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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. Areived 3 day ago in pattaya in a hotel

    First with last 13 year I stay here the hotel stuff of reception told me a price for walk in pay at counter of 1500 baht

    Then I talk with tourist behind me got informed must book at Agoda.com

    I take my ipad Out payed in us Dollar

    Coz American Company

    And payed only 800 baht a Night charged by Visa !

    For my understanding agoda charge a 10 Procent fee of each booking so who is the winner in this system I not realy understand it

    Also reception later recomend me must book online cheaper can it realy happen that in total the for more money from Agoda in mass booking that everybody would pay at counter

    Some nice side information

    On hotel website before high season and also now a price of 590 Bhat was showing

    I called hotel 2 weeks before and make a tel confirmation for longtime stay for 500 baht yes sir 500 baht was Aswer on phone

    But after I areived the price was triple

    The broke there promises give me before on phone, it's normal that price go up in high season but that's very tricky cheating before high season the old agly room with laud noisy aircon was cheaper then superior room all rooms casts same reception stuff real unfriendly want book massage you must pay at counter first cAnot pay woman directly is this a case for the Thailand tourist authority? Did ever someone contact them in similar cases and got any help?

    Or is it loose of time or is it just tit?

  2. If I want measure my blood pressure often I have visit 3 or 4 pharmacy that at least one Mashine is working all others show error this happen also today in a hospital try calculate 3 time but all failed

    Also the measurement process need twice time from measuring mashines in my homecountry

    My current blood pressure is normal

    At home never any mashine show a error all caluculate right but if another person use same mashine I use it works but on my arm never works strange doctor say sorry sir we also don't know try another mashine then failed again does anyone have similar problem?

  3. Can someone explain me the submenu structure how I have to set, when I not want that friends see the picture of friends of the friends like a network, I not find this option?

    Also i recogneize all fb groups I subscribe is avalible for public how I can change this

    Another bad feature I see last week

    Facebook recogneize what place I visit and show this for the public without asking me , and another an wanted feature , it shows also where it what restaurants of my personal friends I was eating in thailand !

    Now I know it's possible to disable most unwanted functions , but I don't know where all this hidden!

    This why I open this topic to find some expert about this maybe I ask this question allready but not all of the current new fb features was avalible at this time to discuss !

  4. There are also versions of newer win7 avalible for African market need lees performance when you deinstall the most never needed desktop graphical animation I think slso a older notebook can handle a newer system

  5. I still have a active non immigrant o for 3 month, is it possible buy a tourist visa before I leave , and use my non immigrant first and later I show the tourist visa when non imigration o running out?

    Thai consulate here in austria could not Aswer me this question today, and told I was the first ask this within last 40

    In my opinion both visa are valid and I can use it when I want or not?

  6. Not cheapest at moment I found cathway pacific is cheaper at moment found 368€ go and back eu bk

    But for only one month

    Wife report about Aeroflot small airplane from Moscow to zurich very big and more comfortable airplane more seat space then Arabic airlines

    Negative always crying baby's on board

    But only one hour waiting time comparing 3 hours in Dubai

  7. Hello!

    I have a filipina friend , she works since 4 month in Kuwait with a 2 year contract, house work cooking for 6 family members clean 3 floor everyday for around 500 U.S. dollars a month but her employer break his promise and only pay one time her salary and since 3 month she not got any payment, problem the employer also hold back her passport that she cannot leave the country!

    She heard reports of other woman was been tortured by employers, if she Chanel the contract more early she must pay back the flight, any advice?

  8. Hello!

    Got now my 50 Mbit internet cable connection all youtube 4 k video trailers on YouTube work without interruption

    But after a test with my mobile connection the 4 k video also not interrupt any other good 4k streaming sites on the net then youtube

    In a report I read 50 Mbit is minimum speed you need for full resolution in 4 k without interruption , maybe YouTube reduce automaticly the resolution when connection is slower ?

  9. I bought a 2. Slingbox on eBay Modell sb 260 everything connected after log in I got error massage no slingbox password

    There is a field I can enter a password or change to admin password slinbox website only told press reset at backside and for blinking flashlights giving a new password online in slingbox setup also not work, any ideas where I can find this admin access password? I connect many slingbox before but never got a massage like this?!

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