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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. Qarl Only fools believe such so called "best health care system" in Cuba, the same as in North Korea, which also claims to have the best health care system and the best educational system in the World. Do you believe that? And yeas, Cubans are nice people, American people and the US government don't hate Cuba and Cubans. Don't confuse Cubans with Cuban Communist government, those are totally two different things.

    I am not a fool, Cuba as nothing to do or compare to North Korea, this is pure and simple propaganda. Have you been there to make such a comparison?

    Cuba as a better life expectancy than the US, lower child mortality rate and a better literacy rate than the US.

    There is no doubt that, communist or not, (and most people who use the word communist, use it as a term of abuse against anyone who isn't somewhere to the right of Attilla The Hun), the Cuban health system is one of the best in the world. As is their humanity which in many cases puts the so called 'First World' to shame. Even John Kerry probably wouldn't argue with that!


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  2. the 21 year old girl who drove the car that according to witnesses run a red light, claims she passed the light when it was still flashing orange.

    Anyone ever seen an orange light at this junction ? There's green and red , orange she must have seen flashing in her dreams. Maybe she was watching the orange background screen of her notebook-smartphone ? If she repeats her 'orange' sightings in front of court, I would give her jail time for sure

    She wasn't driving the car, she was the passenger. So you won't have to worry about giving her jail time. You can move on to your next case now, Judge Genius!

  3. Yes, leave it to our wonderful liberal Democrats to scatter information that should be in-house (even if true) all over the world and put Americans in danger.

    Those cobras would kill their own mothers to score a political point.

    The report was produced by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. If you care to educate yourself on the committee and its members, you can read up on it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence#Members.2C_113th_Congress

    You are aware that war crimes were committed here, right? The reason I'm asking is that it sounds like you would prefer that this was all covered up and forgotten about.

    The people who have put Americans in danger all over the world are members of the G W Bush administration, especially Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheyney and Condoleeza Rice, who are ultimately responsible for these war crimes, and various shadowy CIA type figures who did the dirty work, it would appear they did it with some relish too. 'Rectal feeding and re hydration', by the CIA's own accounts this was done for no medical reason but as a means of 'control'. Operatives boasted that they used the largest tubes available. Lets call this for what it is, ie, anal rape. People having limbs broken and then being made to stand on said broken limbs in stress positions for hours on end. But hey, that's OK, wasn't it Donald Rumsfeld who said something along the lines of, "Nothing cruel about having to stand all day, i spend most of my days on my feet" Ho ho, what a wag! I wonder what his position is on 'rectal feeding', has anyone had him round for dinner? The CIA's own accounting admits that more than 20% of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay were completely innocent of any crime, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, or handed over for money, or to settle personal scores. Kidnapped, hooded, shackled, flown illegally to American black sites all over the world. If this had been done to Westerners the usual suspects on here would be screaming from the rooftops, calling this(quite rightly), for what it is. TERRORISM. The powers that be responsible for these acts of terrorism must be held accountable, surely if we aspire to be morally superior to those we are waging war against that is not too much to ask. Sadly i think we all know this will never happen. By any definition what was done to these detainees, both the guilty and completely innocent, are serious war crimes. The fact that large swathes of American society, and especially the more right wing nutjobs on internet forums feel able to discuss this as if they were not war crimes, perfectly illustrates the depths of moral depravity to which they have sunk.

  4. I'll let others judge your behaviour after the post in question. It is clear that you are still promoting conspiracy theories, to me at least.

    Strangely, I don't care at all about my credibility in your eyes smile.png

    Yes I have friends on the island. Most divers who have lived in Thailand as long as I have also have friends there.

    A few posts ago another conspiracy theorist also mentioned having friends on the island.

    I think it is a bit rich thailandchilli going on about his integrity. Wasn't it him who posted a link to a story in the Daily Telegraph about two girls who were allegedly mugged on Koh Tao by a motorcycle gang a few days before the killings? Didn't he breathlessly inform us all that the two girls had been "Raped" and left on the beach? Even though the word "Raped" was never used in the article, there was no rape, it was an 'Alleged mugging'. Reading his posts he is clearly not dyslexic so he wouldn't have read the words 'Allegedly Mugged' as 'Raped'. It was clearly a lie, in an attempt to give some credence to his theories, and agitate the rest of the conspiracy theorists. An eagle eyed mod was on the ball and pointed out his 'Mistake' He ended the post by saying, "keep away from murder island' Very dramatic! Of course the Daily Telegraph is a pay per view site, i suspect he was banking on few, if any, posters reading it.

