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Posts posted by Exsexyman

  1. It's a war situation. No surprise that some posters here are siding with the radical Islamic fundamentalist state of Iran. I think its valid that different sides are represented. I am amused that you seem to think Zionism (Jewish nationalism) is a dirty word. Is Palestinian nationalism also dirty? Thai nationalism?

    Thailand isn't at war with Iran.

    Correct. What's your point?

    If you are trying to sell that silliness that a Hezbollah attack IN Thailand against Jews and westerners is the same thing as an attack ON Thailand, that simply defies logic.

    What Hezbollah attack IN Thailand against Jews and Westerners? Its all in your head.
    • Like 2
  2. We don't know what heads might have rolled within other branches of the government, but in this case, the military, and particularly the Army Reserve and National Guard, took the brunt of the public witch-burning.

    What we do know is this....Things like water boarding is facts...Yet after WWII the USA hung Japanese that used the same technique on American prisoners.

    As far as I know yes maybe a few heads rolled figuratively but none were dealt with in the same way or with the same gusto that the Japanese who performed such crimes were.

    I also do not agree with you saying the Military took the brunt of it.

    It does not matter if the CIA, Military or funny little guys with accents provided the torture...It happened under our watch in our prisons.

    So it is not the Military that took the brunt of it............No Sir...............It was AMERICA &

    We The People resent it

    You can no more separate the military or the CIA etc from the body that is America. These goons are acting in our name & on our dime.

    They are still OUR employees. As such it is us/America that takes the brunt of it in the eyes of the world.

    What once was respected is no longer respected......What we once executed others for we now condone.

    There is no point in debating pissing versus some other form of disgusting behavior.... It is bad & not representative

    of a once great Nation period.

    Great post and well said, though it won't be liked.

    Lose the ideals and lose the war.............

    Oh it will be liked by those of us who have open minds, and not tunnel vision! But sadly in the minds of some, criticism of army personnel abusing human beings, dead or alive, in a disgusting way is of course, "Making a mountain out of a molehill"!
    • Like 1
  3. "Urinating on a dead body=lack of respect".

    Imagine the uproar from the likes of UllyssesG if it were Taliban fighters urinating on the bodies of dead US soldiers. Dont think he would confine his comments to "It was stupid".

    Well you are wrong as usual. I could care less if they urinate on dead enemy soldiers in the middle of a war. Drilling a guy to death or cutting someone's head off when they are alive is the kind of thing that gets my goat.

    Wrong as usual? I doubt it somehow. Surely the important point about this, ie abuse of prisoners or whatever, is that it must give great support and comfort to enemies of the US everywhere, especially when the images will be seen all over the world via youtube. In practical terms on the ground, these incidents will cause far more deaths and injuries to US forces worldwide than Bradley Manning for example ever could. The perpetrators should be charged with giving comfort and succour to the enemy and sent to Guantanamo Bay. That would concentrate the minds of anyone else thinking about indulging in this sort of behaviour.
  4. Pissing on the dead bodies of your enemy is stupid, but it is not "torture". rolleyes.gif

    My point exactly. It is very, very stupid, and it damages our cause, but it is not torture.

    Slowly drilling a guy to death=torture

    Forcing prisoners to form a naked dogpile= humiliation

    Urinating on a dead body=lack of respect

    All are bad, but only one can really considered to be torture, despite what the press says.

    "Urinating on a dead body=lack of respect". It certainly is that, not to mention lack of self respect. Not very conducive to the stated aims of the US, ie winning the hearts and minds of the Afghani people. Sickening to see and hear that video. Imagine the uproar from the likes of UllyssesG if it were Taliban fighters urinating on the bodies of dead US soldiers. Dont think he would confine his comments to "It was stupid".

  5. Let's face it, it is extremely likely that there are a lot of high-ranking people in Thailand who believe in this sort of thing and support it or even take part in it.

    It's disgusting that such a beautiful creature has to be destroyed so that some ignorant humans can have something they don't even need. It is a fact that, on average, penis size in Thailand is on the small end of the scale so maybe they think by eating elephant penis it will give them some kind of help? pathetic

    I am more than happy to bow to your greater knowledge on Thai penis size!
    • Like 1
  6. iran having nukes would stop war with them.

    You assume Iran has rational leadership. I reckon you are pro Iran. That's OK. I detest their regime and would love to see it toppled. Saudi doesn't trust Iran and thus would begin a major proliferation of such weapons in the region.

    certainly not pro iran's government but certainly not pro starting a war with them either. If you are pro war you should sign up.

