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  1. nothing will rust after a few minutes drive in shallow salt water
  2. graffiti makers are losers who have no life. one month in jail and blacklisted is all what they deserve.
  3. Not Hua Hin related but worth noticing that Mae Hong Son has no more flights from Chiang Mai, which should be fixed, as the town can be only be reached by 4 flights a week from bangkok via ... lampang (not Chiang Mai), what a stupid idea. The first flight from Chiang Mai was in the 50's and lasted until 3 years ago. Quite long to drive there but worth the trip
  4. for 3 months a year the sparse tourists will strive to spot the sick pandas through smog during the toxic fumes season
  5. they seem good guys, just saw some of their videos; leave them alone, they did nothing wrong, thai gov you are making this world worse than it already is
  6. She can use a lota (it is a traditional tool for yoga) that she fills withsalted water (previously boiled) and rinse the nose and cleanse the sinuses. search for "lota sinuses and nose cleaning" on google .. it is painful while using it (when sinuses are infected) but it works. Anything else is just short time relief with no long time recovery effects. Her sinuses are infected and this is the only solution. Add one drop of eucalyptus oil to the water and shake well before using. It will help disinfect the sinuses and reduce sinuses pain while using the lota. also it will prevent inflamation of the optic nerve that passes just next to the sinuses.. this has to be done every day (two lota full of water ) for several months, several times a year for 2 years to treat the problem once for all. I see many thais using their menthol sticks, which, although widely used, are useless for treating their sinuses problem for real.
  7. most weed sold in Thailand was produced by mexican cartels in California with forced labor, tons of chemicals, no ethics, hig load of THC, cheap price, all that arrived in Thailand with the help of corrupt officials, to crush local weed producers and get most of the business' money.
  8. Possibly not be the best time to do visa run in Mae Sot. Someone working in Mae Sot at the border on Thai side reported yesterday lot of fighting on the other side of the Friendship bridge (border crossing) on Myawaddy side (Burma) as Cobra Colum (Karen Army and Burmese PDF) entered the town 4/5 days ago and are fighting against the Burmese military and police. Loud gun shots heared all day (so that's taking place quite close to the border crossing area). Many Thai army humvees patrols along the border all day long. In that context I don't know if the border post is open.
  9. " a great opportunity for people to make money in the health tourism arena " ... Does weed bring "health" ? .... are you kidding ? .. If it can relieve pain in some illnesses, let it be, but you don't give medecine to someone healthy, they will become sick.
  10. I am vaccinated and i caught the omicron variant last week. No symptoms. Countless people around me cought it and had no symptoms of at worst 2 days big fever, running nose, cough, but nothing fatal. A close friend, 74, caught it and had flu and fever, now he's better after 3 days. Vaccine doesn't protect AT ALL against the new variant. Herd immunity is the only way to get rid of it. Very few people die of it. Open borders and let people go everywhere. This is the end for covid. All these government should get over it and let life start again. Which will happen sooner than later.
  11. Hi everyone, i'm arriving in Phuket october 23. I might join a group distributing food to people there. By taking part financially and, importantly, helping distributing food. I might also organize my own distribution to people in the streets. Thai people are amazing people, and deserve help in these hard times. i would be ashamed of myself by going there only for holiday purposes while so many are suffering. Alain
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