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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. When the USA dollar is paired with other dollars also ,with the Thai baht , I still don't understand why the exchange rate also to other dollar is lower? When the U.S. Dollar goes up the Thai Bhat also more strong! But the dollar loose against the Bhat is nothing like the euro loose 20 Procent last week , for next 3 year when draghi not change his master plan nothing will be change, my only hope is that the Thai Bhat goes down also when Thai exports slow down because of strong baht! Here the price go up around 10 Procent need now 12000 Bhat more each month because of bad 36 exchange rate!

    Welcome in peng mag ma Thailand !

  2. It depends how good the operator use the protokoll

    On my old iPad 3 on true h showing 3G I got between 6 and Max of 12 Mbit in download in my home country with 3 Hutchinson also in old 3G mode hdspa plus is used on all avalible data channels and I got a download speed up to 27 mbits!

    More then double from here!

    Also 4g can have a slow connection!

    In Thailand are to many customer used at same time

    Means no matter is it hdspa plus or 3G you not see any diffrence in real because the network capacity to each user is limited!operator Hutchinson in my home country plans priority data usage for that customers that pay more get a better speed!

    I wonder why this money making bisness mashine Thai operators not yet use!

  3. Just for fun I try some dating appz with mixed results , on badoo with premium account mostly only fakes , that contact you if you write back, the send you a mail go to another dating site , and then delete there profil!

    Some other meeting online sites also full of spammers

    Tinder only matched when both intrested!

    Still not find out , how I can make a moment!

    Down app with Facebook friends also never work

    Location services enabled but the programm never recognize it

    Lovoo nice graphical layout , but I not payfor

    There are others like bee talk popular in Asia

    Date me , or another one is name okay Cupid , but in total I think we all loose our time , on none of them realy work !

    What are your exoirience with this kind of appz ?

  4. Thx for info!allready ask for physical adress , but I can only to deliver to the paypal adress the buyer Is one of that kind that send payment quickly , and then never response to questions!

    To time it happen I send something to uk , that the postman in London was unable to find buyers adress , he was angry and says my adress physical exists the parcel disapear in some post office I send the zip code what I see in tracking , and then he have to pick up there in person!

    Or that superb ebayers that forget to update there paypal adress , after moving and then diffrent from eBay

    Not tell something before and parcel comes back to me

    Also EUROPE USA , parcel need only 5 days , and then mostly hangs another 5 days or week at boarder for checkup in total 2 weeks !

    Thailand Is a hollyland comparing waiting time to other country's from austria to here is only one week with national post!

    I forward all my letters from home to here and tons of advertising for only 17€ a month and it always areive, that's a real nice service only

    When you have a ems letter , one time send embassy paper , someone in smile land open and talk a eye on it!

  5. Surprise it happen again , lost connection to the world only a slowly 384 kbit 3 g connection enough to post something on Thai visa

    Tot down since 24 h zip code 31229 any other down reports right now?

    Allready call 1100 all lines are busy!

    Allready leave massage but I think the chance are very low that a horse without name call me back shortly..

    • Like 1
  6. What I enjoy the documentary and the clear slowly good understandible Aussie English!

    The weather show , and animation of the forecast map was little old school style like 20 year ago same on nhk but in total was always something interesting on the Aussie network!

    Espasaly for those who got tiered of the daily national geographic and discovery soap opera , with there endless same series how it's made true the warm whole with Morgan freeman and the 10000th snake show,Aus network was defently the right channel to see something in a diffrent perspective !

    • Like 2
  7. That's very bad!

    Last year austrialia network was a while fta on 68 east

    Tv logo looks now diffrent could also

    Receive it in Europe with a 2,5 m dish in cband!

    Bought a telcom box last year In Bali holiday, but now subscribtion runing out,someone here that can reactivate it?

    Not have a true cable connection here..

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