only Pond in Chaweng I know is that one behind Mc Donalds for me it would be strange if someone really went to that place and drank alone. At the beach yes but not there.

    But obviously this place is very open and if there would have been a fight somebody must have heard it. Weird Story but typical for Samui.

    P.s Many of the Beer and Lady Bars in Samui are owned by Police or ex Police by the way....

  5. The warnings go out here to farangs staying long term in Thailand, which is; Do not become involved!

    Avoid business ventures within the sex industry, such as bars and massage parlours.

    Watch your backs those successful owners in the restaurant businesses, as there are those that want to be more successful than you and gain a main foothold into your territory, it has become cutthroat.

    Consider carefully when financing land and real estate, many have died in land disputes.

    Try not to become romantically involved with Thai women from the underclass's or other such Thais.

    Stay safe and use common sense when living here in Thailand, if you value your well being and life that is.

    In other words, don`t dive in the pool if you think it`s too deep.

    Are you for real or do you think you are something better or by any chance a racist???

    Try not to become romantically involved with Thai women from the underclass's or other such Thais.

    If you are to scared to live here why you not just go home??

    That s the most hilarious Bullshit I ever read.

    And guess what there are loads of Foreign people for example in Bangkok who are involved in the Sex Industry.

    But of Course you need muscles and or be well connected.

    But certainly you need to have this assets as well in any other Country if you want to get involved in that Industry

    Got it???

  6. You're missing the point . . . they don't WANT things to change . . . they like their backhanders, tea money etc and this goes right from the top to the very bottom . . . that is how business, government and LIFE runs in Thailand. Just occasionally they have to make a "show" of doing something about it is all.

    Right since a Cop in Thailand gets just a few Thousand Baht a Month it s no wonder...

    But to be honest , guess most of us like it they way it is and there is no need to change anyway !!!

    How often I got stoped with my Car and...

    Maybe I would have lost my Licence all ready if it would not be that way... :ph34r:

  7. Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

    Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

    Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

    Where can I report my wife for for subjecting me to crappy Thai soap opera's? I am subject to this abuse everyday pls help me.

    LOL we have something in common...

    (That s why I got 2. Tvs .... <_<

    But what I do not understand is why the ministry don t care about if they show some Horror and Ghost Movies at Lunch Time or in the afternoon for every Kid to look.

    A view kisses and they go up the tree or what?

    Thai Culture has changed anyway especially the young ones If they want or not, maybe the ministry should not forget that we do not life anymore in the 18.th Century.

    and first of all Stop sending Horror and Ghost Movies in the afternoon.

  8. somebody wanna bet, there will be nuclear attack in Europe soon ?

    Media released news some 3 weeks ago, if Bin Laden will die, Al-Kaida will make nuclear attack in Europe. And he dies!

    So, fellows, be prepared for big change. More big change, what happened after 11/9.

    Enjoy while you can.

    Why there should be a Nuclear Attack in Europe????

    The Americans killed Bin Laden most likely there would be a Attack in the USA

    I think it is possible that Terrorists do have a Dirty Bomb, but why should wait until Bin Laden dies???

    Makes no sense to me

  9. Gangsters? Guns? Cash? Golden Tri- angle?

    Remember 10,000usd buys a huge amount of wholesale or direct from the manufacturer.

    High drug trafficking transport area ( Much like the Vietcong used ).

    Meaning many diifferent trials to move goods through dense jungle to evade and abate detection.

    If the Guy really was Yakuza and belonged to one of the biggest Drug Trafficing Gangs of Japan I don t think he would walk HIMSELF into the Woods and pay a actually small Amount (10K is nothing) to buy a couple of Kilos Opium are you shitting me or what??

    Possible he was there to meet with a new Connection and to make a Down Payment to Start doing Business.

    All that sounds like a Setup to me, the Tourguide is obviously a Hitman (would be interesting how long he actually all ready works as a Tourguide..)

    and maybe works for a other Syndicate.

    If it s not like that I don t believe he is from the Yakuza and why the Japanese had no Muscles with him?

    Would be a Crime Boss really that stupid to walk around in a foreign Country with Fire Arms??? Don t think so.

    It was either a Setup for this Guy or he was just a small time Gangster.....

  10. I watched the uncensored video and it is still out there.

    This is extremely bad for the country's image around the world.

    It has the semblance of the Brits loutish behaviour in the Spanish holiday resorts.

    It is simply done in bad taste and should be kept in the bars. In fact these girls have brought the bar culture out onto the streets in full view of children and for the world to see.

    A 500 baht fine is a joke for lowering Thailand's image to rock bottom.

    I guess that the pillocks who uploaded the video onto the Internet are shiteing their pants right now and the girls claim to fame has backfired on them.

    You are joking, i hope..........

    No I am certainly not joking.

    This event may seem harmless enough, but this leads to other things and sooner or later becomes more extreme.

    For example, in Britain young teens and thugs have practically taken over the streets and this is exactly how it all starts if rules are relaxed.

    Personally I don't want to see too many Western influences in Thailand, I love the country just the way it is.

    Boundaries need to be drawn otherwise it will lead to the demise of the whole of Thai culture, just as what has happened in the UK.

    I am not a prude or in anyway against this sort of thing, providing it is done at the right places, only for adults and not as a public spectacle for all and sundry.

    HaHaHa I am not prude. LOL what else???

    Come on anyway the whole Thailand is ways to Prude... now!!

    Check out Movies for example they made 20.Years ago here in Thailand much more open then now.

    And you find it good too that Thais go with all their Cloth swimming??

    Who actually really Cares if 2-3 Girls are dancing Topless???

