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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. Wikipedia has interesting facts on Mr Abramovich and his rise to power.Well worth a look.

    It illustrates that the FA's supervision and policy, on people being the "right and proper person" to own a club, which is part of English football history, a continuing joke.

    Thaksin previously owning City, another example that if you've got the money every bit of morality goes out the window.

    Regarding the FA's 'Right and proper person' test, they only ask two questions. Do you have lots of money? Can we have some of it?

  2. This is a very sad situation. As much as people feel this inmate need to blame the West or vent about perceived western policies, this situation has very little to do with the West.

    This situation is comparable to US trying to force Mexican immigrants in Texas to speak Eglish and live by US customs, them getting pissed off, creating a conflict and Meixico stepping in and taking over Texas so Mexicans don't have to speak English.

    Western Ukrainians are extremely upset, angry and feel violated. We have friends from Crimea, however, and they are okay with the annexation as they resented Ukrainanians for trying to force them to speak Ukranian and live as Ukranians.

    Russian family and friends once defensive of Putin's response in Crimea are now in utter disbelief were this heading. Now, I hear zero blame toward US from them which was not the case when this started. I hear only fear regarding where this is heading and sadness by how devisive this has been between Russians and Ukranians that once considered themselves like brothers and sisters.

    I don't hear this blame the West stuff from either Western or Eastern Ukranians. These issues in Ukraine have been brewing for some time and the poor economic conditions have played a role in feeding the social issues.

    This silly blame the West stuff comes from people with their own set of personal issues regarding the West that feel the need to blame the West for anything and everything.

    It is not a case of "silly blame the West stuff". Not once in your posts on this topic have you addressed the leaked pone call between Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador, or her speech in December standing in front of a Chevron banner in which she clearly states that the US have invested $5billion in bringing 'democracy' to Ukraine. This clearly shows that the US was deeply involved in the destabilisation and the overthrow of the legal, elected government in Ukraine. You just choose to ignore this because it is inconvenient. Today we have the announcement from NATO that they are going to increase their presence and increase their military capabilities right up to Russia's doorstep, in clear breech of the promises made to Gorbachev at the end of the cold war.The Russian response to this is entirely predictable, how would the US react if the boot was on the other foot and Russia 'invested' $5billion in say Mexico or a central American country, in an opposition group that was clearly hostile to US interests. To just ignore this and pretend that the US is entirely blameless for the present crisis in the Ukraine is at best naive, or at worst downright dishonest. And if you really believe that people in the Ukraine, especially in the South and East are not blaming the West for this you are in cloud cuckoo land. People are not stupid, thanks to the social media they can see what is going on, millions of people around the world will have seen the Nuland speech, and heard the phone call, which is why this survey in London would get the same results if repeated in cities all over the world. Again, people are not stupid. Presumably you believe that the $5billion was spent on the arts in Ukraine, and CIA director John Brennan just dropped in to check out the local beer!

    No matter what the topic, you are one of those that speak from a deep disdain on US or West policy even when it comes to the indefensible such as dear leader from North Korea.

    Flattering for you to presuppose that US or West has such vast influence, but West does not. The issues in Ukraine are very deep seeded issues in place long before any perceived Western involvement.

    Again, about half of our social network in two different states in which we live is Ukrainians from both West and East. There is a very large Eastern European community in our home town in Florida and it is size able here in Nashville.

    Western Ukrainians tension is with Russia. They don't blame the West.

    Eastern Ukrainians that identify themselves as Russians tension is with ethnic and Eastern Ukrainians. They don't blame the West.

    Only Putin, sensational media sources, and those with issues toward the US are still playing the blame the West card. It is a very convenient distraction.

    I am fully aware of US's short comings and will gladly bash US when and where it is due. This is just not one of those times.

