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Posts posted by minbari73

  1. So many people here missing the point of this group and to mention Arch Enemy in the same thread as an alternative, seeing their lead guitarist Michael Amott actually played on the Babymetal album is ironic. The mastermind behind the group which features 7 or so rotating virtuoso Japanese session musicians, is a chap by the name of Kobayashi and yes he works for a talent agency called Amuse Inc. he loves metal, all the ones mentioned here and he wondered what it would be like if jpop was mixed with a full metal sound. Jpop called pretty much exclusively manufactured in Japan by talent agencies and big companies for entertainment, so he only had to go to Sakura Gaikuin talent school for his 'angels'. They openly admit it's a fabrication, a fantasy concept and that the girls had no idea what metal was beforehand. There's no secret or scandal in that. Do you remember a time when you had no idea too? Well the girls were 10 and 12 when starting, they are now 15 and 16 and put on the most rollicking, energetic and FUN live performances you will ever see. There's nothing more real than that, they were auditioned and chosen, just like any band choosing a new singer. They are protected by minders and travel with their parents and they quite obviously love what they do. I usually judge a musical act by the quality of the songs and BM have some of the most enjoyable music I've ever heard, played with genuine talent and songwriting and recorded with production skill. One of the lead guitarists Takayoshi Ohmura let slip on his twitter that the current band and the girls will be writing and coming up with future songs. The BM album is a compilation of 4 years of singles and EPs written mostly by outside songsters, so it will be interesting to see what a tight and practised unit of musicians can come up with.

    Do they mime?

    As with most jpop it starts small and depending on the act and the severity of the dance moves, they choose carefully what songs can be sung live and which can not. Due to the youth and size of the unit in 2010 and also the fanbase and size of the live performances, things were mimed. BM's lead singer Suzuka Nakamoto has been singing live for past 3 years with only some vocalisations mimed for live effect. Moa and Yui have a more difficult time dancing and singing at the same time and when they were younger, management couldn't expect children to do that given the fact they were moving so quickly and energetically the entire time. At 15 and with a substantial increase in fitness and stamina, they now do sing live, again with minor stuff playbacked. Each track has a fair amount of keyboard usage which also seems to be on playback during concerts. The core of the music and vocals is completely live though and anyone can see they do it well, if they took the time to check it out that is. If they took the time to put aside there preconceived notions about what constitutes "metal".

    This isn't black metal or death metal, or even "true" metal, it's kawaii metal, it's its own thing and is a genuinely fun and well done pastiche on the history of the metal sound done in a way only Japanese can do.

    (crude language deleted by local moderator)

  2. I have a background in microbiology and I still got access to the biggest publishers of research papers. Trust me, your concern is valid, Thailand has one of the highest rates of food poisoning in the world. Why? You're already providing some of the answers in your post. Irresponsible and uneducated fits the average Thai mother in this area.

    Personally, if there was one thing I could tell Thais to stop doing, it'd be the disgusting habit of stuffing food in to the baby's mouth with their bare hands. It's a matter of education, which in this aspect they have none.

    Keep your son safe, your awareness will take you longer than most Thais.


    There are plenty of countries where the issues are as big as in Thailand, but since we are in Thailand I have to use Thailand and a baseline. This is not ranting against Thailand. I'm sorry if this come across as anything like that.

    Edit: what the he** is wrong with my space key...

    thanks for the replies everyone.

    Would there be an element of buildup of immunity over the years with the "feeding baby with the bare hands" thing? The old "let the kid play in the dirt" adage comes to mind. Could the cleaner you are the more susceptible you would be to disease, which is why most Thais aren't dead soon after birth?


    What annoys me the most though, when it comes to the mother in law living with us, is her abject refusal to see that things are clearly better. Access to hot clean water would surely come as a godsend (strange for an atheist to say:) as it does my wife, but no..the old bird continues to shower by a cold trickle (she's 56) continues to wash clothing in a cold bucket and then hang to drip dry despite access to a washing machine/dryer and soap, softener etc..the lack of mosquitoes, centipedes, animals with free access to the living room, rain coming in the walls still doesn't seem to make her happy 75% of the time. It's as though she is stuck mentally in the 1950's - we've even set up thai satellite television for her and she watches it with a gloomy attitude. Well it seems that way to me!

