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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. Poor old deluded Bungalow nights. He with the picture of of the fragrant Miss Yingluck as his avatar. I hope he has shares in kleenex, he must have got through a few boxes in the past few weeks! Does he really believe what he is posting here? Is he a Thai or a Falang? My guess is a Falang who is being pussy whipped by his red shirt wife/ girlfriend. Whatever, maybe he should look at his dictionary,( if he has one), look up the word 'Gullible', then go and look in the mirror!. All will then become clear. Maybe!

  2. Good to see this 50 year old classic turbo prop is still going strong. The "Bear" has outlived, unfortunately, the "Lightning" which was the UK's number 1 interceptor back in the 60's. They used to have daily probes and pilots wave to each other before going home. Very alarmist reporting as they are not bombing the living daylights out of civilians (or allies in the case of the USAF) in other countries.

    The USAF is not targeting civilians. This is different from the Russian air activities in Chechnya and most recently in Georgia which did target civilian areas. Nice try.

    "The USAF is not targeting civilians". But when they are firing missiles from unmanned drones 3 miles up, knowing that the likely result is the deaths of innocent civilians, which happens time and time again, it amounts to the same thing. The bravery of being out of range.

  3. dont be a drama queen.

    something tells me you will have trouble accepting the will of the people.

    hope you have started packing your bags...

    I really enjoy your contribution on this forum.

    I have a minor challenge for you, as this is not yet clear to me.

    Why are you so supportive of miss Yingluck. What is it in her, or her policies that attract you so much?

    Do you dare to reply?

    you've missed the point

    its not miss Yingluck I support, its the Thai people and their right for self determination that I support.

    "Its not Miss Yingluck i support" Presumably thats why you have a picture of her as your avatar! The bottom line is this. As visitors in this country the upcoming election is none of our business. Up to them! You remind me of those sad falangs who were making speeches on the stage at the red shirt rallies in Bangkok. Trying to ingratiate yourself with the working class Thais by pretending that you are one of them. Well i have news for you, you are not and never will be. They will be laughing behind their hands at you. 'Stupid Falang' Wise up <deleted>.

  4. President Barack Hussein Obama the Capitulator will go down in history with Neville Chamberlain the appeaser of fascist Germany.

    Put him out with the rubbish in 2012! :bah:

    Just come onto this thread. Lets address the elephant in the room Ulysses. There is a black man in the white house, get over it! Barack HUSSAIN Obama? What point are are you trying to make? You sound like your hero Glenn Beck. "Put him out with the rubbish' That remark says far more about you than it does about Barack Obama. Shame on you. Any opinion you have on this topic is rendered irrelevant now that we all know where you are coming from. :bah: Indeed.

  5. Dont know if this is allowed on here, but if you have a computer go to: MyP2P.eu. Click on live sports, then click on football. I have just checked, the match is on there tonight. Hope this is of some help.


  6. I particularly enjoyed this little gem from this otherwise spectacularly pisspoor article.

    'Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a "writer", imagining himself a Bukowski or a Hunter S thompson.'

    HaHa. Oh dear Mr Waites, irony is obviously not one of your strong points is it?

  7. Although your a fool if you shop anywhere else besides Makro.

    You're the fool to consider others fools who don't shop where you like to shop.

    I have absolutely no interest in shopping at Makro. It's just not my kind of store to suit my shopping habits - small amounts of food to last a few days. If I lived 100 miles from a supermarket and had to shop for a family for a month that would be my choice.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    If you want to spend 100% more on groceries, go ahead shop where you like. If you have a fridge, shop at Makro. We'll see whose the fool, Caveat Emperor!

    Caveat Emperor? And Erudite is a glue, right?

  8. I maybe gullible but the guy second to the left in the photo is Neils Colov. Unless this photo is a forgery this is no "April Fools" day joke. On a more serious note it will be interesting to see how the members of the "Pattays Expats Club" for which he is president will react. For me this can only generate contempt. In one word "unbelievable" !!!!

    Sadly, his sycophantic groupies at the ex pat club will probably be lining up in the car park of The Grand Sole Hotel on Sunday morning to give him a guard of honour, followed by a standing ovation when he walks into the meeting room. Barry Upton is probably composing a tribute song as we speak!

  9. Many guilty men are walking free.


    The Vatican's hands are far from clean on this subject. Many of the very worst nazi war criminals were given assistance to help them evade capture at the end of the war. Some even escaped to South America on vatican issued false passports.

