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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. 80 something rockets and no reported casualties ?.

    That might have to do with the fact that half of Israel are hiding in shelters while Hamas has Palestinian woman and children acting as human shields to shield their terrorist fighters and protect rocket launchers while they are firing into civilian areas.

    Several Palestinians were killed in an airstrike on a Gaza rooftop. Palestinian medical sources told CNN the death toll was 10, but then lowered it to seven. Official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that six were killed. Those killed were forming a "human shield" on the roof of a home belonging to members of Hamas' militant wing, Palestinian sources said. Two were children, WAFA and Palestinian medical sources said.


    Hamas do not have exclusive rights on the using of children as human shields. The IDF have used them too.

  2. Englishoak.First of all I resent you statements labeling me as being soft on sex offenders.I have never touched a child or an under age girl and I am as clean as a whistle regarding all these things.I only deal with consenting females.In answer to you ladyboys etc,question.If I was interested in him I would say yes and if I was not interested in him I would say no.If he tried it on again I would clobber him.Females have the right to do this also.I would not take 40 years to make my mind up.All these accusing females are after is money.Wake up.They are after compensation.MONEY.MONEY.MONEY.then more MONEY.MONEY.MONEY.

    PS: You did not answer my question about how you would deal with a situation if you were alone in an office and a beautiful,curvy teenage girl sat on your knee and put her hand inside your trousers.Would you ask her for her birth certificate?Would you tell her to clear off?If you did you would not be normal.

    This must be the third time you have shared your fantasy scenario about a "Beautiful,curvy teenage girl" sitting on your knee and putting her hand inside your trousers. Presumably you are typing with one hand when you do so!

    The victims of Rolf Harris ranged in age from seven years old upwards, there were many of them, all describing the same MO despite all being unknown to each other. He even wrote a letter which was read out in court, in which he wrote to the father of one of his thirteen year old victims, apologizing and begging forgiveness. Yet in your warped little fantasy world, they are all lying and just after some money. And you send your "Love" to him! In all your posts on this thread you go out of your way to excuse and downplay Harris's criminal behaviour, in effect 'blaming the victims'. Is it any wonder that people may get the impression that you are soft on sex offenders!

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  3. Break

    I've previously stated on this or another thread the declaration of a caliphate does not make a caliphate. Well, a number of other events also coincided with this including the Shura- religious council- giving their approval. Technically, the call to jihad takes on an even greater calling when a legitimate caliph is actually sitting. It's fair to say baghdadi is seen by many as a legitimate caliph. Attacking IS now will be far more interesting, whether from the West or regional despots. IS can now legitimately call for allegiance far and wide, with the Shuras blessing, potentially extending this 'caliphate, transnationally, and greatly increasing the complexity.

    I must confess you have lost me totally. The topic of this thread is, "Obama seeks $500 million for Syrian rebels. The examples of Iraq and Libya clearly show that material support for so called rebels in these two countries have resulted in said material aid ending up in the hands of radical Islamic extremists, Al Qaeda, etc, who will use this aid, (in reality,arms, supplied by the West), and turn them on us, ie, blowback, as Ambassador Stevens found out to his cost. Anyone who believes that supplying these arms to so called rebels in Syria would somehow be different is deluding themselves. President Obama and his advisers know this, they know that supplying this aid to rebels in Syria will result in Al Qaeda and affiliated Islamic Jihadists, (who lets face it are no friends of The West), being strengthened, and will enable them to become even more of a threat to us than they are already. Yet this current administration in The White House, knowing this will be the outcome, still want to proceed with this policy. The question must be posed, and they should be made to answer, Why? Whose side are you on? Whose interests are you serving?

  4. I went to Glastonbury four times in the 1980s, when the attendance was less than 20,000. Bliss, could park and pitch your tent in the main arena, saw some great acts up close. Now with 250,000 attending i wouldn't fancy it at all.

    According to reports in the UK press, and many eye witness accounts, Dolly Parton was miming and lip synching, not very convincingly either. Some people are easily pleased!

  5. Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

    The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

    The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

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  6. 2). As to "killing babies". If my wife and I find out through medical testing that a being will be born with birth defects, it is not anyone else's religious beliefs that should dictate to us that we must bear the emotional/psychological/financial burden. Nor, I would say, should it be forced for others to bear that burden.

    Almost no one in America would disagree with you on that. I know that I wouldn't. I think it is healthy babies being aborted that the majority of the pro-life folks object to.

