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Posts posted by meechai

  1. 3 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Sadly, whilst I do think increased vetting is a sensible idea, I suspect this initiative will result in a standard Thai "sledge hammer and nut" solution.


    It's far easier to assume we are all criminals on the run than it is to actually filter out the bad guys.

    Sadly I think so too


    I am imagine a new tougher reinstated version of TM30 soon ????

    • Sad 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Chad3000 said:

    This is the real core of the issue.

    The government for whatever reason totally blew the opportunity to line up a quantity of vaccines.


    ...when the country is opened the covid numbers for whatever reason go vertical? What do you do?

    ... family returns home upcountry and bring with them covid.

    Yes agree Govt pooched it when they early on were declining many vac offers


    But about families returning upcountry with covid it will not be because of fully vac'ed tourists as Phuket Sandbox showed

    Less than 1% were tourist infections

    Mainly all were Thai's coming back to work infecting each other


    For better or worse Covid has been strong & spreading since 2019-2020 in Thailand too regardless of the fairy tales they told. They just never tested till 2021 in any meaningful way.


    So it is well entrenched throughout Thailand already


    But again they are looking at the tourists who will be fully vaccinated & worrying.....misplaced worry


    Instead perhaps they need to get their own house in order before inviting guests over. Although even more so now they will need happy citizens with elections coming so watch how things will change

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  3. 14 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    Virologist Dr. Anan Jongkaewwattana asked, if 100,000 foreign tourists arrive in Thailand in a day, how health officials would be able to administer such a large number of RT-PCR tests effectively.

    They need to focus...........

    Why are they even asking this? Why even worried about testing fully vaccinated arrivals?


    Did they learn nothing at all from their Phuket Sand box?


    It was not the arrivals that were spiking the Covid cases it was all the un-vaccinated Thai locals returning to work infecting each other


    They need to instead focus on increasing their own vaccination rates not worry about fully vaccinated arrivals & how they will test them yet again

    • Thanks 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Gold ha ha. Price 2011 $1750, price 2021 $1750. Just put your million under the mattress.

    Beats me but gold & more so silver allowed me to retire in 2012 at the ripe old age of 56

    No debt, never worked again, so if someone knows what goes where & why they may do just fine thanks ????


    It is not about just buying something but understanding the G/S ratio & how to play it


    That aside again everyone is free to buy what they want & put their money where they want. But to assume something based on your obvious wealth of no idea is a bit embarrassing....for you ????


    For those in & hopefully out of cyber coins hopefully you did well & can now leave the casino & retire never again needing to risk/play

    If not lets hope your cyber coins can keep even half of the strength over decades/centuries that PM's have.


    I do wish you all luck with your choice.


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Never thought I'd see the day when JP Morgan were saying BTC is better than gold.

    That is what these folks say to make weak hands let go the real physical stuff so they can snatch it up ????


    Only half kidding if you know JP's history with Silver


    All that aside it is not even a contest..Precious metals have been money for centuries & will continue after each & every fiat currencies fails.

    BTW: Every single one has failed eventually & those today standing are just more examples headed that way


    Bitcoin.... smitcoin...you could have been buying Tulips...same same

    Sure all pyramids make money for the early arrivals but not one has stood the test of time


    There is one money it is Gold & Silver

    There are many currencies

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, pedro01 said:

    Look at all the paupers coming out because they think they are "low quality"


    Westerners ARE the high rollers, as are the sex tourists.


    It's the Chinese on zero dollar pre-paid tours they want less of.


    So wind your necks in. This isn't about us.

    Channel 7 reported on the figures for purchase of real estate (mostly in the condo market) over the last three years.

    Top five for real estate ownership were the Chinese with 20,796 units, 2,007 Russian, 1,113 UK, 1,110 French and 825 Japanese. 



    • Thanks 1
  7. 13 hours ago, webfact said:

    The post pandemic recovery of Thailand’s tourism sector will focus on quality rather than quantity,

    Instead they should focus on Recovery for all


    First off since when does any business etc choose their customers?


    Secondly if by some fantasy only really rich tourists visited Thailand who would that help?

    Thailand is made up of many classes of people the majority are not going to benefit from only rich tourists


    Focus Thailand Focus ! Recovery not Fantasy

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    When and if they do bring it in and if they make it for all of us, they will have to consider some folk here can't afford it because of how expensive the premiums are due to their ages and or pre-existing conditions.


    Yes one would hope that when they start requiring it they also have policies available for all in a range of prices. Although if one looks I see more & more international polices with decent prices for all

    • Like 1
  9. 57 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Based on what? Some dream you had.

    Pure guess work. 

    Exactly same guess work the OP is based on that vaccination will become an extension requirement. 


    I would place a bet in Medical Insurance becoming a requirement of visa extensions


    Perhaps you saw recent proposals for even the well heeled $$$ ?

    Their visa had perks but also required medical insurance same as OA

    They will require Wealthy pensioners  to have insurance & you think the common man who has less $$ will not need it? 555


    Wealthy pensioners: They are retirees over 50 years old who receive regular pensions from foreign countries. He or she must invest at least $250,000 in Thai government bonds, as FDI or property. A minimum pension of $40,000 a year is mandatory, or $80,000 a year in case they are not making investments. They must have health insurance covering medical expenses of $100,000 throughout the visa period.




    All that aside we could call it common sense...It has been coming for awhile now with the

    many reported cases of foreigners needing hospital services & claiming no $$$


    Really started getting legs back when the Graham & Pie guy went for crowd funding to get heart surgery


    Again even that aside...you think after what the pandemic showed they will not require a form of health insurance for long term extensions?

    That I would call a dream ????

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