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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. If the UK police fly out here and get involved there will be nooooo cover up....thumbsup.gif

    UK Police will not get any further than the Thai police. The Thai police will not cover this up transam. They want their man badly. They will get a bloody good pat on the head if they solve this fast.

    The idea that the UK police don't do cover ups is quite touching in it's naivety. When it comes to cover ups they are probably in a class of their own. Witness, 'Hillsborough, where scores of innocents were killed', Stephen Lawrence murder, historic child abuse etc etc.

  2. Another nail in the coffin of fair play. Clearly these rules only apply to the likes of QPR, the bottomless pit of Middle Eastern oil money has ensured that the Man City's of this world can flout any concept of fair play, and the idea that all clubs in the Prem start on a level playing field is clearly a joke.


  3. I did all I could to save them.

    it's very possible the delta story is all fiction.

    It's very possible you could well be right. The current lot in the White House just cannot be believed on anything, 'smoke and mirrors' is their stock in trade. Just look at them here, look at Hillary with her faux wild eyed shocked expression, pretending to be horrified at something on a blank TV screen! The current US administration take the people for mugs, sadly there are all too many who are quite happy to be treated as such.http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/05/good-grief-now-the-cia-admits-there-was-no-live-video-feed-during-osama-raid/

  4. "whether", alfie.

    Is that all you can reply, and there was me thinking that you were going to name the team laugh.png

    I think you'll find they are called ""Liverpool". Perhaps you meant name the players in the team. You can't spell whether and you do not understand the difference between a team and who are in it.laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

    Henceforth known as Liverhampton.

  5. Just awful. A nine year old girl being taught to fire an Uzi. Her target was a silhouette of a man. The whole scene has horrible echoes of a Jihadist training camp!

    Would have been interesting to see the comments here if it had been a video and story of a nine year old Arab girl shooting her instructor with an Uzi on a shooting range in say Iraq or Gaza!

  6. Susan Sarandon, Barbara Streisand and Rosie O'Donnell seem to be mum on this issue.

    Issue not PC enough...

    ..and who would want to be called an Islamophobe?

    I'm an Islamophobe and make no bones about it. It's time for a new crusade. See my avatar!

    Given the topic under discussion here, i had to laugh at your choice of avatar. A prominent high ranking member of the Knight's Templar was ----- Sir Jimmy Savile. There are many reports of his involvement, with other members, of satanic related child sexual abuse. You haven't really thought this through have you!facepalm.gif

    • Like 2
  7. Vote buying will never lead to democracy,and thats a very

    big problem in Thailand.it means the side with the most

    money wins,

    regards Worgeordie

    Vote buying goes on in just about every country, it's just a bit more subtle that's all. "Vote for us and we will cut your taxes, ie put money in your pocket". Just one example, there are many more, just look at the manifestos of parties during an election campaign, they are all falling over each other to promise inducements in an attempt to garner votes. Of course they don't have to mean it, they rely on the gullibility and greed of the electorate. A classic example of this was in the last UK election when Nick Clegg promised not to increase student loan fees, he even signed a pledge not to do so and hawked it round the country. There must have been thousands of students and their hard pressed families who voted for his party on the strength of this. Of course as soon as he was in power he did a 100% u turn and reneged on this solemn pledge. Politicians are the same the world over, not to be believed or trusted. As my old man used to say, "If voting made a difference they would abolish it"!

    • Like 1


    The Palestinians have no one to blame but themselves for allowing Hamas to control their government and country. Giving credibility to Hamas is like putting a fox in a hen house and then complaining about the carnage done to the chickens.  Far too many bleeding liberals and armchair warriors voicing opinions without experience ,facts and understanding.


    Go spend a few days living in Gaza then tell me how you feel.


    You may be very intelligent for all I know, but on this, you have no idea.



    White male would be dead minutes after setting foot in Gaza......what a ridiculous statement.



    "White male would be dead minutes after setting foot in Gaza"! What a ridiculous statement, not to say ignorant and blatantly racist. There are dozens and dozens of 'White" males in Gaza from all over the world. Doctors, nurses, volunteers, aid workers, journalists etc etc. The only danger they probably face is from The IDF. Ask the parents of Rachel Corrie!



    The Palestinians have no one to blame but themselves for allowing Hamas to control their government and country. Giving credibility to Hamas is like putting a fox in a hen house and then complaining about the carnage done to the chickens.  Far too many bleeding liberals and armchair warriors voicing opinions without experience ,facts and understanding.


    Go spend a few days living in Gaza then tell me how you feel.


    You may be very intelligent for all I know, but on this, you have no idea.



    White male would be dead minutes after setting foot in Gaza......what a ridiculous statement.



    "White male would be dead minutes after setting foot in Gaza"! What a ridiculous statement, not to say ignorant and blatantly racist. There are dozens and dozens of 'White" males in Gaza from all over the world. Doctors, nurses, volunteers, aid workers, journalists etc etc. The only danger they probably face is from The IDF. Ask the parents of Rachel Corrie!

