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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. The bank check now the bank book history first the eu onlineshop in Germany cannot take the money not enough in account 5 day later money comes back, but 2 week later the onlineshop charge 2 time same amount and send abill again

    I ask on counter why I can pay online when no money in account, why come back again and why this online company one week later can charge 2 time same amount

    Is this problem known?

  2. That's more then a joke true have some stupid prom option telling on the hotline until 31 th October every one have the change to win millions of baht , until the honda

    That no one ever win on12 call was sold out out

    On bkpost I read one time give you discounted mobiles moving over from 3G to 4g

    Another name and same product

    No thx I keep my old 599 b package

    300 SMS free mms 50 free

    300 minute free and 3 gigs

    Not avalible anymore

    Why true want force 3G customer

    Over to 4g

    Easy aswer 100 baht more a month ,

    Could make after 2 year when all 4 g investment of new signal towers refinanced a lot of profit !

  3. My wife learn quickly English , we not have problems to communicate!

    About the never learn phrase here,

    All relationship within last 10 year was very simular when it comes to money talk!

    This means also when you think you know everything,

    How the system works

    it brings you nothing because you cannot change Thai society or ideology about money !

    We learn from experience but this we cannot change, only when we leave the country!

    This is what I learn !

    That people that point with the finger to others with you never learn have exactly same problems for sure!

  4. I never met someone here in Thailand within last 10 years , that can keep a secret!

    Everybody tells everybody everything ,

    Also on the street

    not only to close friends, sometime nice but often also often dangerous

    When it comes to money talk. How much money have farang people in village ask often, I am very angry about this when my wife's tells everybody everything, the aswer is

    You not understand darling , when I not tell the Poole not stop ask, so the people must know it!

    How do you handle this with your parnter , wife or gf?

  5. Nice topic just found!
    We not see pictures of ASEAN flag yet[attachment=273930:ImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1404523296.533147.jpg]

    I allready aswer the flag question one month ago in another topic
    In Thailand it depend on the area
    Where flags are ' allowed'
    Put also my home flag on my house in isaan also the nabours helped me, one day later 20 people come to my wife and ask what this is,
    Another day later my wife remove my flag to shy aswer question!
    In my home I also have a Thai flag no problem at all, because all like Thailand , and that one not do was never here ..
  6. Hello!

    Since around half year little bit sales on eBay , was good 7 years after amazon come profit was gone!

    Now I plan to change to amazon market place also because of paypal problems and cheating buyers!

    Does amazon uk marketplace using a diffrent system for pay?

    What happens in case of a buyers claims?

    How amazon market place handle it

    How are the fees?

    Just must begin with amazon , but I think the good old eBay time was good for sellers not come back !


  7. Here we have only the Bangkok bank last week my wife make a life insurance policy paying for 5 years for a maximum of 15 years every year 25 k, when older then 35 it can go up to 28k

    At the end of year bank gives you 3000 k after 3 year more, when you save 15 years at end bank gives you 60 k, are all this rates garantee over the whole time or not

    After 3 month also include a life insurance 100k , but not exident only health problems covered !

    Death 100 k family members must share

    I read interest rates topic but to long to read all

    My saving plane I got offered putt 20000 k inside for one year

    And have 3,1 Procent interest rates

    End of year 3000 b

    Is there a limit of money in account

    Or the interests winning rates would be doubled with 400 k in closed account

    Is this a good offer and does bk insurance realy pay in case of..?

    Can someone give in short aswer condition of money and insurance plans of other banks have also kasikorn and scb are this to banks offer better conditions then Bangkok bank or not?

  8. Just found something interesting out

    Transferring 400€ from my eu paypal to Thai account gives me today a rate of 16445 baht some satang

    But sending 400€ back from Thai account to eu pp removes from my Thai paypal in total 18494.26 thb

    That's a diffrent of 2000 baht transferring same amount in the other direction

    From this diffrent of 2000 baht

    We have to remove around 3,5 Procent paypal fees from total amount , but the diffrence of 2000 baht is still much higher for sending same amount from Thai to eu then via versa, so where the rest of the diffrent

    Is coming from sure baht is lower then euro , but transferring same amount back should give me around same amount!

    Or and I don't know or not recognized it , pp fees from Thai to eu maybe higher then 3,5 Procent of total amount!?

  9. That's a completely wrong thinking !

    The only money optimizing winnig strategy of company's that not see the human in the middle . This is how I call it

    A company make advertising saleing a product for everyone, and wants money for, does not have the right!

    To make a first or 2. Class policy !

    Everybody pai for the service must have the same rights when service is payed!

    May the law in swiss diffrent but eu plans a law that nobody can exclude of a service !

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