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Posts posted by Dakhar

  1. I find out authors views of responsability for his GF rather touching. So apparently she has done good for him and he knows he will probably leave this earth before here, so he would like to leave her something behind "in-kind" for being such a dutiful person in his life....

    Sounds good to me. OK, realestate... she would then have something that would take little effort to maintain, and last into her older years. This would be important, because no one wants to be cutting hair in to their 80s. Secondly, it is something that if the author had family members that could possibly take all the he has left behind, the realestate would be untouchable for many reasons. One location, 2 it could be possibly entirely in her name as long as there was no lean on the property etc. It would be hers, period... which we all know can back fire.

    But lets say that he has a huge amount of trust in her, then I 'd say go for it.

  2. When you look at the high costs of land (and they hard from an American's perspective) one would shy away from storage. Look at it this way, return on investment. If land costs a lot, then you have to ask a high price for storage fees. People may not go fo that. Not to mention, the speed of profit... not knowing much, I would guess would could earn money at a faster pace through using valuable land in a different manner...

    But maybe as the above psot mentioned, there would be an expat market to cater to.

  3. Are you married to a Thai?

    I ask because this can make property ownership, and building costs a lot cheaper, and easier. You would also need to start a Ltd. in order to have control of the properties, assets, etc. Sunbelt can help you with all of that.

    200K USD Whew, you really could retire with that if done right. I envy you!

    Sounds to me like you are looking for a co. that can be ran "off the books."

    While I can understand your desire to do so, keep in mind Thai officials could take all that you have and send you on your way....

    But lets no look at it from a dooms day approach. Again, without knowing a whole lot, I would imagine if you had legitimate properties, kept books, paid taxes, etc in order to maintain legal status in Thailand, and possibly had seperate rentals "off the books," this could be done. But the properties you have off the books, you would really have no legal recourse when a person decided not to pay you owed rent.

    Basically it is a tug-a-war, we don't want to pay a lot in taxes, but there are ramifications that are there, that are unpleasant enough to make one prefer to pay taxes.

    Restaruants can be ran off the books, but I think you know your employees realize that too, and so they take from you too.

    Coin Vendors, pretty easy off the books, but aparently there is no money in that.

    Storage space is notorious for being off the books, but it has not been tried and proven to work in Thailand, at least not that I am aware of.

    Inter-net cafes, now that seems like an "off the book" operation. But, you run into the same problems that restaruants have to offer.

    In my humble opinion, if you are Thai, running things "off the books" is perfectly find and done very often, but for falangs..... especially those that have not been in Thailand long.... going legitimate is the best option.

    Taxes, are ugly.... I hold down a regular job here, and I operate a business on the side. The business grossed 130K, and after expenses and taxes, netted around 35K. UHG makes one wonder is it worth it?

  4. Hi all, this has developed into an interesting thread. A question for Backpack, just wondering if you could share with us what sort of setup fees you were charged, also regarding your 1 mil capital, what portion of that was paid up (if any), thanks in advance.

    In answer to your questions:

    Set Up Fees:

    Done all this through a lawyer, who admittedly is a friend, and he has charged me 10,000 Baht all-in. Includes all document filing, registration, work permit application and letter for getting my non-imm 'B' from Malaysia. Nothing else to pay regards setting up legal side of things.

    Got to get some printing done, a sign for the office and that's about it!


    Mmm, yes, err, what capital...??? Paid nothing at all up, have a few assets but they haven't been listed. As Greg (Sunbelt) was saying, it's probably been put through as "know-how!"

    Another point re. greg, I know I've had a few digs at him on this forum (what, me, NEVER!) but the point about trusting the Thais is very valid. As he says, the fact that my son will inherit his mother's shares if, God forbid, anything were to happen to her, is a huge plus-point. I too have been stung before, BIG style!

    The loophole in the system is that although I am a foreigner, as his natural father, I have legal power of attourney for my son until he is 16...

    ...there's always something crazy in these Thai laws!

    I love you really Greg!