    I have NEVER posted in support of the leader of North Korea, that is untrue, very sad to see someone reduced to such tactics to try and discredit an opposing argument to your own. Again i note that you refuse to acknowledge the speech by Nuland, and the leaked phone call which both clearly demonstrate that the US has been at the forefront in deposing a legal elected government, and their role in imposing an unelected friendly puppet regime in its place. Why is this? Do you really believe that this clear evidence of US involvement is irrelevant to the situation there? It is not a case of US bashing, it is a case of pointing out obvious facts to counterbalance the clear bias of the Western media, and the constant vilification of Russia. Just because these facts are extremely inconvenient to your one sided view of the Ukranian crisis, you choose to ignore them and never factor them in to your arguments. You must have watched the Nuland speech and heard the transcript of the phone call, but you just seem to close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and ignore, just like the so called free press in the West. Can you point me to one instance when any of the main stream media have asked Obama or Kerry about this? Of course not because when it comes down to it they all sing from the same hymn sheet. And your argument that only Putin, sensational media sources and those with issues toward the US are blaming the the West, and that the people of Eastern Ukraine are not, is quite frankly laughable. The people of Eastern Ukraine want nothing to do with this Western imposed, illegal regime in Kiev, they have made that quite clear, they want out. Likewise it is becoming increasingly clear that the Ukranian military feel the same way. And who could blame them. Twenty per cent of the ministries in Ukraine under the new regime are in the control of very unsavoury people who are open supporters of the Nazi ideology. Victoria Nuland and John McCain shared platforms with them in the weeks leading up to the coup. Just as in Syria the people running US foreign policy are not fussy who they climb into bed with just as long as it suits their interests. The ends justify the means.

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  3. I don't think he's the one using them because he has no motive to do-so. these gas weapons have no strategic value. He has heavy artillery and an air force; if he needs to create mass-destruction in a specific area where rebels are dug in-that is the better way to do it.. if he uses gas, the rebels can just put on gas masks.

    The rebels stand to gain alot everytime gas is used, they can use the issue to get more weapons from their backers or they can accuse the government of using them and lobby for us airstrikes as 'punishment'.

    Every time gas is used .. it's when the rebels seem to be desperate, Assad's government has been making battlefield gains, so why would he need to use this type of weapon?

    Look no further than Turkey. The Western MSM recently made a big splash about Erdogan banning access to Youtube, but were all curiously reticent about the reason why! Turkey of course is a NATO member, albeit a relatively recent and junior one, in Hells Angels parlance they are akin to 'Prospects'! Doing the 'Big Boys' bidding. There is no way they would have independently planned false flag attacks from Syria without getting 'the nod' from NATO's leading 'Chapter'.



  4. Actually with all the translations/interpretations out there now and one of the mildest being this from one of many the other sources...

    ..." Suthep said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was ready to step in as soon as the judicial axe falls on the current cabinet. “Once we become the sovereign, we’ll seize the assets of the of the Shinawatra family members. We won’t allow them to go abroad. They will need to report to us,” he declared. “We will appoint the prime minister of the people and submit the name to His Majesty, to be countersigned by me.”

    I don't think Surapong is overstating anything...and I think it is quite clear to the world that Suthep jumped the shark long ago...

    It is clear that “demagogue” is an accurate description for Suthep.

    Would love to be the fly on the wall at Democrat think tank now.....

    Actually, that is not a translation from a neutral source. That is a translation from Khaosod which is a copy and paste from their actual news report.

    So you claim it to be a 'mild' translation do you?..... by a Thaksin funded propaganda rag?????

    Please tell us why ALL the red farang have to lie to form a comment?

    Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?

    You should be banned from the forum.

    Whoopers my wife translated it as well but by all means go out and get beer and food no I did not use the Khaosod translation a thai one and the word medium was interpreted as sovereign and your claim that all I do on here is lie is in fact a lie so go get your beer you are a quart or two low... you considering yourself a debater is as far fetched as as can be you are at best an apprentice bater...... catch my drift...? all you do is slam people and rant and rave whilst licking your Suthep lollipop and drinking your Jim Jones Kool Aid...for gawd sakes man go get your beer!

    To be honest you have to laugh. Here is a poster who has been banned at least twenty times since December, yet just ignores this and signs straight back up under another user name thereby making a mockery of the forum rules, calling for other posters to be banned from the forum! Hahaha. "Are you all totally incapable of debate without resorting to lies and fact twisting?". This is a bit rich coming from someone who a day or so ago on another thread stated that Ms Yingluck was now on a par with PolPot, a genocidal dictator who slaughtered an estimated 2.5 million of his fellow countrymen for no other reason than that they were educated. An absolutely disgusting assertion to make, which amazingly the mods saw fit to allow to stand! Woopydoo is clearly not the full shilling, and perhaps it is probably making a mistake by engaging with him.