    This is the G W Bush maxim, if you are not in favour of attacking them you must be pro Iran. Intellectual pygmyism. But of course Dubya was a draft dodger, along with most of the other warmongering neo con chickenhawks, Cheyney, Wofowitz, Rumsfeld etc. Even good old Bill o Reilly was one. They don't come much nuttier than that lot. Bush invaded Iraq to stop Gog and Magog from unleashing their fury on the Middle East, with Rumsfeld attaching warlike quotes from the Old Testament to his war reports to Bush. Five star general Wesley Clark summed it up in his lecture in California in 2007. Regime change is the order of the day, get that Rothschild central bank installed in Tehran. Your other point is an excellent one. How about passing a law that makes it compulsory that close family members of Senators, Congressmen, Members of Parliament etc voting for war would automatically be drafted to the sharp end, provided they are of eligible age. That would concentrate their minds wonderfully!
    • Like 1
  7. I also vote for sbk aka Miss Whiplash. He nailed it on for me this afternoon when he finally closed a topic on the Pattaya forum about a new Mexican style restaurant which ran to 27 (yes twenty seven) pages. The posts mainly consisted of self appointed culinary experts pedantically banging on about the minutia of Mexican sauces and other such trivia. The standard of oneupmanship was a wonder to behold, and i'm sure was a source of great amusement for many. The world paint drying championships were made to look like the Superbowl final in comparison! He closed the topic in some style too, showing a turn of phrase and panache rarely seen on this forum.coffee1.gif


    My humble apologies to the lady. I dont know why i thought she was a he. Maybe i should receive twenty lashes for my faux pas!
  8. The only positive achievement from the west's point of view is that Iraq now has a western controlled central bank and will now experience the dubious pleasure of a national debt. For the average Iraqi things are just as bad, if not worse than they were nine years ago. A large majority do not have access to electricity, clean water, are not connected to the main sewerage system etc. But they do now have suicide bombings which was unheard of before the west invaded. Of course Saddam Hussain was a brutal ruler, that goes without saying, but there is no point replacing a brutal ruler with something just as bad, if not worse. For all his faults Saddam Hussain was a sworn enemy of Al Qaida and kept them out of Iraq and he acted as a bulwark against Iran. The west is playing a dangerous game. The invasion of Iraq was the result of two religious zealots, G W Bush and Tony Blair being in power at the wrong time, it was a religious war, a crusade. It didn't help that Bush was a draft dodger, and Blair was a former pacifist, and that both became middle aged swaggering bullies anxious to show their manhood, and were more than happy to use the blood and bravery of younger men and women to do so. And of course there is always the suspicion that the reason the west is pulling out of Iraq now is because they will need the troops and resources to create murder and chaos in another country.

  9. I also vote for sbk aka Miss Whiplash. He nailed it on for me this afternoon when he finally closed a topic on the Pattaya forum about a new Mexican style restaurant which ran to 27 (yes twenty seven) pages. The posts mainly consisted of self appointed culinary experts pedantically banging on about the minutia of Mexican sauces and other such trivia. The standard of oneupmanship was a wonder to behold, and i'm sure was a source of great amusement for many. The world paint drying championships were made to look like the Superbowl final in comparison! He closed the topic in some style too, showing a turn of phrase and panache rarely seen on this forum.coffee1.gif

    We can't vote for mods we're not allowed to discuss them remember wai.gif

    What, even when we are praising them? Surely not!
  10. I also vote for sbk aka Miss Whiplash. He nailed it on for me this afternoon when he finally closed a topic on the Pattaya forum about a new Mexican style restaurant which ran to 27 (yes twenty seven) pages. The posts mainly consisted of self appointed culinary experts pedantically banging on about the minutia of Mexican sauces and other such trivia. The standard of oneupmanship was a wonder to behold, and i'm sure was a source of great amusement for many. The world paint drying championships were made to look like the Superbowl final in comparison! He closed the topic in some style too, showing a turn of phrase and panache rarely seen on this forum.coffee1.gif

  11. The song that is most pertinent to Pattaya, (It should be the Pattaya anthem) is of course ' Is She Really Going Out With Him' By Joe Jackson. The opening line, 'Pretty Women Out Walking With Gorillas Down My Street' says it all really! Now i would go a long way to see a Thai band bashing that one out.:rolleyes:


    This one would really crack me up as well....