  3. Having travelled to Thailand around 9 years ago and since married a Thai lady and have gone through (her) family problems, we are currently living in Oz with her Mother and i've noticed some things that occasionally annoy me when it comes to food handling. Obviously in Australia as in Thailand, we have refridgerators to keep things fresh and stave off bacteria etc, but she cannot grasp the idea of not leaving food out uncovered for many hours and overnight even with a fridge rather close at hand. Anything she does i just fob off as a "Thai thing" and accept it as such, but when it comes to my young son, bacterial infections are not something i want him to have. Right now, we're on holiday in Buriram at the wife's Aunties house and the same sort of thing is happening here (of course i stay shtum about most things here), but i can't help wondering about the cooked rice left out in the open for many days with flies buzzing around it. She's not one of the poorer people here, in fact she has a fridge and seems to supply the village with rice and has a few baht put away. I ask my wife about these things, but all i get is a shrug. I notice the flies buzzing around street vendors and its one of the reasons i refuse to eat from them, especially when it looks like flies have aleady landed and layed maggots within the food. If anyone out there can let me in on the mentality of Thais when it comes to food it'd be appreciated, i mean they seem to be otherwise clean people...again i'm not sure how this is possible bathing in green river water piped in from somewhere. I simply feel filthy after a cold shower here even after lathering up for 10 minutes!

  4. Hi, haven't been in here in years, thought this would be the best place to ask. I've found this thread:

    but was wondering whether this is still relevant as my Thai Mother in Law, currently living as a permanent resident in Perth has a passport that is due to expire in August '11. We are going on holiday the month before in July and most likely due to misunderstandings with her Thai friends, she's been told she must travel 6 months before it expires. I've said this makes no sense, a passport that hasn't expired yet, hasn't expired yet. Anyone here heard about anything like this? We'll be stopping over in Singapore first (on her not yet expired passport) if that makes any difference.



  5. Can anyone point me to info or even tell me about the rules and regs now for a Thai mother in law who came here (Australia), was married and now wants a divorce 6 months later - obviously still on temp visa, that my wife went Assurance of Support for it all to happen.

    Would she have to go back to Thailand straight away, or would the AoS kick in and she could stay with us? No idea what section on the DIMIA site this is gone into


  6. As long as we are on this topic. Does anyone (who is living in Thailand) have a wife or GF capable of watching a serious western movie drama? Preferebly viewing in English with Thai subtitles. I have met one or two who can grasp the story, most of them either have no interest or it is beyond their comprehension.

    A mate of mine reckons his missus and his GF before watch(ed) and seemed to enjoy western stuff even without subtitles, but usually their main interest was the main topic. I suppose it would be like asking us to watch foreign or Thai movies constantly..i know i would tire very quickly of that. It's just not our culture :o

  7. Stewardesses ? Funnily enough it's a show about Pilots and Flight Attendants that finally prompted my rant. Well done :o

    My wife tells me the female writer of the show was hunted down and thrown in jail..which made me very very happy indeed :D

  8. Hiya ppl, long time no talky. Just wanted to know if any of you fellows living with your Thai Wives have to put up with the curse of the Thai soap opera...you know the ones, where the overwrought acting, struggling jealousy/hold me back catfights, awful and more often than not stolen from western sources music swells to crecendos every 3 minutes, beautiful women with catsbum mouths glaring at one another, handsome men smiling at the camera ...drive you up the wall with screaming and arguing...i tell ya...if it didn't keep my Wife continually amused I would destroy the goddamn TV set! She must have watched at least 45 different soaps in the last 4 years and they are ALL the same! I swear I've heard the same music used in at least 20 of them...same actors too! That springy/boingy sound that signals a funny moment...oh gawd....


  9. My mother in law is about to marry an old fellow who isn't used to thai food and who will eventually (like me) tire of rice with every single dish. Does anyone know of any site that specialises in farang/western dishes for the thai cook? We have many cook books, but as they don't understand the details in the instructions they sort of just give up!

    Thanks for any info!


  10. As it seems rather urgent, I’d be inclined to take a chance and ask the daughter to make a trip to the Umphur. If she explains the situation of her mother being out of the country they may give her a copy.

    A quick phonecall from the MIL to her daughter mentioning dates and actual Umphur office will assist locating the document. There is a Sub-District office in Ban Dan, just confirm the divorce took place there.

    You may be lucky. From thanyaburimac’s post it appears possible for others to obtain copies.

    ok thanks guys, problem resolved - looks like we pay through the olfactory system because of certain relatives laziness. Ahh well.


