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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. having had the PLEASURE of visiting the Galapagos 3 TIMES and Scuba Diving there, it has to be the top dive destination in the world, a LITERAL Disneyland for Divers.

    Tens of thousands of sharks encountered, Dolphins, Mobula Rays, Turtles, Manta Rays, Millions of fish its truly a sight to behold.

    Because of its remoteness though these poachers can  get away with what they are doing hopefully Equador will keep the pressure on and protect this true wonder of the world.

  2. On 7/1/2017 at 3:22 PM, NancyL said:

    I self removed a skin tag on my body using nail clippers.  It was in an area not normally visible, I think caused by rubbing from my underwear.  While the procedure was painless, I was amazed at the amount of blood generated.  I would definitely seek professional treatment for a skin tag located in a more prominent area.

    You should of tied it off first with cotton thread or dental floss leave it till it turns blackish then use the nail cutter and you wont bleed at all since the blood has been cut off and behind the thread the skin has already closed.

    I had zero blood in 3 self skin tag removals

  3. On 6/30/2017 at 11:55 AM, dingdongrb said:

    Yes, I have read about that and other 'home remedies' before making this post. 


    The thread (dental floss) tying isn't a method I would prefer after reading about it. First there would be this nasty looking dark growth appearing until it does fall off, if it does. Secondly if the thread isn't tied at the proper location of the skin tag stalk then the blood circulation wouldn't be obstructed and it wouldn't work. And then there's that possibility of infection or large scar/bump left behind.


    I would just as much pay someone $$ and get it done properly by a professional who has a good track record. 


    Coming from someone who has removed 3 tags ITS A SIMPLE process and just pull it as tight as you can and i assure you all blood will be cut off as for SCARS absolute rubbish I cant even find where it was located now.

    Cant imagine paying for such a simple job and as as someone said once it turns black you can just remove it since it is just dead skin.


  4. Why pay good money for a simple Skin tag removal ?? the process of removing it yourself costs NOTHING i have removed several of my own safely and at zero cost.

    All you need to do is cut off the blood supply to the tag and this can easily be done with DENTAL FLOSS just tie a piece at the base of the skin tag and tighten (this will be a bit uncomfortable when you initially do it) then tighten it and tie it off tight.

    After a few days it will simply drop off and be gone, I dabbed it in Apple cider vinigar to speed up the drying out process but if its near your eye that might not be possible.

    It works and its free 


  5. 3 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Why do you need a work permit to use your own computer in your own home to access and post on youtube?  YouTube is free to use and open to everyone and it's not as if you can hire a thai to do your hobbies, use your computer so you are entertained.  So farangs being amused and tapping a key on a keyboard is now another job reserved for thais in Thailand.  It's already illegal to mow your lawns, wash your car and take the garbage out, do we have to hire a thai to use my phone and call family?

    ITS BS 


    What work permit is this labor guy saying he can get ? since he is self employed  its HARDLY A JOB IS IT and definately not taking work from anyone.

    Totally RIDICULOUS but what do you expect from this country

  6. 1 minute ago, darksidedog said:

    Just yesterday Donald was telling those dumb enough to believe him that his trip was a success. Merkel is clearly not in his fan base and recognises him for what he is, a danger to world peace. America is clearly no longer seen as the leader of the free world and in fact under Trump seems to want to renege on many of its commitments and promises. I pray that the US people will wake up and start to see what they have set in motion. Reasonable people, with the ability to think cannot pretend any longer that everything is OK.


    Why should he not renege ????

    23 Nations have reneged by NOT PAYING their share of NATO expenses in fact many are years behind including GERMANY 

  7. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    First, in taking the oath of office, a president promises to “faithfully execute the laws & the constitution.”


    Second, Article I Section 9 of the Constitution forbids government officials from taking things of value from foreign governments.


    Third: The 1st Amendment to the Constitution bars any law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”


    Fourth: The 1st Amendment also bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” 


    A fifth possible ground if the evidence is there: Article II Section 3 of the Constitution defines “treason against the United States” as “adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”


    Six, Obstruction of justice, sacking the Guy thats investigating you.

    AND ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE he has not followed those 

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