    A great song by a great band. Saw them in their pomp a few times and they were the real deal. Shane would surely have been a sexy man in Pattaya ! But i still rest my case with Joe Jackson. Surely Joe must have come to Pattaya on his holidays before he was famous! Any chance of somebody who is more computer savvy than me posting a link to youtube so the TV readers can judge for themselves! I would just love to sit in Soi 7 or Soi Buakhow people watching whilst this song was being played!

  12. Here's my list of 10 songs, (that are all fairly pertinent to life in Pattaya), that I have NEVER heard in a bar.

    Velvets - Waiting for My Man

    Clash - London Calling

    UFO - Anything from Strangers in the Night

    Neil Young - Powderfinger / Cortez the Killer

    Genesis - Follow you - follow me

    Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone

    Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey

    Cheap Trick - Want you to Want me

    REM - Rockville

    Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again

    Any bar / music venue that occasionally played songs like this would have me as a customer for life - and I'm a big tipper !


    The song that is most pertinent to Pattaya, (It should be the Pattaya anthem) is of course ' Is She Really Going Out With Him' By Joe Jackson. The opening line, 'Pretty Women Out Walking With Gorillas Down My Street' says it all really! Now i would go a long way to see a Thai band bashing that one out.:rolleyes:

  13. A while later, the Reagan administration got in trouble with Contra-gate, which revealed how the US was clandestinely sending money to Iran for weapons which could be shipped from Iran to the ultra right wingers making civil war in Nicaragua (due to the US Congress not sanctioning the dirty war, Reagan and his buddies had to circumvent the law and thereby involve the Iranians). One notable event was when US Defense Secretary secretly traveled to Iran to present a large cake in the shape of a Bible to the Ayotolla, to thank him for his help in keeping the civil war going in Nicaragua.

    The 'ultra right wingers' were fighting communists who were being backed by Castro and the Soviets.

    After that, the Iranians went to war with Iraq, notable for Iranian top brass sending wave upon wave of teenaged men marching in to killing fields, to get pulverized by Iraqi weaponry. When the smoke cleared, they called it a draw.

    Current affairs: Get ready for additional bloody demonstrations in Teheran, as the regular people there privately hate the Immans and the politicians there - who rule with iron fists.

    The Iran-Iraq war started in 1980...well before the Iran-Contra arms deals.

    I think you mean the Iraq - Iran war. Iraq attacked Iran, armed and supported by America and their allies.Of course that was in the days when Saddam was a good ol guy, one of ours. Iran / Persia have not attacked or invaded another country for centuries.

  14. (I watch Fox News once or twice a week, ~ 7 PM - 9 PM so 7 AM - 9 AM EST, so just the comedy show Fox & Friends. But the editorial bias leaks all over this entertainment show; they are currently on their anti-secular Christmas attacks now. I also follow their gaffes on a variety of websites and of course, The Daily Show and that French show, The Colbert Report. See Papa Bears recent interview with M. Colbert.)

    Based in their demographics, FNC seems to appeal to angry, older, frightened, white, male, registered Republicans. They are frightened of losing their majority, and of any changes in their view of the American Dream. Fear breeds ignorance and intolerance. FNC exploits this fear. These folks need their own news outlet and that is fine; they should have it. It is perfectly acceptable that FNC is biased. It is fairly obvious to anyone who watches that FNC has daily talking points that are reiterated and repeated throughout the day and a particular news-cycle. Different on-air personalities use the exact same phrases, and amazingly these are also used by Republicans. The coordination is admirable.

    To quote a John Moody, Sr. VP FNC, memo of the day (referring to Judicial nominees and how the stand on one issue: Abortion):

    "This should be a trademark issue for FNC today and in the days to come."

    33 Internal Fox Memos

    Nothing like reinforcing racial stereotypes to whip up the scared white folks…

    Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ Didn't Create Jobs

    (Note the URL, ends with "while rome burns".)

    Often when showing a video of President Obama watch the news crawl below the image, they often use words like "Muslim" and "Terrorist" in the "breaking news".

    Again, I think this is fine. Everyone should have a news outlet which addresses their concerns.

    There are some in the News Corp. organization who are not happy with the editorial policy at FNC. It is safe to assume that once Mr. Ailes retires things may change?

    A very interesting post with some fascinating observations. I think maybe you are being too kind to Fox though by referring to untruths and misinformation as gaffes! But i shall be watching now with greater insight. Thank you.

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