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Posts posted by Bangkokhatter

  1. 10 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    You liver makes the majority of the cholesterol, and sometimes, most, not the best.  Why it's good to have a bit of fat & good cholesterol in you diet.  Hopefully countering the bad the liver is putting out.


    Also was on statin, and changed my diet, considerably, and now keto ish, cutting most carbs/starch version & sugars.   Will test blood again near end of year, to make sure still in the normal / good ranges. 


    Check APOB also, along with the the supposedly important HDL/Trig ratio.  More important than total #s or even LDL #  if a bit high, or so I'm reading from all the newer studies, debunking the BS we've been fed before about eating healthy and the silly food pyramid. 


    A keto diet allows quite bit of variety.   Carnivore diet a bit more meat heavy.  Know I couldn't stick to a carnivore diet, so keto & intermittent fasting is working quite well for me.


    Keto food, below, that I actually eat & available here/TH.




    Thanks for the info, doesn't look too bad a selection. I actually think i eat ok, very rare do i eat fried food, but too many potatoes and bread i suppose.

  2. 1 minute ago, Will B Good said:



    So the statins did exactly what they were expected to do?


    Do not live with elevated levels cholesterol....the effects are symptomless until it is too late. 

    I appreciate both your comments, however taking too much medication cannot be good for the kidneys surely, and don't like the idea of taking pills for the next 20 odd years if i'm lucky enough to live that long.


    Another issue is just who do you believe, a couple of hours on Google/You Tube can leave your head spinning, some say cholesterol is a killer others will say what your worrying about.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Thanks for all the replies so far.


    It seems supplements are not that well thought of then and i have to stick to the laborious exercise and diet routine.


    More exercise i am ok with up to a point, due to dodgy joints, its the diet i struggle with, lack of food intelligence and imagination makes it difficult for me to make significant changes.

  4. 1 hour ago, khunphil said:

    Hi ... what's your BMI if you want to share ?

    Also, do not think that Health Supplements are safe because they are only Vitamins, or Nutriments ...

    Eat organic, do Intermittent Fasting, understand how your body works, soft workout before eating, HIIT if necessary (if too much fat) ... but most of all , listen to your body, try not to ingest unnatural products, even in a box with 3 stars and a golden label... Your body will find a way. Just give him natural organic unprocessed food.

    Now if you are taking statins ... hum... it's time to learn.

    I wish you all the best.


    I have no idea of my BMI, but could do with losing around 5kg for sure.


    Stopped taking the prescribed statins, they worked fine for lowering my cholesterol numbers but as soon as i stopped, the numbers started rising almost straight away so decided to try something different.

  5. 1 hour ago, bear9 said:

    I was watching a video the other day by a Dr I follow on yt Dr Brad Stanfield


    The most interesting part of the video was blood pressure. He said that a 140/80 blood pressure reading was now no longer good enough and we all should be aiming for a reading of 120/80. Of course other factors come into play so 140 might not necessarily be bad but the general idea was that 120 was better.


    Diet and exercise will be most important before any supplements


    some of the things he reccomended included


    1. Omega 3 Fish oil

    2. Psyllium husk 
    3. Creatine monohydrate


    The other 1 he mentioned was a low dose of melatonin but I guess melatonin would only be helpful for someone with poor sleep. Don’t think you can get melatonin in Thailand as far as I’m aware 

    Thanks for your reply, I would be happy with any reading below 140/80 on a regular basis without taking my meds.

  6. I want to try and get away from taking prescription pills for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


    Yes i know exercise and diet is very important and i have improved this but does anyone have any recommendations for health supplements that actually help ?


    Have just spent a fair bit of time with my friend Google and you end up going round in circles trying to find good advice, personal recommendations seems the way to go.

  7. 2 hours ago, bob smith said:

    So you think that it's better (politically) in Thailand, where coups are as common as muck and free speech is non existent, than in the UK?


    Am I right about that?



    as usual your not right about much.


    Difference for me is it's not my country and i don't have to care what they do, i used to be quite passionate about politics back home, here i don't give a toss as it doesn't really affect me much.

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    what reason is that?



    I will take it as read that you understand what apathy means and simply say the old adage of, if you don't like something then use your vote to change it, no longer applies to the vast majority of citizens of countries around the world.


    A major reason for me coming here was the state of the UK after the Blair/Brown years and it was obvious no matter what political party you were aligned to nothing would really change, just a never ending cycle of chancer MP's feeding from the trough and doing nothing to improve their citizens lives.


    And thats pretty much true of most of the world unfortunately, just look at the options the American and British people have had to vote for in the previous decade. 


    My old Tory voting nan would be turning in her grave, god bless her.


    Apologies rant over, it's been a piss poor Friday!

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  9. Just like here in Thailand, it would not just disappear into thin air, there would be a build up to the event and i would think in the West there would be quite a bit of protest, but ultimately probably same result as here, people nowadays are far too apathetic to our political leaders and with good reason.

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