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Posts posted by Sandman77

  1. I not talk about fix, I only talk

    It's a must do of everyone to understand his own economy!

    This kind of people not try it, are proverbly the same that also never go to a election!

    When you practice this then you never part of a socity !

    One time I talk with a large food importer from Netherlands he import a lot of food to amersterdam cargo!

    He told me , when the export price is to low and pressure on final sale price then thais want sale to you

    Before the risk to make no bisness !

    Same Thai air do!

    Now have financial problems because company's buy the chicken in brazil instead of Thailand!

    Could the system collapse in future , and how in your opinion this collapse have an real affect on bath strength?

  2. Hi!

    I have astigmatism on left eye!

    A correction , would coasts one eye 2500€ in eu!

    How much is it in thailand ?

    Any one do it all ready?

    I was on many checkups at home should be pissible , but I still fear , because after Lasic eye more sensitive in sunlight!

    Also not sure about quality of Lasic in thailand ?

    A eye doctor at my home told me the Lasic mashine is so expensive that many doctors together share the coasts and every 4 year replaced by latest Modell

    Also in meantime I have the dry eye syndrome and maybe then Lasic not possible

    While a usa journey in Florida years ago I see in America Lasic doctors have in big shooping walls , doctors do it just after shopping Like buying a ice cream

    But Iam still very sceptical , because there is no return when it's going wrong!

  3. For a local, that earns only Thai Bhat , how high the daily living coasts realy rise within last 10 years?

    In around same level the Bhat value goes up?

    Or much lower?

    Can someone review this?

    For me it looks within last 10 years foreign currency's loose more value then a Thai payed more in the same time!

    Is this right?

    How to teach effective working here in thailand ?

    Proberbly this never work

    Thais stand at there point and not move any c m away!

    No matter how long we talk, or how our angles of view will be diffrent !

    Thx for many replys in my topic!

  4. Hi!

    I want bring orchid trees to europe !

    Or Orchid in Boxes!

    Looking for dragon orchid , how much this orchid in thailand ?

    How long a orchid can survive in a closed box?

    Will orchids grow on cold country?

    How many diffrent types exists?!

    I read some orchids are life dangerous when breeze in , what's there name , maybe also dangerous to touch!

    Is there any paper work needed import orchids to eu?

    Visit many orchid farm in past in the north very beutiful , but not have any knowledge how many diffrent types realy exists ?

  5. Bought one time in seam reap always have portable radio for check with me and market seller trie sold me emty battery but he failed

    Another battery scam in Bangkok shopping walls

    Let change battery for my watch 399 Bhat 3. Days later it was gone..

    Only in the south and bk I got cheated in the north never!

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