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  5. Russia recalls ambassador to NATO amid Ukraine tensions

    Kiev, Ukraine (CNN) -- Russia recalled its ambassador to NATO for consultations Thursday, two days after NATO member countries suspended cooperation with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media reported.

    Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich will return to Moscow in light of NATO's actions, official news agency ITAR-Tass said, citing Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov's remarks to journalists.

    "The policy of (deliberately) whipping up tensions is not our choice. Nonetheless, we see no possibility to continue military cooperation with NATO in a routine regime," Antonov is quoted as saying.



    Could anyone explain to me why the USA would, by their own admission, 'invest' $5 billion dollars over several years to destabalise a democratically elected government on a continent thousands of miles away, which was clearly in the Russian sphere of influence, resulting in a violent coup replacing said government with a hand picked non elected USA friendly government, and expect Russia to just shrug their shoulders and accept it? Seems a bit naive to me!

  6. Something about today's match with Southampton, but also something for long time City supporters like Jack:


    That brings back some memories Jellydog. I was a regular at the Dell from 1976 until 1987 when i moved to Wales. Ivan Golac was a very popular player with the Saints fans, he was a great footballer who loved to get forward and was very exciting to watch. We did have some very entertaining players back then, Lawrie Mac had an uncanny ability to take household name footballers who were maybe considered past their best, also possibly considered a bit of a handful discipline wise, and get the best out of them. Charlie George, Peter Osgood, (breathtaking skills if he was up for it), Frank Worthington,(My and many peoples particular favourite), Alan Ball of course, Mike Channon who is rightly a legend in Southampton. Maybe we didn't win too much, apart from 1976, but how they entertained us. It has to be said that they were all partial to a drink or two, and straight after training they all piled into a mini bus for an afternoon at the races. Different days back then. Who can forget Ossie in the early hours of the morning after the Cup Final, 'mislaying' the FA Cup,( he left it in a burger shop on Shirley High Street!). Frank Worthington quickly achieved cult status at The Dell, he was adored and everyone was devastated when Lawrie sacked him on the spot and sent him home on the Saturday morning of a game away at Stoke. It transpired that during his rounds of the players hotel rooms at midnight on the eve of the game to make sure they were all tucked in, Frank was indeed tucked in, with two ladies! Although McMenemy treated them as adults and gave them a certain amount of leeway, he could be a strong disciplinarian and is a devout catholic. He said afterwards that it broke his heart to get rid of Frank, but he had no choice given the circumstances, he felt his authority would be compromised if he let it go, and i suppose he was right. Those were the days!

  7. I'd like to tell you what I do with my money when out and about in these areas, but then the pickpockets would know where to look thumbsup.gif

    There are some signs in the market warning people to be aware of pickpockets, so it is clearly a problem there. Many years ago i had a mate who had a clothes stall in Petticoat Lane in London, where there was a big problem with professional pickpockets, there were signs everywhere warning people. He gave me some interesting and sound logical advice. Apparently it was common knowledge that the professionals hung around near these signs, human nature being what it is shoppers upon reading one of these signs would automatically check the pocket that the wallet was in to reassure themselves. Then of course a pickpocket knew exactly which pocket to go for, his or her job was made a lot easier. It is advice i have never forgotten when shopping in a crowded place.

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  8. I know a Thai lady who converted to Christianity--- early one Sunday morning in her village--there was about 2 hrs of "chatter " coming from loudspeakers somewhere -when asked what was all that about--she said -- and I quote---

    That's the Temple telling everyone -- who - and how many baht they give to Temple this time---now you know why I want Christian blink.png

    anyone else heard these " announcements" ? wai2.gif

    Yes, and I got a very good explanation from an English speaking monk.....they publicize who gives what so that there is no question how much money was donated and where it was going to be spent, unlike "missing" funds in so many other religions that will go unnamed. No one person is left to handle the funds either. In some villages, the phuyai baan handles it with others signing receipts and treasury reports with him. No one can be accused of mishandling the funds.

