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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. On 9/5/2016 at 10:23 AM, frozin1 said:

    Other than a few in the wing-nut fringe no one would claim that MJ 'treats' cancer. It is undoubtedly helpful in managing the side-effects of other treatments such as chemotherapy. In the US States that have approved both medical and recreational use of this substance  (Oregon, Alaska, and Washington) society has not exactly fallen into anarchy. These decisions are political and not based in medical science. 


    And you obviously have done no research on the matter and are talking out your butthole 

  2. 19 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    There have been many court proceedings already.  Lots of information has been gathered.  I hear what you are saying, but without S44, it might be 20 years before justice is served.  like in the Sondhi case.  If she's not guilty, then she has nothing to worry about.


    She has everything to worry about, its been a wtichhunt from the start, will they be charging the supreme one for the coup and the losses in tourism and the effect it had on the ecomony ??? 


  3. 5 hours ago, impulse said:


    The same one that teaches people to occasionally beat to death drivers who have accidents where people are severely injured.  Seems like both phenomena are 2 edges of a sword that are well accepted in a culture where the police can't be relied on to do their jobs.  


    I'd probably try to drive away myself if someone I'd just hit jumped up on my car in what seems like an effort to beat the crap out of me.  I'm accustomed to people walking up calmly and pulling out ID and insurance cards...

    YES I have been instructed to never stop after an accident because it can be deadly drive away then report to police seems the safest method but even that is fraught with danger as I saw a video of a guys gunned down in the Police station by a cop because he had an accident and the cops daughter was on the back of the bike and died so the cop shot him mutiple times in the waiting area


  4. 2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Yes I don't recollect him being a failed businessman.  Failed political wannabe certainly and although he was leader of UKip he couldn't actually win any seat in Parliament at all.  According to Trump he led the brexit campaign but I am afraid that too is false.  He did trigger the government to call a referendum and kudos to him for that.  When it came to the campaigning his group were kicked into touch and the team running brexit was run by Johnson and Gove.  In fact they refused to share a platform with Farage and distanced themselves from him.

    EVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS FARAGE that spearheaded the Brexit 16 years he worked for that and to try and take it away from him and give it to goad and the other clown is pathetic give credit where it is due

  5. 5 hours ago, Yann55 said:


    I feel for you Gary, but honestly,  "the locals treated us like shit" is a phrase that can be said by a lot of people in a lot of countries. Now of course that doesn't make this Saudi brute right, I'm just suggesting that by keeping in mind the bigger picture, perhaps we humans as a whole could begin to address this kind of problem ?

    I have mates working there NOW and they say the exact same thing pure animals would not catch me dead even doing a layover in any of those scummy countries i will pay extra to avoid them at all costs 

  6. On 8/5/2016 at 1:46 AM, balo said:

    I wish CM could offer the same range of western restaurants as Pattaya. In Pattaya I can have any authentic food run by Italian, French, Scandinavian or American owners. They look after their customers and make sure the quality is the same as they remember from back "home"  . But maybe it will get better in the future as more and more foreigners are moving in . 


    Its does 


    Try Norden for Scandanavian Very good I tried it recently 


    Loads of Italian place I mean Loads 


    French Try Marcos (very Good)  Loih Kroh and Le Crystal 


    Join CM Eats facebook group they have write ups almost daily by customers of almost every food choice thousands of members that just eat and find good restaurants all over CM 



  7. So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

    Because no other country on the planet recognizes him as a criminal.


    Thailand has no credibility whatsoever where the charge against Thaksin is concerned and the reason why all requests from any country that has been asked has been turned down.

    They can fool the thai people and the few idiot farangs on here but the real world see's right through it

  8. Isn't that a face you'd just love to punch. 555555

    What a piece of excrement, glad it's having another birthday.....one step closer to death.

    No not at all he was a democratically elected PM that was removed by an Illegal coup finally when the people were allowed to vote again they voted in his Sister and again she as the legal democratically elected PM and yet again removed by a Coup hmmmmm LOOKS like a pattern here 2 democratically elected individuals removed by a coup and now they are doing their very best to avoid and make it hard for THE PEOPLE to elect who they want

    So No I dont want to punch him in the face I want to wish him a Happy Birthday

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