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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. On the homepage of my embassy I read that some eu country's have transatlantic agreement for non tax payers!

    In case of, a Thai bank send all information back to your home country , and you got taxed when you come to your home country!

    Singapore is a better place for saving , all money changers I ask where you bring your money, Aswer was always same to Singapore!

  2. I give to the family of my isaan wife a one time payment of 20 k , since 3 years nobody ask me anymore!

    Tell them a big elephant eat your atm card at last show!

    But I must say also good friend Thai woman I know now 5 years talk a lot , invite them all this chrismas for dinner around 7 people , but the husband of your sister still charge me 1000 Bhat bring me back to room , you must pay was the aswer, in other words if you give one finger want the whole hand

  3. You not need to call 191 or talk with the village chief, all you need is a noise chanceling head phone!

    And quite is around you head, no matter how deep the bass will go!

    I use this over years now!

    Another question , I friend have a heartbeat making device , and he told me he have more problems with the deep basses because the bass speaker using same freqency then his device , can this be true?post-114169-14235351386383_thumb.jpg

  4. All okay here in Siam land and you?

    No picture only black, was a English Channel no only think I hate on Mcot tv that all there reports talk only 100 Procent positive about Thailand there was not any negative side review!

    Maybe I not ,lost, something when I cannot watch anymore!

    A English farang teacher have very nice language Thai learning show, but the cooking courses repeat all the time.that I got boring after a while because I see them all !

  5. The smog in Chiang mai is more terrible then in Pattaya and in February is much more chisng mai is cheaper, but both city's have his good and bad sides , for me I always stay in Chiang mai and Pattaya because everywhere I have friends in thailand I must visit every year!

    And not forget every market looks same same no matter where you stay!

  6. Years ago 2 tourist dies in Chiang mai

    Because a chemical room spray was used

    The only Aswer from thai gov was use another spray

    My wife's sister always use this product see attached picture

    With a death scull on it

    It contains cypermetrin what exactly is this ?post-114169-14233887470969_thumb.jpg

    Last week a friend told me a sad story his massage woman in the village died this year

    Doctors find out she died from poison smoke of a burned chicken that also eat poison food before!

    Nearly every week someone die here in our isaan village then I hear tempel music 3 day cannot sleep in the night , shortly after the celebration finish it beginn again very scary..!

  7. I think Chiang mai change his face 7 year ago I met good people and communicate well many massage woman on the road and welcomes you, but this year I stay near rachmanka road but also in nabour roads a real good communication never happen, same in the bars ,when you go in the restaurant no body talk with you mostly the laud music kill the communication , the rose of the north will disapear , not only of the bad breeze in the city, better you go to Pattaya it's easier to find friends, and everybody talk with you also the air is even better!

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