    I couldn't agree more, you have hit the nail on the head, (hope you are not too shocked!!). I don't think one necessarily has to be a card carrying member of pro-life to believe that healthy babies being aborted for no good reason is objectionable. Of course there are exceptions, rape, incest etc. In my previous life in the UK i worked for the Health Service, for a while as a technician in operating theatres. It was not uncommon to see terminations being performed on patients for the second, or even third time, sometimes on patients who were not yet twenty. They were effectively using abortion as a kind of birth control. This is clearly very very wrong, There is adequate birth control available to all, ignorance is no excuse.

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  7. Teethmarks ?


    No doubt these were made by a passing vampire bat.rolleyes.gif

    The Uruguayan football authorities are claiming today that the bite marks were photo shopped! And that the whole thing is a conspiracy between the Italian and British press. Never mind that the bite marks were clearly shown live on TV at the time of the incident. Is this seriously going to be their defence? Sadly, given FIFA's track record i could quite believe they will accept this explanation.

    • Like 1
  8. More rubbish from Jonathon Head.

    I emailed the BBC this morning and complained about it.

    I bet whoever received your e mail at the BBC had a good laugh at that! You complained about what? Suthep Thaubsuban saying he had discussed overthrowing the government with Gen Prayuth many times in recent years? Gen Chatchalerm answering legitimate questions that were put to him? Such as," Everyone who is Thai and is qualified can take part in the election - even the family of Thaksin Shinawatra"? Hard as it may be for you to comprehend, that is Jonathan Head's job, to ask, and receive replies to questions like this. Perhaps in your little world you think that foreign correspondents in a country under military rule should only ask the Generals in charge what their favourite colour is, or who is their favourite pop singer!

  9. Any other sport he would receive a life ban, especially after doing it three times. Pointless giving him any financial sanction unless they fine him a serious amount, like two years wages, as no doubt Liverpool would still keep paying him during any ban. Three strikes and you're out would be appropriate. Lets face it, he's too long in the tooth to change now, though a ban of a few years would give him plenty of time to chew things over!

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  10. If only Saddam did not repeatedly violate sixteen United Nations Security Council Resolutions and refused full access to international weapons inspectors, he would still be in Iraq brutally murdering his populace without a care and ISIS would not be marching on Baghdad. whistling.gif

    Wow, nice job on the whitewash. The UN inspectors repeatedly reported that there were no WMDs. The CIA knew it but Uncle George and the gang decided to go to war anyway and ended up killing up to a million people over complete lies. Just in case you think people are going to believe your lies.

    Too true. Some people really do need to take off their,'My country right or wrong' blinkers, and face some unpalatable,(for them), facts.

  11. Tbh. I'm feeling very nervous about the Uruguay game.

    Spain get bundled out, Brazil playing average, Holland just about doing it against Australia.

    Tight as a duck's proverbial this world cup.

    If England get bundled out in the group stage, at least we have made very good progress for Euro 16.

    So all is not lost. But it's a bit of a lame justification.


    What a load of Jackson Pollocks. If England get beaten tonight and go out, they will have played two, and lost two. How on earth do you arrive at the conclusion that this would represent making good progress?!

  12. Australia can play any sport and give it a fair go. Poms should take note...but won't.

    This is true. One of the main reasons Aussies are good at sport is because they are lucky enough to have the perfect climate for it. From an early age kids are encouraged to go outside in the fresh air and get involved. And most importantly of course, they have no intellectual stimulation to distract them!smile.png

  13. OP you ask "Why are there so many unpleasant remarks posted on TV?"....AND then you proceed to post an unpleasant remark about "old" people. So who's calling the kettle Black. ...Going to take a wild guess here ....Your young, uneducated, achieved nothing in your life, have no prospects.....generally you're a young loser with nothing better to do than disrespect your elders!

    Get a life!w00t.gif

    I enjoy the sensible, witty , funny sarcastic replys.

    Amongst the serious ones.

    But I have to correct one that is an unreasonable assumption.

    I will be 54 this year.

    Thank you for the compliment.

    I do feel only 35.

    I'd read my post on trying to get my cars insured here.

    The only 'work' I do is in my bedroom and charity.

    Smart enough to retired at 35 to Phuket.

    Best decision I ever made in my life!