    Didn't I also apologize for making that mistake in my next post...........mistakes obviously affect integrity for you do they? Hope you don't make too many more then. Perhaps you should have read my apology just a couple of posts down

    Yes i did read your apology, after getting caught out by the moderator you clearly had no choice. But it still doesn't explain how you made such a mistake does it. Are you dyslexic? If not how could anyone possibly read the words 'Allegedly mugged' as 'Raped'. Obviously just a coincidence that the 'mistake' of posting the falsehood that two girls were raped when they weren't, conveniently gave credence to your 'theories'! Presumably you read the Telegraph link before posting it? Yet you chose to use the word 'Raped' when the word never appeared in the article. People are not stupid, just admit you tried it on and got caught out.

  5. I'll let others judge your behaviour after the post in question. It is clear that you are still promoting conspiracy theories, to me at least.

    Strangely, I don't care at all about my credibility in your eyes smile.png

    Yes I have friends on the island. Most divers who have lived in Thailand as long as I have also have friends there.

    A few posts ago another conspiracy theorist also mentioned having friends on the island.

    I think it is a bit rich thailandchilli going on about his integrity. Wasn't it him who posted a link to a story in the Daily Telegraph about two girls who were allegedly mugged on Koh Tao by a motorcycle gang a few days before the killings? Didn't he breathlessly inform us all that the two girls had been "Raped" and left on the beach? Even though the word "Raped" was never used in the article, there was no rape, it was an 'Alleged mugging'. Reading his posts he is clearly not dyslexic so he wouldn't have read the words 'Allegedly Mugged' as 'Raped'. It was clearly a lie, in an attempt to give some credence to his theories, and agitate the rest of the conspiracy theorists. An eagle eyed mod was on the ball and pointed out his 'Mistake' He ended the post by saying, "keep away from murder island' Very dramatic! Of course the Daily Telegraph is a pay per view site, i suspect he was banking on few, if any, posters reading it.

  6. Show me a country anywhere in the Middle East that launches military attacks on its neighbours without warning?

    Show me a country in the Middle East with an unstable government and nuclear missiles?


    Iran does not have nuclear missiles,and is not anywhere near having them. Even the CIA acknowledge that fact. And when did Iran launch an attack on it's neighbours without warning? Stop telling lies.

  7. I think the comment regarding Rickie Lambert is a bit unfair. It is a fact that last season he was the joint highest English goalscorer in the Premier League, just as lmportantly he was the joint second highest creator in the Premier league from open play, tied with David Silva. Lambert has consistently scored goals wherever he has been, he has proved his doubters wrong season after season, he has nothing to prove to anyone on that score. Given the chance he would score goals for Liverpool, but of course he won't score too many sat on his arse on the bench. ( Bringing him on for a 5 minute cameo at the end doesn't really count).

    Although Balotelli gets himself into some good goalscoring positions, when it comes to pulling the trigger he is hopeless. There is no doubt that Rickie Lambert would have buried many of the chances that have come Balotelli's way this season.

    I too think that the buck must stop with Rodgers, he is a weak link at the moment, surely Toure and Lucas should have kept their places after their performances at Real Madrid, otherwise what was the point of his 'experiment'. Rodgers hasn't got the cojones to drop Lovren, Balotelli and Gerrard, who have all been dire so far and are hopelessly out of form. I suppose given the money he spent on Lovren, and especially Balotelli, who it is rumoured is on 90 grand a week with his tax paid, he is desperate to be proved right. Sooner or later he will have to bite the bullet, this is his Kenny Dalgleish / Andy Carroll moment, and i fear it will all end the same way.