    And, yes, Buddhism and Christianity can co-exist in a person's life. It is between the practitioner and whichever deity he or she believes in come Judgement Day. It is not up to us to decide who is right or wrong. I find those that protest the most seem to be unsure of their own beliefs when they want to alter someone else's....just my two-cents worth.

    That's two cents well spent luangtom --Thanks for detailing more info on my "early morning call " thumbsup.gif

    Mishandling of monastery funds is rife in Thailand as is stealing, corruption and nepositism and abuse of funds and monastery property.

    At the temple I was at a brand new 4WD car was purchased for the "Monastery" with the abbot being driven around with an employed driver - who was a family member. One monk stole 200,000B and ran off, unnecssary building works done - to employ friends, monastery property given to family members etc. etc.

    A brand new 4WD car? Small change! This guy could teach the Thai monasteries a thing or two about abuse of funds and corruption. They are not in the same league as some religious organizations in The West.


  9. I believe a referendum should be put out to the people to decide if reform before election or reform after election so they can all stop bickering like noisy zoo animals.


    I guarantee that reforms before elections will be voted for by a huge majority. Even the PT voters want reforms.

    Reforms must be put in place without ANY involvement from politicians, ministers or anyone connected in any way with any political movement either official or unofficial. Attempting to influence reforms to favour any particular sector of people to result in hefty and immediate prosecution.

    If these are to be truly reforms for the people, no politician can have any word on it.... period.

    Pushing for snap elections is not the way forward... One would have thought that PTP should have learned their lesson on that one. They seem to want to deliberately steer the next election into the same crapper as the last one, so they can blame everyone other than themselves for being undemocratic.

    Give it a rest Nibbles. You "guaranteed" back in January, (i forget which name you were using then, it's hard to keep up), that the government would be history in a couple of weeks, and Suthep would have a glorious victory. Apparently you knew this because your Thai wife and all her family who are senior policemen were all once ardent red shirt supporters, but had now miraculously seen the light and were now ardent Suthep supporters told you so! Yet here you are in April, a couple of dozen user names later still issuing "guarantees", about things that you clearly have no knowledge of. You know as much as the rest of us how this whole saga will pan out, which is absolutely nothing, zilch!

  10. How many times have we seen these posts on this forum? Why on earth would anybody come to a foreign country, where they have NO rights, meet a girl in a bar or wherever, and buy a house in her name, knowing that they have NO legal claim on this house? There are so many people here who are at the mercy of these girls, 'ah but mine is different, she really loves me etc etc' This is nonsense. Would they do this back in their home country? Meet a girl, get their <deleted> sucked for the first time in twenty years, and then buy her a house? In her name? Probably a girl who is half their age? Thinking they will live happily ever after? Because she really loves me? Of course not, absolutely laughable. Nobody really knows the history of these girls, despite what they may think. A little anecdote. A few months ago i was invited to an engagement party, an American in his fifties, i didn't know him, a nice guy who was sitting proudly with his new love, a few of us were sat round on the sofa at my friends house( who was hosting the party). In a very loud voice he was telling everybody in earshot that she had never worked in a bar, was going back to the USA with him etc etc. I asked him very politely where he had met her, he said she was buying a telephone and he got chatting to her. Probably about half a dozen times he repeatedly said he was so lucky because she had never worked in a bar. Anyone could see that she was so embarrassed when he kept repeating this, totally humiliated. She shot me a few helpless looks with an almost pleading look on her face. She was a really nice lady. I know this for a fact because i had bar fined her on a few occasions a year or so previously! Of course i didn't let on, i am a gentleman! But it just goes to show how easily it is to believe something you want to believe over here. Despite all this 'mine is different' nonsense', nobody really knows!

    Now i am just generalising.......you know the girl....the 55 yr old guy is now married under false, naive maybe, perceptions....when later he gets scammed emotionally and/or financially.....well....shit happens....i am happy i do not know you.

    Well to be honest i am happy i don't know you. The girl was not a friend, she was someone i had a few short liasons with a year or so previously. What did you expect me to do, inform him in front of everybody that she had once been a hooker? At his engagement party? I bet you wouldn't have done, despite your self righteous twaddle. Maybe they are really happy back in America. Who knows? I hope so. He was a grown man, a Thailand veteran. Judging by your response i would imagine you are a tad naive, ripe for the taking i would guess! False perceptions? Perlease!

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