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Posts posted by Bangkokhatter

  1. I work just off Km19 along Bangna Trad and at one point me and the wife thought the same.
    We looked at places from Siracha down to the Darkside, plenty of nice places but in the end I realised the commute would end up driving me nuts.
    Average working day 9 hours plus say 2 hour round trip, leaves only the weekend for fun.
    Settled on a place near the airport 20 mins drive from work and not far for a weekend visit to the seaside.
    Regarding Golf, plenty of options all the way from Bangna-Trad down to Pattaya

    Sent from my SM-A520F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  2. A shorter loan period would be a priority. Loan won’t be a problem that has been cleared out.
    How I look at this situation is when people indulge in real estate they’re looking for the value to go up with the passage of time. Detached houses retain their value. The actual value is not of the house rather it’s the land value increasing due to the development overtime.
    Let’s assume
    2M townhouse 7k rental value 30 years time
    If I rent that property I would pay 2.5M with no ownership over 30 years.
    In case of buying
    I would pay around 3.5M including interest while the value of that townhouse has depreciated from 2M to 1.5 where I am losing 2M.
    I hope what I’m saying here makes sense. But this is how I see it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
    Not sure about town houses losing value to that extent but like any property it's about location and price.
    Times are changing with many younger Thais preferring there own place rather than renting or sharing the family home, most can't afford a nice detached place hence the amount of low priced town house moohbans being built.
    I bought a place to live in with my family and don't give a thought to any value in 20 or 30 years time.

    Sent from my SM-A520F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  3. Again like I said that it’s to early to give an accurate evaluation because the process involves the people from the bank coming to the property physically then assessing the value of the property & then giving the exact figures.All I have right now is a general understanding that was based on 2M loan with 5%MLR over a period of 30years. That is the general layout given to a buyer by the townhouse managements & in our case the bank directly.



    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    If you are going to be the guarantee of the mortgage then you won't get a 100% mortgage, difficult even for Thais these days so you will need some down payment.

    The rates you have given are pretty standard but you should really be considering a much shorter loan period.


    Sent from my SM-A520F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



    Forgot to add the agents that sit in the moohban office will all say we will give you loan no problem....they aren't the people who sign off on the loan

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  4. 1 hour ago, Greyhat said:

    They don't anger takes hold. It's very easy to sit at a computer and point out he made a terrible mistake but in the moment you're talking about some extremely powerful urges to protect your offspring. He made a serious mistake and he and his child will suffer the consequences. It's unfortunate the victim put the man in this position to begin with.

    I never said he made a terrible mistake and I agree he was unfortunately put in this position


    I am a parent myself and can't honestly say how I would react, I hope I never have to find out.

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  5. 41 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    I have an idea since I lived in Thailand for 10 years.


    I also have an idea because being back in Corporate America, I won't ever be one of those trying to live in Thailand on 45,000 baht a month retirement 

    My last comment as you obviously have a comprehension defect. 


    You have no idea about my salary and how it compares to corporate America, suffice to say i also do not and would not live here on 45,000/month. However i would never look down on those who do, their life, their choice.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    It is quite apparent you are contradicting yourself. This is your quote.


    Better salary, better job, better climate and far more days off than you could hope to have in corporate America


    Then you make the quote


    no idea about America and no wish to find out.


    Which one is it?


    Fair point, i was actually comparing holidays, however we both have no idea regarding salaries and i have no desire to find out.

  7. On every post there is always that one guy that everyone they know is a CEO, Lawyer, Business Owner, etc. and seems to think that is the norm in Thailand?
    One would think if everyone was a lawyer, CEO, etc. that there wouldn't be 10,000+ posts about people having VISA Issues, VISA Run Issues, Overstay, how to stay in Thailand, etc.
    One always hardly ever, if ever, see's anyone posting here claiming to be a CEO, lawyer etc.
    The post has nothing to do with a positive outlook on life.
    The post is about is Thailand all that if you have to work every single day?
    Now, when people stick to the post topic, they get sensible replies like this that directly address the topic:
    I have lived in Thailand twice. The first time I worked, commuted everyday. This time I work for myself, work when I want. For me Thailand is hell if you work 9 to 5, and heaven if you don't. It is crazy how much the two contrast, but in my opinion it is true. Dealing with the intermingling Thai and foreign staff and commuting in bkk alone is about a ten on the life annoyance scale
    This poster understood and directly responded to the topic in an honest manner.
    Pretty simple post, however, always the bunch that want to turn it into something personnel and start blaming for any little thing.
    Now one poster, who claims to make more money working in Thailand, driving his air con car to work, walking 10 meters to his air con office, seems to think all of the expats enjoy this luxury?
    To understand the post:
    1. You would have had to have been working in Thailand full-time and had the experience of what that was like.
    2. Have the experience of working in Thailand full-time and then retiring or not having to work
    3. Visiting Thailand on multiple holidays, then moving to Thailand and having to work full time
    Seems pretty simple to understand to answer the post?
    You have to really wonder about these folks who never answer a post and always turn it into a negative attack against the poster.
    Seems to me in your opinion ,to understand the post we basically have to agree with you.
    I and some others have pointed out that your thinking in your original post is flawed and to work in Thailand does not mean you are wasting away your working years.
    Better salary, better job, better climate and far more days off than you could hope to have in corporate America.
    Would love to know what really happened to you out here that has made you so bitter.