    Actaully, great posts by the both of yall... BackPack and Sundbelt. They are both informative.

    I for one am going to go with Greg, this is his forte. See ya soon Greg....

    BackkPacks lawyer, no doubt had to "pull out the books" and blow the dust off on the books in this area. I would rather have some one that does this day in a day out, and is not phased by our situations.

  5. There was actually a mormon fellow arrested in Utah for the DB cooper case. HE had bragged about the how he could rob a plane in a similar fasion... shortly after spouting off, this DB cooper robber occured. The Utah fellow was military trained and a crap load of money was found in his closet.

    There was some evidence that showed that he was DB cooper, but he denied it....

    Saw a special about it, wish I could tell you more but it is all a little fuzzy...

  6. I am an American. I do not agree with the war over in Iraq. I do not think we should be there. If the people are happier living in squalor and cintinously fighting, killing and living in back ward ways... Then so be it. Let them, it is their life to live. We have given them ample oppertunity to throw down their weapons and establish "democracy." (as if democracy is the pathway to heaven)

    They don't want our form of "help," and frankly a lot of other countries don't either. So lets pack up move out, and take care of our own many problems here.

    You'd think that we could figure out that the idea of liberation from within is not really all that well accepted... Vietnam! Heck even the French down give a rats plug for American's....

    I did not realize how wise Bush Senior was, when he pulled out after kicking Iraq out of Kuwait, now I can...... Too bad jr. isn't that bright.

  7. The truth is, I dislike the thai laws agains forieng ownership...

    But I sure would not mind having the same laws here in the US. Wow, it trully would be a different place. I imagine my taxes would be cut in half!

    So maybe the Thais aren't that wrong after all

  8. Learning implies admitting that one may have once chose something less than the best course. That's something Thais, on the whole, will never do.

    Before 1997 I'd have agreed with you 100%. Now I think things are a little, and only a little, different. Thais are slowly waking up to the world around them but the emphasis is on the slowly here.

    I have to agree with the Professor....

    The Asian countries that suround Thailand, are opening their arms to foriengers, forieng envestment etc, and their economies are sky rocketing. While Thailand seems to think the longer it holds out it will be the winner in the long run. Strange and stubborn logic. But I guess if the goal is to be the poorest nation in the Eastern hemisphere, and to be soley owned by it's own country men.... well I guess they will achieve it then...

    But actually when you consider the Chinese/Thai population.... their goal has already been defeated.

  9. """My best guess is we will each face our own death in our own ways, with actions and reactions as different as people are today. Near death experiences and the reactions of those who experience it, are probably the same way. Some it will have a profound effect for others not.

    For those we see murdered today, I think the actual waiting not knowing and anticipation would far exceed the agony of the act itself.

    Just my humble thoughts"""

    I would agree.

    I suffered a open skull fracture. The parietal bone was knocked out of place. The parietal bone is the largest bone within the skull, and is connected to the temporal, frontal and occipital. Basically the parietal bone consists of half your skull from above the ear.... Any who.... as I laid bleeding on the ground, I was waiting for the intracranial pressure to take over... and I knew that I would eventually die from that.

    I would blink my eyes, and self examine things, see if my eyes felt full, if my hearing was shifting... speech slured etc... Heck I was even doing math equations, just to check if the noodles were still working.

    I really thought I was going to die. I can't say I was all that scared, my attitude was more of.... "This is the situation I am in, now deal with it, and don't give up."

    After around 2 hours the helicopter came flew me out, and after a 3 hour surgery... I was patched up.... Ohther than some metal in my head, bumps in my head and some large scars, there is no other sign of the accident.

    It did change my life some.... It made me realize that life is short, and to be grateful for the things that I did have... It also made me settle down from my wandering ways, and to be grateful for the woman by my side that wanted to love me forever.. We married shortly after the accident.

    Now in this situation, I had no gun at my head, I had a slight chance of living, and I knew it. In a situation with a gun to my head and I was going to shot for no apparent reason..... Yea, I'd prabably pis myself....

