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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. Last year I tryed dvb t rececroition with a 36 db signal booster antenna indoor bought on amazon for 35€ and got some channels also behind strong hotel rooms forget the 300 Bhat antennas from big c, most of them have no active signal booster and a missing power plug and brings nothing!

    A little outside Bangkok large antennas in over 15 meter over the roof was installed, biggest problem nationwide are the open land power lines that can make any kind of reception impossible

  2. Yesterday a friend told me , that the famous Anton restaurant in naklua is closed , coz problems with the land owner , the new condo was just build finish a year ago for 20k a month !

    Where is the new location of Anton restaurant now?

    I think I vidit this restaurant around 50 time in the last 4 years now it's gone ..

  3. Yesterday I booked 2 flights on german website last minute the flight of my wife was successful booked , but for my flight after I confirm the order was only make a reservation

    Swiss confirmed that reservation is active

    And enough free seats the company told I have to wait 24 h for final confirmation , but there is no garantee that I got the flight I Allready bought!

    Within 25 years if flying this never happen before, any idea what I can do?

  4. Yesterday there was a report on national geographic channel about

    No show airplane fees , when someone not join a flight without chanceling , very high fees will be charged!

    In the report was told emirates charge in case of no show 1300 US dollar

    How high are charges of other airplanes?

    Did someone realy pay ever this realy high fees?

  5. Before I leave Europe and come back to thailand I want stream my slingbox in hd quality to thailand!

    My cable internet Isp have a upload of

    4 Mbit fastest upload I can get

    And now it comes a fair use policy

    Calculating upload and download together

    The total data usage limit is 1 terabyte a month

    Then speed limit will be reduce only to 0,5 Mbit until rest of the month!

    Can someone help me to calculate

    How long I can use the upload stream of my slingbox to thailand with 4 Mbit?

    How long it would need time to reach the total allowed data limit of 1 terabyte a month?

  6. Iam using a older d link df e 908 dx 8 port hub over years a massiv build heavey device works well since to 2 ago!

    While my main DSL connection seems to be always active ok over WLAN

    The hub lost connection and a yellow light , with the name COL Is blinking yellow 2 secounds and then the nabour digits 4 pcs blinking green , what does col mean?

    I always have to reconnect the power cord , that my connected devices over LAN found connection again but this 2 times a day!

    Any ideas?

  7. To ,solve, the problem I think only possibility is to install a big large fishing net , to hold the jelly fish back , and make swimming areas sorounded by nets , I think this should be a possible mission to realeize , when I ask in pharmacy about jelly fish bytes , only give me a cream for normal insect bytes , not sure the antiserum is avalible for the public?

    In japanese sea the jellyfish have higest concentration , I see in national geographic !

    Looks like the sweet mmm my paradise is gone!

  8. Next year draghis euro weaken programm is finish in September but sadly the spaghetti man from the land of the pizza have possibility to extend the economy boost programm!

    Where are facts of the capital outflow of the eu , of big company's that bring there money outside eu?

    Difficult true information about this the capital outflow is much higher then the export winning of company's

  9. I sold a electronic item one month ago to the usa , after over one month later the buyers claim he cAnot switch on again!

    Now he open a case against me the first on paypal Singapore and my Acount is 11500 Bhat in minus!

    The case was open over eBay not over pp

    In 10 years I have maybe 7 cases in my eu paypal Acount , I try one time out what happen if i not pay, shortly a bill plus 100€ Lawer fees areives from paypal lawers

    Is this same process in Thailand also?

    Or is there any diffrence?

    Also I recognized leaving kasikorn and scb Acount in my paypal that paypal want i confirmed my scb Acount again, sending to small amount in it at moment I canot logg in coz not find my pw only recognized that also the monthly SMS notification not come since long time , can it happen that scb disable accounts without informing there customers by email ?

  10. 3 days ago, a person registered in eBay us want buy a watch outside eBay to save coasts after I confirmed

    He wants I send a payment request 3 days nothing happen

    Today a paypal email come

    With seller adress Nigeria Lagos with this text

    Users' Protection - ELIGIBLE

    Payment status - PENDING 95% Complete - Awaiting proof of postage from seller.

    Note: User Protection Policy (UPP) is applied, this payment will not clear or appear on your Paypal payment history until we confirm proof of postage. For reference purpose, send tracking number by replying to this payment confirmation.

    I never see a 95 Procent Payment!

    When I click on reply of this email

    I see [email protected]

    Buyers name is Tobi Williams , another scam , I not see any link to click on it

    If this mail proberbly have a hidden virus script inside , then I should see this in the mail header right?

    But in yahoo mail how I can open the mail header information?

  11. Just booked a flight with Aeroflot for my wife bk to farang land for 635€ the cheap quatar flights and swiss flight for 800 € was all gone within 24h !so Aeroflot was cheapest deal I found!

    I never fly with Aeroflot!

    Any known problems with this airline!

    Ok there is a Alcohol ban on board is the airport in Moscow big?

    Thx for info!

  12. I send a paypal withdrawl to my scb bank in thailand , but nearly after 10 days I not see the money in my Acount

    On kasikorn I also use 2. Acoint everything is ok

    With scb I withdrawl many time in past without any problem

    Is it possible or ever happen , that money disapear and not come back to paypal Acount also!

    Anyone ever reported such kind of problem to the police in Singapore?

    I think this is all I can do..

  13. The use of international simcards without roaming coasts or less in thailand can access all thai network is always a good idea espasaly in country side north mauntain etc

    Phone switch automaticly to avalible network

  14. Yesterday a friend living in Chiang mai called me, one month ago he got SMS notification

    Of a 10 k purchase of a online game!

    I not sure how this can happen, was one month ago, and refund of payment still in process of krungsri bank!

    Is it tealy possible that a hacker make a force Brute attack and random generation of Visa card numbers?

    Normaly every payment must be confirmed by SMS otp code , but how it looks not everybody follow the rules , and also the 3 digit number on backside is needed!

    So it still mystery , how long a refound of a fraud case that has been reported need time?

    On my kadikorn debit I try to refound a 10€ purchase of a non working iphone app one year ago but bank never aswer to my emails!

  15. Would never buy a Samsung tv, my friends works in tv shop and Samsung top the list of tech problems

    One question in thailand

    After a replacement of a product that have garantee one year , and it will be replaced , beginn the full warrenty again , after the time of replacement , or not?

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