    Correct, and if you had the brains you were even helped to "escape" to the US and Russia like so many scientists who normally would have been taken to court in Nürnberg after WWII for their role in developing weapons, rockets and other dangerous stuff, used against the liberators and killing millions of people.....<_<

    There are so many dirty hands in any war that it's difficult to decide after a war WHO was to blame; look at Mubarak who was always protected by the West since he was he stabilizing factor in the Middle East and now he's in jail, including his wife and sons.

    The world is hypocrite and opportunistic and ready to condemn others when the opportunity knocks on their door when a fellow friend/criminal is no longer needed.


    You are certainly correct about that. Nazi scientists were instrumental in the success of the Russian and American space programs. Probably would never have put a man on the moon without their expertise. One of the reasons why it is difficult to know the truth about who did what in war, is that the history is written by the winners. The first AND last casualty of war is the truth.

  10. Porn found in bin Laden hideout, officials say

    Fairly extensive collection consists of modern, electronically recorded video

    He had a lot of American junk food as well.

    Does Allah know he is kicking back watching porn with a bag of chips and coke all while watching his color TV by remote. Hand down his pants scratching his nuts( not sure if he does that with his right or left hand so it may not be him), you know the gig. So this guy murders thousands in the name of the KORAN or Allah, has committed or been in charge of more plots since, and when we track him down the argument is to read him his rights? Ten years and hundreds of millions spent, another 10 years for a trial.

    We have a breed of terrier in the states called a Pitt Bull. When bred improperly and not handled correctly they can become vicious. There have been on occasion tragedies that occur when they are not pinned properly and people die. We dont try to catch them once they have committed the atrocity, we kill it as it might escape during capture killing more people.The dog that was Osama has been put down with a precision strike. Not by one of those bunker busters that would have leveled the town but by a bullet. Thus saving civilian casualties.

    I do understand the argument that we are better than that and all that but COME ON MAN! The seals did not know if a hundred jihadists were going to jump out at any moment and the goal was to get Bin Laden. They did.

    This is fantastic news! The hypocrisy of this nihilistic death cult is there for all to see. 'A lion of Islam' As Meshaal the Hamas leader called him. My morbid curiousity would like to know what sort of porn he had a predeliction for but I suspect I know the answer - watch Fitna II when it's released if you need a hint. :D

    Well i for one will not believe this story until pictures of the porn are released! And electronically recorded videos are released on youtube! In fact i insist on it!:)

    Apparently all you can see are 2 humps and a camel toe, sorry.whistling.gif

    Heh heh. Not 72 virgins indulging in non penetrative action then? Oh dear, what a disappointment.:(

  11. Russia has a naval base in Syria i believe. The US fifth fleet is stationed in Bahrain. Obviously a gentlemens agreement has been made. The innocent citizens who are being slaughtered in cold blood come a very poor second to the global interests of superpowers. There for humanitarian reasons? Dont make me laugh. As i said before, when it comes to hypocrisy, they are all as bad as each other.

  12. Many guilty men are walking free.


    The Vatican's hands are far from clean on this subject. Many of the very worst nazi war criminals were given assistance to help them evade capture at the end of the war. Some even escaped to South America on vatican issued false passports.

  13. Porn found in bin Laden hideout, officials say

    Fairly extensive collection consists of modern, electronically recorded video

    He had a lot of American junk food as well.

    Does Allah know he is kicking back watching porn with a bag of chips and coke all while watching his color TV by remote. Hand down his pants scratching his nuts( not sure if he does that with his right or left hand so it may not be him), you know the gig. So this guy murders thousands in the name of the KORAN or Allah, has committed or been in charge of more plots since, and when we track him down the argument is to read him his rights? Ten years and hundreds of millions spent, another 10 years for a trial.

    We have a breed of terrier in the states called a Pitt Bull. When bred improperly and not handled correctly they can become vicious. There have been on occasion tragedies that occur when they are not pinned properly and people die. We dont try to catch them once they have committed the atrocity, we kill it as it might escape during capture killing more people.The dog that was Osama has been put down with a precision strike. Not by one of those bunker busters that would have leveled the town but by a bullet. Thus saving civilian casualties.

    I do understand the argument that we are better than that and all that but COME ON MAN! The seals did not know if a hundred jihadists were going to jump out at any moment and the goal was to get Bin Laden. They did.

