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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Pretty predictable they would pay the compensation and make all this go away, heat on the club is not wanted, so easier to just pay the compensation and sort it out later, if they wanted to, they could of fought it with the damage to the car etc but that would mean dragging it out, easier to just agree to pay, and sort it out later.


    The thai guys should enjoy their money knowing its 81 money :whistling: many of you may not know but there are MANY THAI Hells Angels also not just farang



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  2. Easier just to pay the compensation and it all goes away, of course its BULLSHIT the thais smashed their truck up tot he tune of over 100K in damages so they get to pay compensation and to fix their truck but as you can see they dont want press coverage just pay and let it fade away.


    Let the thai guys enjoy their money :whistling: 

  3. 5 hours ago, Xircal said:


    Eh? Where on earth in the video do you see any evidence of these bikers vehicle being attacked with baseball bats and golf clubs? That's a downright lie and you know it.


    You're just making things up as you go along to support your warped view of the incident. One might even ask if you were one of these thugs the way you seem to be defending them.


    READ THE STICKMAN BANGKOK REPORT which has pictures of the bikers car and the massive damage to it 

  4. 6 minutes ago, ericthai said:

    the foreign guys where defending themselves...what??  The expats hit their bike, would you not go after someone that hit your car / bike? Then the expats stop their car and beat the shit out of the kids. Dont see where that is defending.


    Yes I would go after them but I would not immediately start smashing their car up with Golf clubs and bats maybe I would be civilized and say hey you hit my bike and go from there , instead these thai guys immediately started smashing their car up OVER 100,OOO BAHT damage 

    They were right to exit the car and lay into them,

     well the ones they could catch anyway which was only one

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  5. 3 minutes ago, tonyjimmac said:

    There is never any excuse for this kind of behaviour by anybody. It is immature, uncivilised and, I'm afraid. all too typical of this type of self-evidently low quality visitor. Why these people are admitted to the country in the first place is baffling. One look at them - beer bellied, shaven headed thugs - and surely any immigration officer should think twice before stamping their passports. They clearly do not have the intelligence to understand they are in another country and another culture. If they did and knew how to handle the situation in a way appropriate to the culture of the country then this ugly incident might never have occurred. One hopes they are apprehended and made an example of.


    So Err please tell me what you would do finding 3 thai guys smashing your car up with golf clubs bats and a machete while you are in the car WHAT WOULD YOU DO ?



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  6. 4 minutes ago, Alive said:

    Daimondking has got the correct version. i just listened again. It was the bikers who hit the kid's bike and drove off. The kid and his friend followed them and when they confronted them the bikers wouldn't listen to them and the fight broke out.



    And I have the right version again since in the video there is no time for a conversation when the thais jump off the scooter and run towards the bikers and then seconds later they are back in the picture fighting I think its pretty clear they did not go up to them nicely more like in a very threatening manner.

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