  10. I was involved in a pretty bad acident. It resulted in a open skull fractur.

    Anyhow, at the time, my wife was kind of a friend - girlfriend. She was by my side at the hospital every moment, every second. Fact is, she even slept in the hospital bed with me. She is rather small, and there was room for the both of us.

    With the way hospitals are so understaffed now in the states, I guess no one minded. Any how, as I said she was by my side every moment, she saw me at my worst, but yet she was still there for me...

    We were married shortly after I recovered. The truth is, I had an American gf I had been dateing off and on for almost 2 years, and I thought we were close. That girl, didn't even visit me at the hospital, and by the time she called to check up on me, I had been released.

    I am thankful for my Thai wife, and thankful I survived. Yes, she does take care of me. At the time we got together, I really did not have much to offer financially, but she was still crazy over me. So I don't think she was "in to me" for money... She is just a big hearted kind woman, and I got lucky.

    That is just some of the stories that we share together....

  11. Spuds,

    When a person analyzes things, they look for symptoms, and patterns...

    I hate to play games but once bittten twice shy...

    One time when my wife was at my apt... at this point of our relationship we were not married... any how, one of my female co-workers called my apt, pretending to be an ex-girlfriend, that my wife (at the time girlfriend) was well aware of.

    So any ways, I was just curious to see if she would relay the message to me, that my old gf had called. I went home, and sure enough, she told me my old gf had called! WOW... a level of honesty I hadn't seen in a loooong while. When she told me she that she had called, she did not carry on like she was hurt etc. she didn't play any head games... (of which I was guilty of)

    That ex-wife of mine was a master at playing the guilt game. Look at you spud, your girl lied to you... and then she twists the situation untill you feel like you are the bad guy!

    A tallent all women have, but still the fact is, she lied and for some reason you think it is your fault.... Regardless of the reasons, fear of leaving home, fear of not getting 7K baht a month any longer to her family etc. she should have be honest from the start....

    You are 30, still young, man I envy you! Take this as a sign and move on....

    just my 2 cents

  12. I tell my story not to say all foreign wome are horrible... My current wife is Thai.

    Love her a lot, been together for about 5 years now, and our firts little runt is on its way.... It has been a fast 5 years.

    But my point is, a symptom has been shown, a pattern has been established...

    I'd be running

    There are so many beautiful choices in Thailand, and many without all that bagadge.

    Heck, I'd be happy for the excuse to dump her and move on to the next godess

  13. I had a similar situation with my EX Taiwanese wife.

    She told me that her college had refused to give her transcipts up, so she could not go for her visa interview. I went down to her college, huffed and puffed, and made some people loose face, got her transcripts. (I speak Mandarin, and at the time I could really lay it on)

    So any how, shortly there after, she asked me to open her purse to dig out her wallet to find a phone number, and in her wallet folded up, was her transcripts.

    Being dumb and suposedly in love, I forgave her of her white lie...

    Eventually she made it to the states, we were married, and I tossed her to the curb after 6 months....

    You see that lie I cought her in, was just one of the the million others that she had given to me....

    Think about it..... a symptom, has been shown. A pattern has been established, and if you choose to ignore it... Welll it is your life.

  14. Here is another ignorant suggestion.

    Have you tried monster.com? Just type in what you think you can do and find out if anyone in Thailand needs your qualities.

    Truth is, I suspect even in America, it would be easier for you to find a teaching job than a job in your chosed profession. No slam intended, but we are hurting for teachers over here, and I dare say partially for the same reasons you want out of teaching!

    Have you tried contacting you college.... Yes, I am serious, they are supposed to have placement centers that will find you a job. Maybe you may have to go home, but with your international experience your co. may have you climb a fast ladder, and have you back in Thailand making some serious dough. This would also give your wife some international experience thus making her more marketable too....

    The days for counting every baht could be over for you

  15. Tucky

    I think your feelings are my fears. Currently I live in the US, but we are saving such that one day soon we will be able to go to Thailand and establish life there.

