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Posts posted by meechai

  1. On 2/7/2022 at 12:35 PM, GinBoy2 said:


    I always maintained a home back in the US, and in the crazy days of 'leverage' I was an outlier in the fact that I used every bonus $ I got to pay off equity, since I always thought, if push comes to shove, if I'm debt free and I can flip burgers to survive.


    Ended up, we own our home and and a few rentals for income with zero debt.


    The fact that we own rentals I know what the cost is and I feel for you, but unfortunately at, what I think is the age of most of us, this is the end result of many years of misjudgment.


    There was a time when most (our grandparents) felt this way & knew being tied to the wheel of debt was a mistake. They did as you did & paid the mortgage FIRST even had a mortgage burning party when it was done. Home Base was now safe literally


    Those who instead chose to party or borrow more than could be paid back pay a price...its called the going rate ????

    Also as you say many now moan about years of misjudgement & want to blame something...call it "NEW" ..."DIFFERENT" UNBELIEVABLE!!


    But it is the same as it ever was...market prices period


    Those who chose to party elsewhere cannot have it both ways & expect those who remained in touch to have waited & held prices profit free for their exulted return ????


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  2. 12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Sounds like you're enjoying some schadenfreude.

    Nah not at all I am saddened to see many even relatives of mine here that suffer the same fate


    But it is not our fault or the country trying to price anyone out

    It is as it always was


    Some folks like Jeff2 like to brag about getting cheap sub par labor for 1000baht then complain when he has to pay a fair wage in the western world

    It is what it is & it is what it always was.


    Some like to have it both ways...Go live cheap for decades in 3rd world  then get upset when they want to go back to another world & expect everything stated static while they were away eating kow pad.....sorry others are also entitled to a return on their investments they made in their country ...it is their savings return


    Everyone has choices so it is not pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune...it is your choice, your free will you chose.

    Don't now complain about your choice

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Prices are going up.  Haven't you read about inflation?  It's more than fiscal policy.

    Ummm that is what I said yes? Dollar devalued


    Also as to your inflation as I also said it is as it ever was it is you that have not kept up


    in 1985 I built a home materials were 9k & land was 17k

    Sold in 2007 for 330k


    In 2005 I built a home materials were 50k land was 8k

    I can sell now for same price as last one about 330-360k

    It was always this way. You build you wait real estate prices rise...always if you didn't choose a ghetto to build in


    Folks living in a 3rd world area like to brag about paying under $30/1000baht but trust me I know a lot about having been a General Contractor all my life

    But we still have a home in the North of Thailand. We sold out condo in Chiang Mai but I know about cheap labor & what that is & what you get for that hahah


    Your right lifestyle can be different or very much the same as it is for us in both places ????


    Only difference between you & I is I live in both places


  4. On 8/20/2021 at 4:21 AM, Jingthing said:

    U.S. Housing Prices Explosion Making Repatriation a Less Realistic Option for Many?


    For most expats, the first backup is repatriation. No visa needed. But some kind of housing is needed!

    This so called explosion is nothing new.

    It is also the reason expats "should" have kept a toe in the waters back home if there was ever a possibility of returning.


    But no....Many think F#@k the USA I'm happy now in xxx where life is cheap & I can get everything I need


    Then they get old & find they cannot get everything they need & also after having a great time in a 3rd world country  developing country their home country did not stand still while they were gone? Surprise Surprise in a Gomer Pyle voice ????


    Same as always was.........these folks lack planning or have any foresight nothing more.

    Land/housing has always gone up in the US decade on decade it really is a great investment. I witnessed same in 2007 as now.

    Yes after 2008 it dropped a bit but never returned to low prices of 1980's-90's etc


    BTW: it really is not prices going up you know? It is as always money going down in worth.

    You think Stimulus was printed from thin air?

    No it was like adding water to a half bottle of wine ????



  5. Simple reward issued by dead policeman's  family will see a bounty hunter bring this lil pos back in less than a week


    BTW: where are all the enraged Thai netizens?

    Here is something they can sink their computers into.


    Start posting wanted posters all over the internet...start a go fund me reward & offer it.

    Then at least the perp will not be at all the F1 races etc like he has been all these years partying till his charges time out



    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

    After reading these posts I almost have to start wondering how the Eye Doctor didn't see the Ducati motorcycle coming; it must of been at great speed. She had years of experience crossing streets in Thailand. Tourist have little chance compared to a Thai when it comes to crossing a street here.

    It was because the normal law abiding drivers in the first couple lanes stopped to let her cross

    On the other hand the cop seeing the stopped cars thought it normal to slam the throttle & blast by in turn killing the poor doctor

    He also thought it normal to then leave the scene of the accident


    So in reality a big hole in Prawits "need to educate drivers" speech





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  7. 17 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    Hardly surprising that the State of Emergency has been extended, again.


    This may be required until after the next election?

    27 minutes ago, Andycoops said:

    Extended to prevent covid, it never stopped the virus but stopped people protesting against the incompetent governments handling of the pandemic.

    A blatant anti democracy act due to the incumbents fear of the people and their fragile ego's are unable to cope with criticism.

    I think this is correct

    When is the next election scheduled?

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