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Everything posted by stat

  1. In Germany there is now a fasttrack for asylum seekers to get a citizenship and a German passport within 3! years of arrival... Not only has a Germany now the dumbest energy policy of the world according to the WSJ GER also have one of the laxest immigration laws in the world. Of course Germany has the highest welfare payments in the world as well as the highest taxes.
  2. A lot of your posts were about the obligation to file taxes in TH, is/was that scaremongering too? I would say no as you pointed out something that could very well happen but others considered it ludicrous and scaremongering. This should be an open discussion of adults IMHO.
  3. 183 days and yes they tax ww income on paper (but apparently no one cares if you do not file but that is just hearsay I heard)
  4. Why is it that you keep insulting others? It does not help your argument.
  5. It could very well be a bubble! Does anyone have any insight how much the developers are actually paying to build those villas? In Hua Hin they are also building pool villas like crazy around Soi 112. A friend of mine was however not able to sell his 5 year old villa and is now renting out instead. I do not trust those developers at all claiming that their villas have sold out. It is beyond me that anyone would buy a villa that is not yet fully constructed as I have seen abandoned projects everywhere in Thailand. The biggest problem for me however is that I cannot own the land the villa is built on. All in all you are investing in a country with no real independant jurisdiction IMHO. On the other hand there are more and more people willing to reloacate to Thailand full time and prices are about half regarding property vs Europe and even lower for US or AUS guys/gals.
  6. I was accused several times of scaremongering too. It is only you Chiang Mai and Mike lister that accuse people of scaremongering. (Pun intended)
  7. The darkside is a great place to live if you do not go out partying every night, I fully agree! I really enjoyed living at the darkside.
  8. FYI officially Cambodia taxes the ww income not just the remitted income. I understand that currently this is seldom if ever enforced however the potential tax bill could be far bigger in Cambodia.
  9. If you have a condo in Thailand and do not pay taxes what do you think will happen? Next time you step on the ground in Thailand you will have either to donate a BIG brown envelope or you visit the BKK Hilton. Key board warriors turning into desperados is usally a bad idea.
  10. Thanks! This is something we westerners tend to forget. These guys (chinese, russians, etc) they tend to buy a thai condo not to make money or save money they buy just to get money out of their home country as they are afraid their government will confiscate their money at home at will.
  11. Goebbels was a socialist, Hitler not so much. Did you read Goebbels diary? Goebbels more and more went away from socialism the more Hitler talked him out of it. The distinction for the German Nazis was Marxism (in Russia) and socialism in Germany. I agree however Nazis and Socialists are/were very close. The opposite of Nazis are libertarians like Hayek not socialists! VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARACHO!
  12. I was looking for rentals would not know about sales. For rentals it was even more then 90% that were duds. When asking on the phone they would instantly tell me "no longer available" so they knew right away.
  13. Reasonable would be zero as the gov wants to collect taxes, however most agents want 10K, one wanted 5K and ripped me off and provided nada.
  14. Thais have a lot of time on their hand so they do not really care about time as we westerners. All they care about is getting a commission.
  15. How did you apply online? I am still hoping that I could get an online Thai Tax ID while not being in Thailand currently. I need the Tax Id for 2022 in order to get a thai tax certificate. One agent ripped me off and I still hope I can avoid another 10K for a Thai Tax ID. I need to get one in 2025 as the option to file for taxes run out in Thailand IMHO in 2025 and in Germany as well in 2025. Thanks!
  16. I never had problems with AIS regarding international traffic always had 1 GB/s in 2022. Over the whole of 2022 I had 30 mins downtime in all the year due to severe flooding.
  17. One one would expect the real estate agent to be a professionalist that values customers time, but I know TiT, nevertheless I stick with a good or better then the rest real estate agent.
  18. Fully correct! When I was trying to rent I came up with about 20 houses from an agents website and only 2 were actually available. The agents put the houses up once and never ever check again if the house is still available 🙂
  19. Maybe the property companies have been complaining behind the scenes... Complaining in the open would be very "unthai" and would be a loss of face for the other side.
  20. In my example you are a thai tax resident in 25 and transfer untaxed income from 2024. IMHO it could technically be taxable in TH then in 25 if remitted to TH.
  21. Correct! Just one further point: if you are not a tax resident in a given year for example 2024 you can remit millions in 2024 and use them in 2025 without incurring any tax IMHO. Maybe they will check if they were taxed somewhere but I doubt it.
  22. The word “Thai” means “free”, and therefore, “Thailand” means “Land of the Free”.
  23. I was answering to a post that read "The problem is Trump's "lies and BS" are invariably proven true. I actually can't think of a single occasion he has been definitively proven as having lied. "
  24. Fact checked in the wikipedia article and google for yourself besides hundreds of other occasions. Saying Trump never lied is beyond belief. Again Trump is better then the alternatives and I am a libertarian so no leftie.
  25. What a bunch of nonsense get real man! Trump has lied on thousand of occasions! Claiming otherwise is a sad joke. Who cares everyone lies! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump BTW: I would have voted for Trump in all elections! The Dems were lying as well but maybe not as often as Trump, however Trump is far better for the US then Harris IMHO. A real Gem : In April 2022, Trump stated at a rally in Selma, North Carolina: "I think I'm the most honest human being, perhaps, that God ever created," prompting laughter from the crowd.[587] Let us know if you believe this last statement!
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