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Everything posted by stat

  1. So far it is my understanding that only remitted income to TH will be taxed. However if you have not paid taxes on your interest in the other country then you cannot claim DTA shelter when you transmit.
  2. In case of dividends you should be covered by DTA example you receive income from us shares, then your dividend is covered by DTA betwenn US and Thailand and Thailand SHOULD discount the 15% you already paid on the dividend (assuming they accept your documentation which can be mind boggeling even in the west).
  3. Some MINUTES later he posts: "Hate to be the bearer of bad news. But a DTA will not cover as you are not paying tax in another Country. " Simply lost for words with this guy
  4. Your offshore investment income (capital gains for example) is no longer protected under a Dta if you have no residence other then Thailand.
  5. Many people no longer have a "home country" in a DTA sense as they are living full time in Thailand and do not have an abode abroad (with the exceptiosn of the US guys).
  6. Yes it should help ,if but that ist a big if, the thai tax department accepts the documentation.
  7. CRS has resulted in much higher taxes in the TENS of billions been collected around the world. Thai RD will see that you made substantial amount of trading revenue but will have no Idea via CRS what is profit or how much you transfered into Thailand. Nevertheless they could see everything on your thai account by demanding a copy of your bank book. In addition if they see big money in your offshore account they may wonder why you claim to live on 150k thb a year...
  8. Philippines and Malaysia do not tax foreign sourced income in SEA (P. only for foreigners). CRS is now in nearly all place so there are not many execptions where the government does not see ALL your accounts and revenue from those off shore accounts. There COULD be a lot of surprises in the near future as tax office learn how to use the crs data even in places like Mexico, Indonesia etc. Currently a lot of tax offices still cannot use the crs data from an IT perspective, that will change.
  9. Fully agree, that is why up to now I never had a penny in TH ???? Always wondered why so many people bought villas here as you never know if you will be able to enter TH (Covid for example) or sell your place and then take your money with you... Thinking about transfering 10 to 30 K EUR max.
  10. I was only thinking of investing the amount I would transfer into Thailand. Can you recomment a brokerage or Bank in Thailand? Thanks
  11. Mutual Funds are a difficult beast... How are dividends taxed on Fund Level etc... , Ter, spreads etc
  12. I just read that apparently cap gains from trading in Thai stocks on thai stock exchange are tax exempt according to Mazars: https://www.mazars.co.th/Home/Insights/Doing-Business-in-Thailand/Tax/Thailand-Tax-Foreign-Income-Taxable-from-2024 can someone confirm this?
  13. Is there any way to get interest on Baht or USD deposit in TH? (pls no crypto talk) As far as i understand if I invest with a thai broker my cap gains are again taxable in Thailand so not a viable option. Currently you get around 4.6% on USD deposits so you would lose out on this interest while parking money in Thailand. Agreed better then paying 20% taxes but still..
  14. The western union way is no real solution as you are still technically "remitting" money to Thailand. I assume you will have to declare money before landing (in future) and if you dont and get cought you have a big problem.
  15. Thanks for the info on Thailand. Not the case in other countries but maybe Thailand is different. Do they have people who speak English? In Germany sometimes they even refuse to read an english account statement and the english level here is usually pretty high.
  16. They dont need to, they could just tax all your remittances. But "up to you" Somchai will say if you can come up with all the paperwork that Somchai needs???? BTW in Germany there is also an easy way for a tax declaration: If you do not provide sufficient material for a tax declaration or none at all the taxman will make an estimation and you can guess in which direction the estimate will go. Same COULD happen in Thailand.
  17. They dont need to as you have to present your passport when you exhange money in a bank or with superrich etc. You could exchange at home and lose like 3% on the exchange rate though. I would not carry more then 10K euro/USD any way.
  18. You are the living proof of the dunning krueger effect. After admitting that you do not know much about DTAs and how they are handled and what documentation is needed you claim you have it all figured out that your pension will be excluded under the DTA.
  19. I am only giving advice to unfriendly people that pay for my services. ????
  20. It was not a loophole it was the law. Good for you that you think you have understood your DTA... BTW you number of posts is displayed directly under you name now that is sad.
  21. Have you ever seen a brokerage account statement with 5000 option and future trades? In my home country there are probably 1000 people that know how to tax them. Have you ever send in proof that your pension was qualified for exemption of an DTA fully notarized with an apostile etc? They COULD make this hell if they want to. Of course if your income is not high you will not have too many problems. Our only hope besides this whole directive not beeing applied is that they accept your declaration without further proof (with or without tea money).
  22. Income not transmitted in the same year was tax free so no dodging was needed or possible . 7 posts in this forum no understanding of DTAs but calling out tax dodgers, amazing. However nice forum name!????
  23. I did not intent to offend you my apologies! With how many foreigners does he deal per year? I deal with tax authoritires on a regulard basis and I have to explain to department heads in those big city authorities in the west how to apply the law. Somchai the tax inspector from a 18.000 population village maybe a nice and honorable man but he does not know how to handle this stuff as we all are missing the relevant information plus he maybe deals with 10 farangs and has never heard about DTAs before. He is bound by the directions BKK gives him (or maybe he is not, but I assume he is). However thanks for giving information about what this guy had to say about his interpretation.
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