    Sent from my SM-A520F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  8. 7 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    Ok, learn how to read.


    The post is about getting to why expats can't seem to tell the truth.


    You fit right into the making up stories categories with your comments about Detroit. Completely made up and that is what this post is about.


    You cannot answer the post, you make up stories so you just proved 100% this post is spot on.


    The post touched you in a way you have to personally respond by making up stories.


    Not hard to understand. 


    I also didn't know you followed me so closely to know I come on here every few months????? Weird!


    What I do state is the truth, I moved (truth), back to corporate america (truth), making the $$$$ truth


    The only ones that need to make up stories are those that are well below retirement age, slagging off in the third world with no plan, and unable to accept and tell the truth about it so they bash others that have made something of themselves.


    What professional people are you referring to? Since you mentioned plenty? And what jobs are they doing? Start with some facts please.

    i may have made up 1 story, only you are saying it's not true.


    Regarding professional people, i socialise with Business owners, Schoolteachers ( yes it's a professional occupation for most ) and  many in my own technical field. I also enjoy going for a beer and meet plenty of other rational down to earth normal people a world a way from what you describe.


    Don't have to stalk you to know who you are, your posts are all the same and all rather tedious.

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  9. Stirling did improve in the last game but as some have said, not showing enough for someone playing so far up the field. His first touch is still shocking and his sole telling contribution so far was his pass for Linguards goal.

    However with the likes of Rashford not showing much, Stirlings inclusion balances the side better and he is a nuisance for defenders. Dele Alli would contribute more playing behind Kane but who could play where Alli is playing ?

    Currently Southgate has done a fine job with the limited talent available and i doubt there will be any changes to the starting 11 tomorrow....and nor should there be. 


    And please lets not mention Footballers and Welbeck in the same sentence.

  10. Pure VPN, been using it all through the World cup with no issues. I did have to reply yes to a pop up box asking about a post code, i just entered my old one and started viewing straight away.

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  11. I have to wonder if the many doom and gloom merchants commenting actually work in Industry here.


    I work for a multi national that does Business with all sectors of Thai Industry and after a couple of tough years the tide is turning and Business is picking up considerably, so although i am loathe to believe any Government statistics the signs are there that the economy is on an upturn.

  12. Not the best pictures but you can see where the builder has just chucked some acrylic sealant in the gap.


    @ Kieran i think there are 2 problems, 1 is the short overhang causing water to come over one side and the other is the join where the gutter meets the outside wall. Access to roof panels to install felt sheeting will not be easy.




  13. 1 hour ago, CGW said:

    I had a similar problem, solution - can of expanding foam spray, fill up the backside, let it dry and trim off excess with a knife. Worked for me .........

    I remember using something similar on the crappy walls i had in my UK house. Do you have a name and where i can buy it please ?

  14. 12 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Then the gutter is not positioned correctly, it is too small for the roof, or the rooffing sheets are not projecting far enough into the gutter, you should not need to seal along the length of a gutter.  One way to correct this may be to slide some roofing felt under the bottom of the roofing sheets and down into the gutter.

     To be fair to the builder the rear wall which  marks the Moobahn boundary is not very straight so not easy to position correctly. 


    You do have a point about the overhang though, it's about a 4 inch stainless gutter and the overhang is only about 1.5 inches.

  15. On 08/05/2018 at 10:52 PM, Kieran00001 said:

    A good sealant is polyurethane PU.


    I don't really understand what is leaking though, is the leak along the length or is it at the end?

    Along the length of the gutter where it abuts the rear wall.

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