    We save as much as we can, and I look forward to the day I can leave the stress that I endure to earn a coin. But on the other hand, I know I shall walk through her village a stranger, and probably always will be.

    When I lived in Taiwan, after learning the language, and being there long enough, I did not feel like a stanger so much.... But those were different times, I was much younger, and Taiwanes people (at that time) loved Americans.

    But as others have said above.... you have your own house. PAID

    A lot of people never do that. I am guessing you feel locked in now... but at least you are locked in with the one you love.

  16. Dakhar, you are a moron. Good day.  :o

    I may be a moron.... But at least I don't contend to be a millioniare bar tender!

    By the way, if you are so extremely loaded, why do you have the aspirations of becomming a great lawyer?

    I thought I would share with the group the PM I just recieved from our millionaire hecto-lingual bar tending friend.

    Unless you want to get together and compare bank accts, why don't you just ###### off.

    You don't address me, and I won't address you.

    Socal, you drew first blood, by assuming I did not know what is spoken down in Mexico, and you spoke down to me as if I was an ignorant skin head... You messed with a cajun my friend, and now you are starting to understand what the ramification for doing so are.

    In response to comparing bank accounts.... Net worth is more revealing. Besides, what is in my bank account I earned. I paid for my education, I built my own company, it wasn't handed to me from mommy or daddy.

    So if you want to call a truce, fine with me.... Just be more careful in the future, when you think all people out there are ignorant you just may be wrong.

  17. Dude,

    I feel sorry for you. I am sure it is hard to admitt you need to leave, hard to pack up and take a huge plunge back to the homeland.

    Here is a ignorant suggestion. Have you looked into some foreing companies like SHELL that operate in Thailand. Maybe in order for them to function in Thailand that must follow some environmental guidlines, and you could act as their watch dog....

    Really I have no clue about your line of work. But with Bush in office, I don't think the states will have much of a need for you here.

  18. Dakhar,

    I can tell English is not your native language because you cannot follow nuance, and you know what Dakhar, that's okay. I'm tired of arguing senselessly, when in most cases it has more to do with misunderstanding than any actual disagreement.

    Case in point- You said you made six figures, I said that for me well over 6, but you take to mean languages.  :o

    Are you in Otay, or further east?

    Really Dakhar, have a nice day.

    Look at you crawfish!

    I would assume you are speaking of 6 languages, because you begin your post in reference to langauge.

    Now because you have been boxed in, you want to contend you meant well over 6 figures.... but your post says 6 not well over HMMMM so were you refering to languages or money? See the delima you stick yourself in? Either way, you have Spewed bull corn all over yourself.

    Even if you are speaking about money, million Baht.... Whew that is a chunk of cash, in Thailand. If you want me to beleive a Tom Cruise wantabe Bar Tender makes a million USD.... Well that is a different thing. Heck I pay out a million (baht) in taxes here in the states.

    The only reason you want this all dropped is because each post you have written has only dug you in deeper.

    Oh by the way, Highering and Fireing lady boys really does not count. Your boy friends would be considered "contract labor" not really employees.

  19. Dakhar, perhaps you are not blind, but then english isn't your native language.  :o

    For me, well over 6, no need to worry about me and my future plans.  :D

    So what if English is or isn't my native language, what does that have to do with anything.

    So you have 6 native tongues... your post says you know some mandarin, cantonese, etc... I would think to qualify as a "native" speaker of those languages, you would be fluent or at least remotely fluent...

    Further, native means "indigenous to" or beloning to a particular place by birth... (Websters) So you mean to tell us that you were born in 6 locations....

    Either way, you speak with twists and turns... First if you contend to speak 6 languages with a fluency of a native from those countries... you already said in a previous post you know "some." "Some" ain't native like....

    Or if you meant that you were born in 6 different areas... well that ain't too plausible either...

    Also, just because I live along the Mexican border does not make me Hispanic. I am not. I am an American of Eropean descent. I moved to the border area due to economic reasons.

    Stick with the facts, it will help you in law school.... maybe.

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