    As far as Rickie Lambert is concerned , I did not know he existed last season , but what I have seen of him since he arrived here he is absolutely awful , & so slow the exact opposite of what we were seeing last season , our attacking was built on Suarez` energy & movement & Sturridge & Sterlings pace , Rodgers replaces that with Lambert & Balotelli , the latter having the worst attitude of any player that has worn the red shirt .

    A bit of a strange thing to say, "didn't know Lambert existed last season". Do you only watch Liverpool.? He was the second highest English goalscorer, has scored goals consistently in the Premiership for a few seasons. You surely cannot make a fair judgement of his abilities this season because he has hardly played, spends most of his time warming the bench, He would certainly score goals if he was given the chance, but his game is not only about scoring goals, he is a proper footballer, a class act with a sublime touch for a big guy. I agree he is not the quickest, but that isn't everything. IMHO you are underrating him.

  8. I think the comment regarding Rickie Lambert is a bit unfair. It is a fact that last season he was the joint highest English goalscorer in the Premier League, just as lmportantly he was the joint second highest creator in the Premier league from open play, tied with David Silva. Lambert has consistently scored goals wherever he has been, he has proved his doubters wrong season after season, he has nothing to prove to anyone on that score. Given the chance he would score goals for Liverpool, but of course he won't score too many sat on his arse on the bench. ( Bringing him on for a 5 minute cameo at the end doesn't really count).

    Although Balotelli gets himself into some good goalscoring positions, when it comes to pulling the trigger he is hopeless. There is no doubt that Rickie Lambert would have buried many of the chances that have come Balotelli's way this season.

    I too think that the buck must stop with Rodgers, he is a weak link at the moment, surely Toure and Lucas should have kept their places after their performances at Real Madrid, otherwise what was the point of his 'experiment'. Rodgers hasn't got the cojones to drop Lovren, Balotelli and Gerrard, who have all been dire so far and are hopelessly out of form. I suppose given the money he spent on Lovren, and especially Balotelli, who it is rumoured is on 90 grand a week with his tax paid, he is desperate to be proved right. Sooner or later he will have to bite the bullet, this is his Kenny Dalgleish / Andy Carroll moment, and i fear it will all end the same way.

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  9. Dont particulary like to say or even think it, but AT THE MOMENT their form is fit for relegation( 2 loss's off it ) and if they were dragged into it could you see them pulling out of it ?with the current squads mentality Think there's more a chance. of us


    I honestly don't think you will get dragged into the relegation battle, but from what I've seen this season (every game) Spurs are just an 'average' team and will be for some time to come. There are no groups of players who have the ability to turn things around and make this team into anything better. Pochettino has the unenviable task in trying to achieve something with players that two previous managers failed. I don't feel sorry for him as I'm sure he knew that was his mission before he put pen to paper, but the bottom line is that squad just isn't good enough and I fear that's all he will have to work with unless he has a few aces up his sleeve.

    Pochettino quoted today in "El Pais" as saying that drinking beer is a national sport in England. Laying the groundwork for an eventual return to Spain ? You have to wonder.coffee1.gif

    Any Spurs supporters who think they will be shown any loyalty by Pochettino are going to be sadly disappointed, he is a treacherous little weasel. Last season he kept giving assurances right up to the end of the season in May that, "i will make a decision about my future at the end of the season". Then after a tip off and some investigations by the Southern Evening Echo it emerged that in fact he had agreed to join Tottenham in March. So all the bullcrap assurances about deciding his future at the end of the season were just that, bullcrap. That combined with his clear attempts to destabilise The Saints by trying to recruit their players for Tottenham on the quiet, well before the end of last season and before any transfer season had opened means that any goodwill he may have had for the work he did at St Marys has evaporated. He used Southampton as a stepping stone for what he considered bigger things, and we Saints supporters can be forgiven for finding the current unrest at Tottenham highly amusing. A poster last season, i think it may have been Chicog, wondered out loud whether Pochettino may just be a one season wonder, despite Southampton at the time playing above anyone's expectations. That comment is now looking very perceptive. The problem with Pochettino is that he has no plan B. And certainly loyalty is not part of his vocabulary.

  10. 'I shot him!', 'No, I shot him'... well if you can't agree amongst yourselves the neither of you shot him, fair?