    Oh Gawd, not another fantasist dreamer. I suppose you get all your women for free and they're queueing up in your garden at this moment once they get past your fleet of Bentleys and have a business empire in the middle east?

    How did you get on with the Ladyboys? Sore botty this morning?

    I think I'm beginning to understand more this type of reply.

    The reality of someone else's achievements and happiness, is inconceivable to someone discontent and unsatisfied with their life.
    My glass is always half full!
    Before coming to Thailand I had the good fortune and 'luck' to be an officer in the London Fire Brigade.
    An occupation I dreamed of joining at the age of 9.
    Once in, I couldn't believe they actually paid me for having so much fun.
    That's why I advise my daughter, choose an occupation you love, not based on the financial reward.
    Then it will never feel like work!
    The shift system allowed me to be a DJ ( easy access to women) ( I lived with 2 at the same time in UK!) and build up my own business employing 35 people before I retired @ 35 to Thailand. The second best decision of my life!
    My daughter is home schooled here.
    The tutors instructions are to educate my daughter in such a way that she is happy.
    Not necessarily to go to University.
    Hanging in my daughters classroom.
    Are these words-
    Do what you can.
    With what you have.
    Where you are.
    I certainly have, and that has made all the difference to my life.
    And a strong belief that the grass is not greener, on the other side.
    Not for me anyway!
    Luck is where preparation meets opportunity!

    Speaking as a connoisseur of the fine art of bullshi**ng, i have to say what a pleasure it is to see a master craftsman at work. Please carry on.

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  14. Jim will fix it for u, Rolf let's em play with his dijjerydoo......and Gary wants all the kids to be in his gang. Added to these few, we then have the Pedo Priests and the caring Mother Mary the virgin Nun all........ of the Catholic Church ! A good bonfire would save the world a lot of costs and grief with these fokkers.

    I read an article recently that said they had to delay Jimmy Savilles burial cos apparently the bin men were on strike at the time !

    Rolf Harris hasn't been accused of having sex with under age girls, as far as I can see. The accusation seems to be that he was a bottom pincher. "One alleged victim claimed that the entertainer had grabbed her bottom when she was waitressing at an event there in 1975, although prosecutors say she may have got the date wrong."

    Gary Glitter seems to be a creep of the highest order, but still 30 years ago, how can you gather evidence?

    Jimmy Saville is dead, wouldn't the correct time to accuse him be when he was alive?

    Rolf Harris is currently facing twelve charges, including a sexual assault on a 7 year old girl looking for an autograph. Another of the charges is that he sexually assaulted the 13 year old best friend of his daughter in her bed. He later wrote to the girl's father apologizing and begging forgiveness. Hardly a "bottom pincher"!

    Regarding Savile, he was reported many many times over the years, some officers investigating him had dossiers inches thick, but when they were ready to pull him in orders came from on high to drop it. He was untouchable, Some young victims from 'naughty girls' residential homes who reported assaults, (up to and including rape), were actually punished for doing so. "How dare you say such wicked things about Uncle Jimmy" etc etc. Savile received protection from right to the top of the British establishment. He could pretty much come and go as he pleased at Buckingham and Kensington Palaces. It is a fact that he celebrated New Year eleven times at Chequers with the Thatchers. Yet it now emerges that it was common knowledge in the Yorkshire police force for decades that Savile was a sexual abuser of under age kids. It beggars belief that the security services were unaware of this. If myself or indeed any member of the public were invited to dinner with the Royal Family or Prime Minister of the day, we would certainly be vetted before being allowed to pass through the doors. The idea that senior police officers who ordered the dropping of cases against Savile were acting on their own initiative is also laughable. They were clearly instructed from on high to do so. It doesn't take a genius to work out why Savile was untouchable, he openly boasted about his activities in his autobiography, and stated that if he was pulled he would take half the establishment down with him. Hence the official reason given as to why he was never prosecuted. 'Not in the public interest'.

    Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris, DLT and all the other celebrities, who should certainly be prosecuted if there is evidence, are nevertheless fodder for the Sun and Mail readers, an attempt to show that 'something is being done', whilst a lid is desperately being kept on the real scandal of organized paedophile rings involving some very high profile establishment figures indeed. Anyone who doubts this should check out, 'Elm Guest House', and 'Haute de la Garenne' childrens home Jersey. Google is your friend.