    Do you think Thailand goes down the drain because about this??? :blink:

  11. Saw his Father not long ago believe it or not in a Pink Bentley.

    They went to the same Restaurant as us.

    He Met there with a other MP from a different Party and this Guy came with a Brand new Rolls Royce

    Of Course both had a couple of Police Guys with them (waited outside and drank Beer between-but sure it was apple juice and just looked like beer... :whistling:

  12. "I don't respect 'farangs'. We

    do not have to surrender to them"

    the Great Suthet speaks! Abisit would be so much better off without this loose canon ball - what a diplomat! maybe a candidate for the UN Chair?

    PS he forget's his boss is an British Passport Holder and his education was in the place 'he doesn't respect'

    So he says but drive 100% Sure a foreign Car, sends his Children to Schools wit foreign Curriculum likes to eat Foreign Food uses Foreign electronics, has foreign Furniture in his home and makes Holiday in a Foreign Countrys listens to foreign Music watches Foreign Movies wears foreign Cloth everything what is modern in this Country is from Foreigners and partly operated by them Skytrain Subway, AIRPORT....... HaHaHa Typical Pseudo Thai first speak after Think...


    and where the Person is born and educated a few levels higher as Abhisit is in a foreign Country as well ... just google it.

  13. don t know if you have kids you can make your Non O Extensions via that way too.

    You don t have to be married, if you have kids you can make the Visa (as a Child Support reason)

    Don t know if they have the Investors Visas again, back then it was 3.Million Baht min.Investment in Thailand (Condo for example) and you could have unlimited Visas...

    But I heard they stopped it about 2. Years ago but then they did it again.... Not sure whats up to date.

  14. "Mr Butti was due to appear in court in a divorce case"... Suppose someone is framing his business partner, who has nothing to do with the murder?...

    Just wondering....

    Possible !!! I wonder if the Business Partner has a Thai Wife as well!!!???

    And the Hitmans are their lovers and friends of them.

    Anyway if convicted they will get just a couple of years.

    So why not frame him, collect the Business and have more money after being released as ever before...

    On the other side ask me if Thais could be clever and calculating like that???

  15. just wondering if any of you guys spend some money to help the Japanese People????

    you guys all write about the MPs but what about you??

    Do something first or Shut up...

    And what have you done?

    I don t make stupid comments that what I have done

    Epic fail

    LOL wallaby really so what have you done then .....

    My point was, that everybody wrote or writes still bad about the Gov. but look at yourself first.

    I can understand people who speak bad bud have donated something all ready, but not the other way around.

    Never said that any of the Thai MP.s are good most of them are not, but as long as I did not make any donations etc.

    I will not comment about this subject...

  16. The article seems to indicate that the police had received advance information about the smuggling, and had obtained a search warrant. Then, upon seeing suspicious looking men, they presented "themselves"... suggesting multiple officers were on site. So... if they were expecting and planning a bust, how is it they did not have the perps surrounded (thus cutting off escape routes) before "presenting" themselves, and how is it that some officers were not in a position to pursue while others secured the contraband? It makes me wonder if the whole thing was not setup... like, "we need a big bust to look good, but we will let you get away so there's no big problems in the long run."

    I'm curious... do these huge amounts of confiscated drugs get burned or otherwise destroyed by the police before they can be confirmed by independent testing?

    IMO. it just sounds like the whole thing was staged...

    ...would have to agree. Drug busts are usually well backed up and these clowns let two pickups run away? Then they found the 'abandoned' vehicles with the goods? How did they "find" them in 'plantations' and why would these 'smugglers' leave all that behind? Nope - like the river markets in the morning, the scales are all over the ground. And what happens to the take? Does it get recycled via..... You keep the pickups, we keep the ..... ph34r.gif

    Bullshit a Bust like that is not staged maybe if it would be 50.000 Tablets and a 1-2 Kilo Ice but not that much, this is just to much money except the Drugs are Fake or from a very very low Quality

  17. Work out how much this really is - to spend 1 billion you would need to spend about 30m a day for a whole year to lose it. In multiples, this is serious money. blink.gif

    No need to spend that money if you are rich like that you can live easy from the Interests

    still have a view Million a Month to spend....

  18. How did a mentally unstable person get a gun? :o

    That s not very difficult in Thailand and since he had no permit even more easy.

    Every second or third Thai Man has a Firearm

    Really? Where do they get them from? And I thought it's highly illegal to posses weapons here. I'm certainly not able to get one but I guess I'm Farang so it's highly "mai-dai" :annoyed:

    For a Farang it is difficult to get a weapon with permit that is true, but not impossible, but I will not give you Tips here how to do , find it out yourself, first of all you have to speak proper Thai, that s one of the hurdles you need to take.

    The Rest is pretty much easy going.

    But it was stated that the guy did not have a permit anyway....

    Do you know how many illegal arms around here???

    it s one of the reasons you should not get in trouble with Thais...

    On the other hand for a Thai to get a weapon with a Permit (Tapian) it is very very easy just need to have some money the rest goes smooth if you know what I mean

  19. 2 caught, 20 slipped through. That's the way they set it up.

    Sounds more like a Tip off to me, since the Cops did not accept the Bribe, so I guess it was known that the 2.Negros Move that Gear on this day...

    But for sure it s not like you say, don t forget they did not cross a Border but got caught in the Act, so it would be complete Idiotic to tip off 1. Guy with 13.K Coke

    and a view others reach their Destination....

    Different story if it s about Trafficing.

    The Cops all ready must have a Black Snitch!!

    They caught a couple of Nigerians the last view weeks

    I would bet one of them is it...

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