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Posts posted by david_dyer

  1. finally had contact,

    Right now at 4pm thai time just north of tha sala in the area or Soi Tassian the water is rising through the village, I am on high ground but still have surface water and minor flooding with fast flows over the minor roads.

    Currently have 10" of water and rising. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=8.676403,99.926845&spn=0.008188,0.016469&t=h&z=17

    anyone else in the area have minor flooding on the move? or is this just isolated mountain drainage through this area?


  2. Is there anyone in the Thasala area that know what has happened there?

    The last contact with my partner and family was early this morning when power was lost and the roof on the house next door was damaged.

    we are located sea side of the PTT service station. off soi tassian.

    Thanks in advance

  3. She may well have just used up her battery, I know my GF is a traditional country thai in a respected job and even when I am with her her phone always goes flat from over use. study, school as science teacher, family all over southern thailand and a huge circle of friends which is typical of most thai girls, aussie girls, all girls.

    People tend to refer to the reputation of the bar girl which is NOT the typical thai girl. you know your girl, up to you if you can trust her and her background. I trust and respect my GF, but we have been together for 8 years.

  4. for the restless class the idea of outside physical activity is great, try to incorperate your class work with some kind of treasure hunt theme in a isolated section outside of the class. Take them to a large tree and have them sit there and conduct the class there. concerntrate your efforts on the one or two that want to learn, others will get bored enough to start to listen and mabey even enter the discussions. Being harsh or hard on them as a farang will not help as it sounds like the school has abandoned the kids, just take a breath, and try to concerntrate on the good students.

    if you are able to, you could print out some english orientated stencils for them to colour in, puzzle books for recognition and name conversions.

    Outside classes I find settles the students down. a simple change of setting. goodluck

  5. Arter the passing of my partners father, one of the senior family members gave me a bhudda pendant, whilst it was being removed from its old casing and put into a new one it was noted that it rattled and there was a stamped seal on the base of it. The family did not explain what it mean, just said dont loose it.

    The monk which it was made after is located in the Suratthani area and we will be visiting the temple for a few days later this year. Can anyone identify the symbol on the base and also the name of the monk that in cast into the bottom of it, the material is unusual as it is quite heavy for its size 20mm x 12mm @ 22grams.

    Can anyone identify the symbol, the reason for the rattle and a possible type of material.

    Just out of interest



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  6. nothing better than reviving and old thread.

    has anyone had any luck with a reliable supply of lamb? I searched marco, big c and tesco in suratthani and just cant find any lamb here

    I am keen to introduce it to my partners family and friends as they have never had lamb. Thinking of some roasted lamb racks.

    I am even thinking of importing my own lamb from Junee australia, just a little lost in the export rules for cryovac meat products.

  7. sorry but I go with the Thai Authorities here in that case. A tourist is someone who is VISITING the country, NOT someone who is LIVING here!

    btw, we have already too many farangs here living on one month TOURIST Visa

    I also support this feeling, if you want to live there get the correct visa.

    It is all the cowboys (no insult to the real cowboys) that make it difficult for the people with married lives / family, good jobs or a respectfull business. I understand rental property is an excemption and so it should, costs a lot less that a hotel for 30 - 60 days.

    It is not difficult to plan the visa process in advance to ensure last minute runs are avoided or unnecessary. use the correct visa, follow their instructions, it is their country and they can do whatever they want. we just want to live there.

  8. From what I can remeber, you can get a joint ticket in the airport on landing that will take you all the way to Samui, last ferry is 7pm so plenty time!!

    Have a good trip

    yeah, there are a few posts on this, there is a mini bus that takes you direct from the airport to the pier... no need to worry

    the worst thng that could happen is you have a cheap night out on the town in surat :)

    RAJA Ferry leaves on the hour until 19.00 the direct number for the Donsak office is 07-7471-2068 give them a call as the last ferry is sometimes cancelled if there are not enough passengers (rare) if you get stuck, the Diamond plaza hotel is half way from the airport to the ferry and usually has plenty of rooms at a good price.

  9. I am moving to Tha Sala in 3 years to Marry my girl of many years.

    I will have my B Ed (TAS) and hopefully a completed MTESOL, I will be in surat thani for 3 weeks this x-mass and will be looking for a place that can or will be conducting the Thai culture course (yes I have read that is it a waste of money and time, I just want something to further enhance my knowledge of the teaching practices and traditions) I am also interested in some thai conversation lessons in early Jan.

    Can anyone pass the web / address of any of the schools in the local area that can do the Thai culture course so that I can ask my partner to go there and further investigate.

    I have tried to contact Benjamarachutit School with no success, I will assume that Walailak University which is 15 min from home should be able to do the Thai culture course, just cant get a reply and is difficult to visit during office hours for my partner as she works north of surat thani.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance :)

    p.s am available for work in 12 months if someone has a better offer.

  10. what have we got to complain about, we want to live there, we want to visit thailand.

    we were not invited or requested.

    we know the situation with scams, ripsffs, payoffs etc and it is the thai way and on occassion it can be a wiw win.

    so noting this, why dont we create our own mediation point in BKK. from my understanding that is the location of many of the farang and it is central to us in the south and the others in the north.

    Personally I love the way this country works, it suits me just perfect, however I am from the thasala area which is perfect as there are no tourist or other farang.

    we make out visit to their country as good as we want it to be.

    but it would be great if we could become permanent residents.

    back to the original thread, I transited BKK airport on return to sydney early this week and I could not see any issues at the airport shops, all are very clearly marked, prices displayed and easy to see, and fewer than normal security.