    Another poster mentioned Sir Cyril Smith. Sir Cyril Smith was a 28 stone, 'larger than life', Liberal member of parliament in the 1970s and 80s, a household name, very high profile. During this time he was also a serial abuser of boys as young as eight in schools and childrens homes in the North of England. In 2012 the Crown Prosecution Service formally admitted that Smith should have been charged with the sexual abuse of boys during his lifetime. There was "overwhelming evidence" that young boys were physically and sexually abused by Smith. In April 2014 it was reported that there had been 144 complaints against Smith from boys as young as eight, but attempts to prosecute him had always been blocked. In 2012 a former special branch officer stated that a dossier of abuse allegations against Smith which the police claimed was "lost", was actually seized by MI5. At the time of these allegations the Liberal Party were in a pact with the minority Labour government, effectively keeping them in power. Sources from the security services have subsequently admitted that if a prosecution went ahead it would have opened a can of worms, probably brought down the government and created a political crisis. So the decision was made not to go ahead,"in the public interest" Big Cyril was subsequently awarded a Knighthood!




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  15. There is poverty everywhere. How many people are sleeping rough in London? Did you know that the beggars you see in Thailand are imported from other countries? A truck drops them off and they beg for the day. It's big business.

    How many people are sleeping rough in London? 6000 or 7000?

    You could have come here and got advice. Instead you wanted to tell us about the Thailand you imagine. You insult the older generation by calling us sick old perverts. Most of us know a lot about WWII and you insulted us with fairy tales about things that never happened and never would have happened.

    When you want advice you would be best served to be humble and ask for help. If you want to insult well that's a different thing altogether.

    Excuse me mr know it all I came on here and ask a few question a got nothing but the typical forum people giving all sorts of crazy advice and then people insulting my country, I have said I don't now it all about Thailand but I have seen poverty like I've never seen before and a few of you pretend it does not exists ok Thailand which is crazy maybe I isn't see all I see spending time in Bangkok in the north and east and down south , for the four times I was out there and maybe I didn't see the greed of a government that did care about any of the poor people so I'm sorry and apologise to all you people that are what I've heard being called as Mr Thailand lmao and it makes me laugh all of you keyboard warriors just waiting to start abuse people but I'm sure face to face you be like a pussy cat love Andy smile.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Someone from The UK calling themselves 'DUDE'! Oh deary deary me!

  16. This is what you get when you don't vote in the correct people time after time after time.

    You get bitch slapped and all voting rights removed.


    The Thai people have been electing the wrong governments again and again. The army and the courts job is to put the government that should have been elected, in place. I think that's how it works!

  17. Wondering if this development will have any impact on US foreign policy in Ukraine.


    Son of U.S. Vice President Biden Joins Ukraine Gas Company
    The Moscow TimesMay. 13 2014 18:49 Last edited 18:49
    The youngest son of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, has been appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine's largest private gas producer — a move he said would benefit Ukrainians and the country's economy.
    In a statement published Monday on its website, Burisma Holdings announced Hunter Biden would join its board of directors and head the company's legal unit.
    "As a new member of the board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine," Hunter Biden said in the statement.
    Consider the source.

    There are plenty of other sources for this story Chuck, including a press release from Burisma, The Wall Street Journal etc. Of course there is a deathly silence in the mainstream media, proof if anymore were needed that they just do their masters bidding and don't rock the boat. Just imagine the furore if it emerged that one of Putin's relations or close friends had been appointed to the board of directors of a major company in The Crimea! The hypocrisy is staggering.

    Biden Junior isn't the only one filling his boots though, benefiting from the current administration's "investment" of $5billion to overthrow the legal government of Ukraine and replace it with an unelected mixture of friendly poodles with questionable political ideologies. Shades of the administration's support for Al Qaeda supporters in Syria here.

    Biden Junior's business partner, a Mr Devon Archer was also appointed to the board a few weeks ago, shortly after John Kerry's visit to The Ukraine. And who is this Mr Devon Archer? He is a close family friend of John Kerry, and his chief fundraiser during the election campaign. What a coincidence! The current administration in Washington could never be accused of subtlety, that's for sure!



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  18. Well well well, it didn't take long for some well connected White house insiders to take advantage of the current US administration's "investment' of $5 billion to help overthrow the legally elected government and replace it with an unelected mixture of fascists and far right poodles. The $5 billion was clearly not invested to benefit ordinary Ukrainians that's for sure! Welcome to Western style democracy Ukraine!


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