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  1. No i live and work on the outskirts of Bangkok for almost as long as you have been here. I don't personally worry about their xenophobia, it doesn't affect me really and i tend to enjoy living here for the most part. That does not however change my view that many Thais are xenephobic, although i do agree it is more present in the tourist areas.
  2. How will identifying nationalities help the situation? For every sad sack British guy making a fool of himself there are probably another ten perfect gentlemen going about their daily business causing no ill will to anyone. The same can be said for any nationality here. Many Thais are generally xenephobic and would not care the actual nationality, to them we are all foreigners. The problem as always is lack of enforcement.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 100 seconds  
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  5. Thanks for your reply. Am still waiting for her to confirm if she has visa exempt or actual visa (she is easily confused 🙂 ) I have told her some boarder crossings may be difficult, generally she should be ok as she is not doing boarder bounces to enable her to return to Thailand, she will be spending time in other countries.
  6. Thank you both for your replies, she plans to travel around the region for about 9 months, mostly doing land border crossings, i have told her to expect some issues at some point during her travels. I must admit i was confused when she told me she had an actual 60 day tourist visa, i thought these were null and void after the visa exempt extension was changed to 60 days.
  7. I have a niece who is currently travelling around the islands down South and needs to extend her 60 day tourist visa in a couple of weeks. Anybody know if it's possible to do this by visiting Langkawi for a couple of days and then returning? Any other suggestions also welcome.
  8. If you paid by credit card or True money, how does the cashier gain from this over charging ?
  9. When was the last time you were actually in Thailand ? Most of your posts regarding Thailand and especially on the subject of their wonderful females are so out of touch. I speak little Thai, short and average looking but have continuously dated (and married) normal Thai ladies for the past 15 years.
  10. He didn't, it's just another made up story to add to your list.
  11. Your problem is nobody takes you seriously. Constantly denying you are a reincarnated Bob, and absolutely nobody on this forum believes you. Of course there is nothing wrong in coming back from the dead, just admit it.
  12. Last year the big stage was set up on the beach area around Central which avoids the mass crowds going through walking Street. I am not 100% certain where the fireworks were let off but their were thousands of people on the beach, with plenty of chairs to sit and vendors selling drinks etc. Much safer than previous years. If you head for the Northern end of the beach it's not so crowded. However, yes it's a big beach which could handle the thousands of people but as we all know the roads cannot. It was absolutely gridlocked with both cars and people on Beach road(pedestrians only), second road and all in between for a couple of hours after, best solution is book a Hotel within a KM of the beach and walk. It's a good firework display and worth going, just plan a bit ahead and book Hotels early.
  13. There is absolutely no reason to waste money on a lawyer to obtain a divorce where both parties are in agreement. As others have said just turn up at the Amphur with your wife, they will have a chat and then the agreement gets recorded on the form of which you can get a copy. I will add if you don't speak or read Thai you will need to bring along someone who does because you are required to understand what is written on the document.
  14. Looks much better and fills the screen far more than before. Just waiting for the up arrow to come back and my week will be complete.
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