  11. "ban Prasat?" OK, that's the village, but what amphur is it in? Here's the amphur listing:


    Amphoe King Amphoe

    Mueang Buriram

    Khu Mueang


    Nang Rong

    Nong Ki

    Lahan Sai

    Prakhon Chai

    Ban Kruat


    Lam Plai Mat

    Satuek Pakham

    Na Pho

    Nong Hong

    Phlapphla Chai

    Huai Rat

    Non Suwan


    Ban Mai Chaiyaphot

    Non Din Daeng

    Chaloem Phra Kiat¹



    i'm pretty sure it's Ban Dan - it's been a few years :o

  12. My wifes mother wants to marry an old feller here in Perth WA and he's been told that he needs to have her divorce papers handy. Trouble is she was divorced over 30 years ago and has lost them. She "thinks" she knows where they are, but as she is here and isn't going back until November we've been trying to send all manner of relatives to her village shack to try to find them to no avail. She obviously hid them quite well. Our only recourse was to track down her ex-husband, who of course is in debt and wants $2000 to hand them over.

    Is there SOME way around this? A 30 year rule? The local amphur and village leader doesn't seem to know..let alone the constant thai translated back and forth between relatives is confusing me further.

    Looks like it will be cheaper to send her back to find them herself...

    any advice would be appreciated !


    Was the divorce done by mutual consent at the local Amphur, or by a judge at a court if it was a contested or MIA type divorce?

    Several years ago I was asked to help out in the search for a divorce record at the Prakanong District Office there about Sukumvit Soi 50+. I had the names and the year, didn't have the month. Still the clerks (not the Nai Amphur!) were helpful and started pulling out several ledgers for that year. They found the record and made an official copy of it, all nicely chopped and signed off. For FREE, yet.

    Seems to me a court record would be even easier.

    What upcountry (I assume) amphur did the divorce take place? Might be a TV member who lives in that area who could help out and check.


    i'm pretty sure it was mutual consent - contacting the ex-husband looks like it's been a last resort kinda thing

    it happened in Buriram ban Prasat i think!

  13. As she is returning in a couple of months time an option will be to file a police report in Thailand stating the papers were lost. The report is cheap, maybe 25 Baht or so. Take the report to the Umphur where she was married/divorced and ask for replacement certificates to be issued. They will issue certified replacement copies of the original for a minimal charge, about 10 or 20 baht per copy.

    the problem is she is marrying quite soon within the month ...is there some way for someone else to do this? Her other daughter who lives there perhaps?

  14. My wifes mother wants to marry an old feller here in Perth WA and he's been told that he needs to have her divorce papers handy. Trouble is she was divorced over 30 years ago and has lost them. She "thinks" she knows where they are, but as she is here and isn't going back until November we've been trying to send all manner of relatives to her village shack to try to find them to no avail. She obviously hid them quite well. Our only recourse was to track down her ex-husband, who of course is in debt and wants $2000 to hand them over.

    Is there SOME way around this? A 30 year rule? The local amphur and village leader doesn't seem to know..let alone the constant thai translated back and forth between relatives is confusing me further.

    Looks like it will be cheaper to send her back to find them herself...

    any advice would be appreciated !


  15. My wife's mum has been here for 7 months and is due to go back to Thailand in November - She's 54 (with one other daughter in LOS) and we've looked into keeping her here on a family visa. Of course the DIMIA site doesn't say this, but it could take up to 10 years on top of the 2 grand payments...OR...up to $40,000 the other 'quicker' way. Bastards. If she didn't have her other daughter there, she could come here on the 'family alone' option, but obviously that's out the question. So now we are looking at trying to find her a man and it looks like we may have a winner. The question is, and it's something I can't find any info on the site about, are the fees still ridiculous for a 54 year old spouse, or prospective spouse ? Would it be looked at more kindly if she married before going back to LOS, or wouldn't it matter?

    Thanks for any thoughts :o

  16. Trying to apply for a Thai birth certificate so in turn we can get a Thai passport for our baby and the forms the Embassy have sent us (in Thai) have stated according to my Wife that she must send her passport to them. I've argued that surely they would just need a certified copy of it and it's not a good idea to send an important document such as that in the mail. Anyone here know what's up with that? Is it the case they would need the real thing or would a copy do?


  17. Looking to bring my TW's mum to Perth sometime in the next year for either a long holiday or to migrate. Which would be the best option to look at on the dimia or bkk embassy site? My wife isn't a permanent resident yet and i'm pretty sure she will need to be one first for her to sponsor her mum. If that's the case will she need a job beforehand and a large bank account or could she use me as a sponsor? I'm confused about which way to go with this. Any help would be appreciated.


  18. Learn to make google your best friend...


    Jeez, I learned that a long time ago and I saw that page before coming here. It doesn't answer my question. That page is for employers and those already in the loop. How does a Thai man get IN the loop ? If you can point out that piece of info on that page, you have better eyes than me. Who does he see in Thailand to put his name forward to come to Australia for shortterm employment?

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