    This is fantastic news! The hypocrisy of this nihilistic death cult is there for all to see. 'A lion of Islam' As Meshaal the Hamas leader called him. My morbid curiousity would like to know what sort of porn he had a predeliction for but I suspect I know the answer - watch Fitna II when it's released if you need a hint. :D

    Well i for one will not believe this story until pictures of the porn are released! And electronically recorded videos are released on youtube! In fact i insist on it!:)

  14. I am somewhat surprised at Iran being silent over the matter.

    With all the noise Iran made in Bahrain, one would think they would say something about Syria and yet total silence, unless of course i missed it

    I am somewhat surprised at the deafening silence from the US and the west in general over the killing of civilian protesters in Bahrain. Maybe the fact that the 5th fleet are stationed there could have something to do with it. Perhaps the murdering despots ruling Bahrain are GOOD despots. Iran does not have the monopoly on hypocrisy however much you would like us to think so. Everybody is as bad as each other when it comes to policy in the Middle East.

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace". Jimi Hendrix. Now pass me that spliff!:rolleyes:

  15. Bin Laden sons wonder why their father didn't get a trial

    Omar bin Laden issued a statement Tuesday on behalf of the bin Laden family questioning why his father didn't receive a court trial like Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milošević.

    Assertions from Osama bin Laden's family that the killing of the Al Qaeda leader was illegal have been dismissed by the White House.

    "Are you kidding?" said Vice President Joe Biden when asked Tuesday about the family's calls for international bodies to investigate the legality of the assassination.

    In fact, the family is serious.

    International law has been "blatantly violated" and the US has set a very different example than "innocent until proven guilty" – a right upon which "western society is built," wrote Omar bin Laden, one of the 9/11 mastermind's 19 children, in a statement provided to the New York Times. He cited the trials for former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević and asked why his father was not given the same opportunity to defend himself.



    Considering Al-Qaeda sought to bring down western civilisation and replace it with a global caliphate I think it only fitting that Bin Laden was not given a trial, that's a western construct and thus inapplicable to what he tried to destroy. I wonder whether the legal beagle pinkos have considered whether any of Al-Qaeda's civilian victims ever received a trial of any sort, nope thought not. :angry:

    Did you really just refer to "pinkos"? Man, I hope that was meant to be ironic but it's even funnier f it wasn't.

    Your argument is weak:

    1) We don't adhere to ObL standards, we adhere to our own principles and they are supposed to be inviolate and that which we can be proud of. The "western construct" you speak of isn't supposed to only valid when we want to be. Besides, with all due respect, this sentence doesn't even make sense:

    that's a western construct and thus inapplicable to what he tried to destroy.

    The "western construct" (concept of a trial) isn't applicable to western civilization?

    2) We don't give trials to people only when they give trials to their victims. Obviously. It's ridiculous to suggest that should be a reason to deny a trial.

    You make some excellent points SJ. Any reasonable person will agree that the world without Bin Laden in it is a much better place But he should have been captured and put on trial. Its a simple point. Are we gangsters like AL Qaida or a western democracy based on the rule of law. He was unarmed and could easily have been captured alive if Obama had so wished. The way he was dealt with undermines any commitment to democracy and trial by jury, and makes Obama look like some kind of mobster. The Us attorney general stated today that OBL was not assassinated even though it is plainly obvious that he was. Just have the balls to admit it, and stop treating the public like morons by stating that 'black is white', and assuming that we are dumb enough to believe him. Of course there will always be people who are quite happy to be treated as sheep and believe that 'black is white', 'might is right' especially where brown skinned Arabs are concerned. There are more than one or two on this thread. But after reading some of their posts on this and similar topics, it is quite obvious that they are capable of believing six impossible things before breakfast.

  16. Back in California, Starbuck had beagles, cream cheese and smoked

    salmon ... That always made it worth going there ... but in this hot climate,

    I don't lust for a coffee that much.

    Price wise, if I remember correctly, they have always been "overpriced".

    But I guess back home nobody really thinks that way ...



    Reckon you must have wandered into a Korean restaurant by mistake!:unsure: I am also a fan of Benjamit. Sometimes difficult to get a seat on market days. Great coffee, really friendly efficient staff, newspapers etc. Their iced coffee at 40 baht is a steal.

  17. Never knew the guy, but reading the posts here from those who did, he was clearly a top man. What a truly awful thing to have happened, especially given the circumstances of his trip to kanchanaburi. According to the national press this morning the truck had been pulled over outside a gas station to allow the Australian Consul's motorcade to pass through unhindered. The minivan with the two Aussie passengers was behind the motorcade when the truck pulled back out and a collision occured. Wonder if the Australian Consul's party was aware of the tragedy which unfolded behind them. RIP.

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