    Exactly. Hard to believe that such a so called elite team would publicly behave in such a school playground way. Somehow i can't imagine the SAS allowing themselves to be portrayed in such an undignified, childish, and undisciplined manner.

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  11. It's never nice to hear of someone going bankrupt but nowadays it's the easy option for people to avoid paying bills to honest businesses they had debt with. A mate of mine was owed thousands by someone who went bankrupt in order to not pay bills. The guy who owed the money had a £600k house but it couldn't be touched cos it was conveniently in his wifes name.

    I no longer feel too sorry for those who have gone bankrupt but feel more sympathy for the people they have left debt's with. I bet all the money raised from the sell off of James memorabilia, doesn't go to the victims.

    He was abit of victim himself yer old honey trap a money grabbing ex bird took 50% of his earnings a while back ´cos he got rich and famous after he met her!

    Still no sympathy he could have set himself up for life with his earnings from Liverpool alone - even if some ex took half of it!

    Very few prof sportsmen these days have the nous of Robbie Fowler who invested a lot of his money in property and his doing rather nicely outside of football.

    Apparently his ex missus took 2 million quid, his earnings were over 20 million quid during his career. Difficult to have much sympathy for him.

  12. Inquiry has collapsed again. Fiona Woolf has resigned as head of the inquiry.


    So that's twice. Where is this going?

    Simon Danczuk rightly making a lot of noise about it. Tom Watson as well.


    I think this inquiry needs to be led by Mike Mansfield QC.

    Most right thinking people would agree with that, Michael Mansfield is the obvious choice. But it will never happen. The last thing the British government want is for the truth to come out, people at the very top of British society are being protected here, that is why the likes of Fiona Woolf and her predecessor were appointed, a safe pair of hands who could be relied upon to make sure the people in the higher echelons of British society who have been abusing vulnerable children on an industrial scale for decades would be protected. It beggars belief that Theresa May, the Home Secretary would expect people to accept Fiona Woolf as the head of this inquiry, given her close friendship with Leon Brittan, the ex Home Secretary in the Thatcher government who is implicated in serious crimes against children and the cover up. Just google 'Leon Brittan' and judge for yourselves. William Hague has many questions to answer too, both regarding his role in the Brittan affair, and the cover up of the abuse at the North Wales children's homes when he was Welsh Secretary. No wonder he suddenly resigned as Foreign Secretary recently! This is a massive criminal scandal that the powers that be in the UK government are desperately trying to keep a lid on, involving ex Prime Ministers, Cabinet ministers, even members of the British Royals. But drip by drip the truth is emerging, and when the full horrors of what has been going on are revealed it will shake the UK to it's foundations. This is why People like Fiona Woolf and Lady Butler - Sloss were appointed, to stop this coming out. The contempt shown to the victims of this abuse by Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is simply staggering.


    " I am not part of the 'Establishment' says Lord Mayor of London" cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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  13. Once again its the foreign tourist fault.

    We must by reading different articles. There was no such implication. I do not think anyone would be dumb enough to construe citing lack of business as an ill accusation against foreigners

    I do not think anyone would be dumb enough to construe citing lack of business as an ill accusation against foreigners"

    Mango Bob and CHdiver clearly would be!

  14. So, three pages in and we still don't know if the perpetrator was an Islamist. Does anybody know?

    If it is the same indicident, the Daily Mail names the killer of Patricia Ward as David Ward, allegedly with :

    ...............a 'criminal history and psychiatric problems spanning a decade.

    Source - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2812022/Man-beheaded-woman-threw-train.html

    Currently no known connection with Islam or carried out for political reasons, but both seem unlikely right now.

    Oh dear, if that report is true there will be some unhappy posters on here today!

  15. Methinks this is merely part of the dog and pony show to try to confirm no corruption.

    To an intelligent person, this retest will mean nothing unless it is done completely without any assistance of the Thai authorities, and I mean ALL Thai authorities.


    To an intelligent person, this retest will mean nothing unless it is done completely without any assistance of the Thai authorities, and I mean ALL Thai authorities"

    Well, after reading some of your hysterical and silly Thai bashing posts that probably rules you out!

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