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Everything posted by stat

  1. Why should I pay other people 5%-10% of my money to get my money back+ pay German taxes of 26.375% on 80K a year? I do not want to generate taxable income while being a German tax resident. Money from a pension fund is the worst income tax wise in Germany.
  2. Same for me. Not sure if I will like it though but will see when I am moving there. No big deal to move to Thailand if I do not like the Phils.
  3. They cannot know all tax details in every country. They know maybe the US rules but they cannot be aware of all small details in the German tax law. My tax statement in Germany can show 0 passive income while I paid millions of EUR in taxes on dividends and capital gains in Germany (withheld at the bank). Even when receiving capital gains from abroad my final tax statement can show zero as it has been set off against losses in other years by the german IRS. There are myriads of implications and rules. My point is simply that I can never be sure that they will accept my LTR application. I understand that they are helpful and willing to learn so I hope for the best. But one cannot never tell with thos Thai visa if you will get one. Simply solution would be to just show a 1 Million and be done.
  4. Prices are extremly high IMHO. I paid 69€ / 77 USD per month with unlimited coverage up to age of 65. However limited to 5 years.
  5. Thanks for your post! In may case I could not show any tax return as my income is not taxable in TH as it would be non remitted capital gains. Apparently there is a lot of discretion with the application that is why I ask the people that have obtained the visa vs BOI will usually tell me the written rules is that they need/want a tax return.
  6. Thanks for your post! Answer from BOI read we will have to see if we can accept bank statements or need to see tax statement which obviously does not work in my case because German tax statements do not show cap gains/dividends as it is withheld at source by the bank etc. Maybe I will be travelling the whole year in order to not pay tax or live in Thailand on OA visa without remitting funds so again no tax statement.
  7. I am not sure your initial gain from the appartment will ever "disappear" according to Thai RD logic even if reinvested. No one knows currently.
  8. I saw a document stating explicitly that losses will not be recognized. That did not make sense to me now and then but I fear for the worst, that they only want to tax your gains. Make sure you only transmit the loss making transactions and you should be fine. I highly doubt (99.9999%) that you could make the claim for a higher value end of 2023 without having actually sold the UK property.
  9. My bad you are correct thx 4 pointing it out. It should read: Using LIFO your first 1M of remittances would not be assessable as those funds existed before 2024. Using FIFO the first 100K of remittance would be assessable and the remaining 1M would not.
  10. OMG they really try hard to screw up! Thanks for this info! PS: In Germany they did the same with small value parcels but they forced the sender to register with the Ger tax authorities and now the seller adds the VAT at the checkout when you buy the item.
  11. One should absolutely have a paper trail at any cost agreed. I was referring to one of our statement that the tax guide gives answers for conmingled accounts which it cannot. Your tax asseasable income could range from 0 to 100% if Lifo or Fifo are used. Example I have 1 M USD savings in Dec 2023, if Lifo is used I could transfer up to 1 M USD in 2024 or later without having any asseasable income. If Fifo is used and I have 100K new income in 2024 the whole 100K would be asseasble. That is why I stated the whole subject is wide open.
  12. Your guide does not answer the questions what accounting system will be used Lifo, Fifo or percentage of funds for TRD, so the issue is completly open and no one knows. The documentation of feeds only help when you know which accounting method can/should be used. This is the main problem.
  13. The question will be what accounting system to use: Lifo, Fifo etc. If one could chose that would be great.
  14. Thanks! So any non ENG documents will not be accepted, bummer. To translate the german tax documents will cost easily several 1000 Euros besides the fact that some words are untranslatable . Lucky me I am banking mainly in the US 🙂
  15. I still think the group that should be concerned are residents that have 100K above in capital income, not so much the "average" pensioner that goes bar hoping (no disrespect in any way). If the guy is a bar owner he has to file IMHO anyway or is he working for free?
  16. No one knows if they will accept your documentation. Good luck if you have a mingled account.
  17. Great example. It highlights another major problem all of us could face. Maybe they do not enforce the new directive in 2024 but in 2025 or 2026 they do. No one will know before the TRD sends you a letter after the tax year has passed stating you have to pay big time, which brings me back to my point of several layers of insulation or protection from this clusterpha...
  18. That is what I expected: Ask 2 lawyers get 3 different answers. This will be a whole new level <deleted>show if TRD decides to follow through (big if but only my gut feeling). It shows one thing. be prepared for the worst and have several layers of insulation if push comes to shove. Everything we discuss here can only be used to have as many layers of insulation as possible (Gifts, creditcard usage, remittances of money earned before 2024 etc)- Godspeed to all of us!
  19. Can you recommend an agency that does that? I am currently not in Thailand nor did I have interest from a thai bank account but I need a tax certificate from TH (TIN also needed for tax certificate). It is my understanding that I can opt to pay voluntarily a token amount and get a tax certificate. Why TH is not willing to issue a tax certificate (without having paid taxes) stating Mr. X has lived for more then 180 days in TH and is therefore a tax resident is beyond me.
  20. Sorry have to disagree here, there is no "international obligation" to tax your tax subjects. It is neither tax evasion nor money laundering if you are a tax resident of Thailand and pay no taxes because TH does not want to tax it. Same as in the UK, CH, PH, etc. Why should it be illegal to avoid taxation on money transfer? There is a legal exception being the LTR Visa, nothing illegal there.
  21. IMHO not taxable however if Thai TD does not accept your "prove" you may have a problem, same applies if you receive a 100K USD "gift" from your brother, parents etc.
  22. There are several types of LTR where you do not need 80K passive income.
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