    • Like 2



    Again, there are forces on both sides that really don't want peace or aren't willing to pay the price of peace anyway. It is total idiocy to solely blame either side. But for now, Israel really must do what they must do to repel the terrorist Hamas threat in Gaza. 




    Ah yes. The "terrorist threat".  You can't have a constructive discussion unless you acknowledge that there are other items on the agenda.


    So the rockets and tunnels aren't real things to you, huh? Amazing. 


    Why are you amazed? Where did I say these things aren't real? Do you have any idea what it means to discuss rationally?

    Repeating Netanyahu's Zionist propaganda over and over does not qualify as rational discussion.


    Thankfully, modern media shows the truth of Israel's disregard for human rights. Israel lost its moral high ground long ago. The suspicion of previously neutral people - and nations - shows Israel has lost credibility. It is now seen by many as a rogue nation.



    Just been watching the evening news on UK Channel 4, some truly awful and sickening footage. Children being slaughtered as they slept in a UN designated shelter where they were seeking shelter after being instructed to leave their homes by the Israeli army. Despite the Israeli army being informed 17 times that the shelter was occupied by civilians, mainly children. At least 20 civilians dead and scores injured at a crowded market where Palestinians were taking advantage of an Israeli announced 'Humanitarian window' to shop for supplies after being cooped up in the rubble of what used to be their homes. After the first bomb hit the market people running away were then targeted. When bombs are laser guided on to their targets how on earth do you drop a bomb on a crowded market by accident? Likewise when the UN have called you 17 times to let you know where a crowded school full of civilians is located how do you still manage to hit it on several occasions? These incidents are clearly no accident, this is deliberate policy. The Israeli army are targeting civilians, only the most blinkered would claim otherwise.


    Equally sickening was footage which i will link here, of Israelis in Tel Aviv a few days ago joyfully celebrating the murder of Palestinian children. " There's no school tomorrow, theres no children left in Gaza. Oleh"




    • Like 2


    Hamas affiliates but no direct orders from Hamas leadership.

    How do YOU know, where their orders came from? You don't.



    Neither does the Israeli government or Shin Bet apparently, because no evidence has been produced so far. It would be absolute gold to Netanyahu if he could prove direct orders.




    There clearly is no evidence that Hamas were responsible for the kidnappings, if there was then Netanyahu would surely have produced it. Perhaps he should ask the leader of Mossad, Tamir Pardo. After all, he is clearly gifted with psychic abilities!




  12. My country,U.S.A. only supports countries that are a democracy. Thailand is not currently a democracy.

    The U.S.A does not support any country that permits slavery. Thailand permits slavery.

    What's left to explain?

    Oh yeah...come to Thailand and spend your money...but good luck getting a visa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You mean those fine upstanding democracies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar where the slave labourers building the World Cup stadiums are dropping like flies? Give us a break!

    I could be wrong, but I think you will find the countries you mentioned are NOT democracies.

    Oh dear, the concept of irony clearly goes right over your head!

  13. My country,U.S.A. only supports countries that are a democracy. Thailand is not currently a democracy.

    The U.S.A does not support any country that permits slavery. Thailand permits slavery.

    What's left to explain?

    Oh yeah...come to Thailand and spend your money...but good luck getting a visa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You mean those fine upstanding democracies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar where the slave labourers building the World Cup stadiums are dropping like flies? Give us a break!

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  14. Don't be ridiculous. Not as a matter of policy. A few rogue soldiers may have done so. Hamas does it routinely.

    Ah, so when The IDF do it it is "a few rogue soldiers", but Hamas do it routinely! Now who's being ridiculous! An Amnesty International report into the 2008 Gaza war found instances in which the IDF endangered the lives of civilians, including children, by using them as 'human shields'. Examples such as, "forcing them to remain in or near houses which they took over and used as military positions". Some were forced to carry out dangerous tasks such as inspecting properties or objects suspected of being booby trapped. In 2010, two IDF soldiers were convicted of ' excess authority', for using a 9 year old Palestinian child as a human shield to open packages they suspected of being booby trapped. They both received 3 months probation and were reduced in the ranks. That'll show them! The Israeli Deputy Military Advocate for Operational Affairs commented that "The defendants did not seek to humiliate or degrade the boy"! But of course these instances were carried out by "rogue soldiers", acting independently, there were obviously no senior officers in charge. Right?.

    The point of my earlier post was to show that both sides are capable of these acts, but of course this is not what you want people to know, is it? The use of children as human shields is an appalling act, no matter which side does it. To downplay it when Israeli forces do it, as somehow of no consequence, a rogue act, is par for the course for you though, you have an 'Israel right or wrong' mindset, a closed mind on any topic regarding this region.

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