    How about applying the same standard to the rest of the government and country???

    Stop the scams...ripoffs.... payoffs... etc.... Or at least, give foreigners living or visiting in the country an official place to turn (English speaking) to help mediate such problems when they arise... The Tourist Police clearly don't function in that role...even though they should....

    PS - It's easy to issue directives and regulations in Thailand... It's far less easy to see that the rules are actually enforced so that things really change... like mandatory motorcycle helmets.... no smoking in indoor aircon bars... etc etc...

    I AGREE 100% Well Said :D

  11. I have never encountered any problems in the airport or with the staff, however there are just as many thiefs out there as corrupt officials. yes it is thailand, and provided you do not make a complete idiot of your self, a smile and a simple sorry is enough if it is a genuine mistake (which the CCTV shows otherwise). who was wrong. the Brits are as guilty as sin as the incident would not have started if the wallet did not go missing as shown in the CCTV. we all know what happens in thailand, well the regular travelers do.

    smokes are by the carton only and all traveling smokers know that there is only 1 carton allowed.

    If this is not a staged video, they may not wish to return for their day in court!


    Not too many people have commented since you posted this valuable item. It would seem that the couple has alot of explaining to do.

    Any of the bashers care to explain the King Power statement or the CCTV documentation?

    There are 2 sides t every story and its idiots like this, that make life horrible for real victims.

    Rich people shoplift/steal too, so a fellow tossing down a wad of cash means SFA.

    Their are asian gangs that roam Bangkok airport just as they do other asian airports shoplifting, and stealing PAX belongings. In North American airports, it's a plague of thieves from Central America and the Czech Republic & Romania.

    Too often we blame the easiest people, when in fact the 2 main culprits of thefts at airports worldwide are these gangs and of course the baggage handlers.

    Fine. But now go over the story again and this time assume that the Brits are guilty as sin. Ok? Do the Thai authotrities sound any more right? Nope. Not one bit. Whether the Brits were guilty or innocent, they were still extorted. Justice was NOT served. The law was NOT followed. And the Thais should be, but are NOT ashamed of their police. To me the issue is not so much the everyday greed and dishonesty of some tourists. That is not news at all. The NEWS is that the Thai authorities absolutely abused their power and dishonored all their countrymen. And they will do it again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. The police should be held to a higher standard, not the lowest. There is no way to make their actions right, and yet they scream for respect. THAT is the news in this thread, and anyone that focuses on whether the duty free shop sells cigarettes by the carton or single pack is just plain missing the story.

  12. 3 Italian men, Thai woman arrested at drug party in Pattaya

    Pattaya, Chon Buri: -- Police arrested three Italian men and a Thai woman at a drug party in this seaside town less Friday night.

    They were arrested at a rented room in Southern Pattaya at 15 minutes after midnight. Police found 0.3 gramme of crystallised methamphetamine and 20 gramme of marijuana inside the room.

    The tourists were identified as Davide Migliorero, 38, Davide Tomasi, 28, and Caroselli Loca, 31.

    The Thai woman, Orwan Juminorn, 24, said one of the men took her from a bar on Pattaya Walking Street, where she works, to the room.

    They were charged with having narcotics in possession for abusing.


    -- The Nation 2009-06-20

    If this is not a clear case of set up or extortion, then i do not know what is.

    How the "F" would police know what 4 people are doing in their hotel room??????????????????????

    "They were charged with having narcotics in possession for abusing." ABUSING WHAT??? Drugs? Thai woman? their own body?

    Sounds more like they have upset someone, this is pay back............

  13. As for the nightlife, in 1987 it was almost all sex-oriented in some way. Now there is much more variety and places like Nana and Cowboy seem almost a bit marginalized. As for Patpong, it barely qualifies as a sex-tourism attraction anymore, at least compared to the way it used to be. It is easier to find an English pub these days than a go-go bar.

    Of course the international media are way behind the curve on this, and they won't give up on the cliche easily, given how easy it is to sell sensationalized stories about Thailand to their readers.

    This is probably what many people still think about thailand, It has changed more than people think. spot on, the 70's and 80's were pretty bad as far as sex tourists go but the gov had a healthy flow of tourist $.

    in the 90's many bars and clubs were closed down (will find the referance).

    today, as far as pathong goes, well, every town has the strip. I challenge everyone to name a major town anyplace in the world that does not have a bar or a brothel.

    As mentioned manytimes in this topic, many people do visit the temples, beautifull beaches, ride the ferry to kohpanang and wait 8 hours for the ferry change to koh samui, etc...

    for me, just walking a street with "tuk tuk - massage - tuk tuk - massage" all up the street is a little amusing but annoying, but it is just a part of the experiance.

    Personally I only travel to see my special lady of 8 years (physics teacher in suratthani) and travel the lesser known attractions and forrests in the area, and just live thai style.......

    thailands image is not that bad here in australia, and from experiance (people around me) sex tourism is not even discussed. but every one wants a gift brought back.

  14. well not exactly new to the forum but will be using the forum a lot more as my trips to thailand have now picked up, prime area for travels is suratthani for visit a very old and great friend, mabey I will be able to meet some of the other members during my next visit in december and january. Over the years I have been following meny of the topice and they have been of great assistance. thanks guys and girls.

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