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Posts posted by CheGuava

  1. Um, it's a beer SAMPLING event, not a Beer Binge. They are all imported brands from Belgium, Germany, etc. We're not talking beer of the "3 bottles for a red 'un"=type.

    Also, there may be imported Beer-Pretties in attendance.. That alone would be worth 500 baht!

  2. We are a family of three, me British, wife Thai, Iysha 9.

    We all eat Thai food,

    We do things as a family, I do not really enjoy the bar scene

    I love fishing, daughter dancing swimming and singing, wife likes hair being done and eating Somtam

    Would like 3 bed house either rent or purchase - with pool own or communal ( probably rent )

    Will buy a vehicle of some type, probably new with warranty ect

    Food & Groceries - 20K

    House - 14K (incl. fees for garbage collection, pool use, maintenance fees for typical out of town 2 floor 3 bedroom house)

    School - 12K (assumes bi-lingual school, but not a super fancy international school, then you will spend a lot more)

    Singing, dancing, etc classes - 2K

    Electricity - 2K

    Car payments - 12 K

    Car insurance - 2K (assumes 24K annual)

    Car fuel - 2K (varies of course)

    Car maintenance - 1K (Or a bit less; new car, just change the oil & stuff)

    Health insurance - 60 K / 12 months = 5K (for 2 adults, one child)

    Visiting home with the family once a year: 90K / 12 = 7K5

    Other travel in Thailand / region: 5K ?

    Maid - 6K

    Clothing - 3 K

    Hair dresser, beauty shop etc - 3 K

    Other shopping - 6 K

    Going out for dinner, etc. - 6 K (varies of course)

    Hobbies & things - 6 K

    Truevisions TV - 1K5

    Other small expenses - 4K

    Total: 120K baht.

    Note to all: I'm not answering any "<deleted>, I can do this for far less!" type remarks or "You stingy bastard, I'm paying at least X!". If / when you feel you won't spend as much, or will spend more, then feel free to adjust as needed.

  3. I can't remember ever having seen a index.

    I know for my self it has gone up about 10% in five years. Then again I am retired and in a happy dedicated relationship and do not take part in the night life. I have no vehicle and depend on tuk tuk's and song-tows to get around. The cost for both is the same as five years ago. At least the ones I use. I think the song-tows went up 2 baht to 17 not sure I just pay 20 baht.

    So the cost of living can also be related to your life style.:jap:

    And the exchange rate if your money comes from outside Thailand?

    My U.S. dollars are worth about 2/3 of what it was when I moved here to live.


    And my US dollars are worth about a third MORE than what it was when I moved here to live. Relevance? (Other than that it provides some insight in our respective arrival dates, and the nature of currencies and exchange rates? ) :)

  4. Clearly when you freeze bread the crust never comes back to being crunchy, unless perhaps if you do work on it after taking it out of the freezer? It'll be cold and dead coming out of there.

  5. My dog always rides pillion.. I can attest under oath that she's never driven a bike, to the best of my knowledge. She has however on occasion been in front of me, and in the little basket in front as a puppy. Is she eligible?

  6. I've seen fresh pasta (imported from Aus and Italy) for sale in the Tops at KSK. The cold case in the far back right side of the store (not the dairy section), with the select cheeses and misc.

    Stupid prices. Really can't believe they even stock these items.

    It is also a very bad idea environmentally to fly frivolous and unnecessary luxury items around the world. What peopel would enjoy their "CO2-Special" ?

    I'd say a boycott is in order for items that are very easy to make locally from ingredients that are also locally available.

  7. Most of the girls at the Loi Kroh bars are about 35 years old and not very attractive. Many of the clubs are closed. Walking back from Thapae to the Lai Thai where my friend stayed, you have to walk past no less than 20 fairly aggressive khatoeys standing on the street.

    I can't tell if you call that a negative or a mitigating factor?

  8. You can get the form inside the base, about half way down on the main road between the airport and the Ping Payom brothel.

  9. but the cashier simply thought she'd swiped it three times when she'd only swiped it once.

    Mmmm.. okay.. That's a little more clear-cut but still not a mistake that would come back to bite her. That will result in an inventory loss. Depending on my mood I may alert her to that.

    I was only buying the three items so I was a little surprised when she didn't wonder right away how three identical items could come to 37 bht, or that 37bht was cheap for three of said item.

    Being able to add two numbers is no longer a required skill to be a cashier. Never mind understand customers who start discussing prime numbers. ;)

  10. There is never any excuse for theft imho.

    Without theft, there would be no Government.

    governments take with intention to deprive permenantly, a goodly proportion of your money. But thats another thread.. :huh:

    I don't think its theft if you try and give it back and they flatly refuse. I had to convince a lady in Tesco that three of the same items couldn't cost 37bht. It was quite a test of my lingusitic ability but with a smile and a joke I pulled it off. three items at 37bht are more than 37bht and No three identical items could ever add up to 37bht anyway. (prime number).

    At this point it's probably good to note the difference between some Tesco barcoding / systems issue and a person making a mistake. If the Tesco system goes 'BEEP' and charges me less than what I thought then that's just fine with me. It's not my job to figure out if the amount is really lower and it was a labelling issue at the shelf, of what. I don't have time for that, and a mistake of this type won't come back to bite the cashier. If however the cashier gives me back too much money, then I don't want her to suffer for it.

  11. Sometimes the correct thing to do in Thailand is to never openly suggest any Thai has made any mistake.

    I would put this as: It's ALWAYS incorrect to grand-stand about a mistake that someone made especially in front of others. However to help a person prevent a mistake that will lead to his/her wages being cut will be thoroughly appreciated 100% of the time when done quietly and respectfully. Or jokingly, but happily thanking the person for the extra. (this will send out a better vibe than raising your eyebrows and voicing concern; the vibe is then negative in that case even though it's an mistake to your advantage).

    Plus it's the right thing to do. A lot of Farang angst being blurted about in this topic. (By others, not Jingthing so much who is of course partially right; I would just rephrase a little)

  12. Thank you very much for your email. We update our classifieds every day, except for weekends, public holidays, and unfortunately days when the girl in charge is ill. We have someone take over when she is on leave, but sometimes there is no one to take over when she takes a day off, for that I apologise and will make sure someone does it for her in the future. Thank you.

    Ok, apology accepted but please ensure it doesn't happen again.

    We pay a lot for this crucial service, and ... oh.. wait. :)

  13. Just visit the usual suspects.. Doi Suthep, Wat Umong, Wat Chedi Luang, perhaps Wat Jed Yod if you have transportation, as well as a random small temple in the middle of nowhere.

    There are ruins at Wiang Khum Kam (google it) which is not Hang Dong but city district. Then way out past Sanpatong is another historical ruin site.

  14. If saving money is important then try a basic troubleshooting strategy first, through elimination: First you have sex with other women, then see if that produces results. After that you know where the focus of medical attention should be.

    Or quit wasting time and find an IVF clinic; another advantage of that is that you get to pick the gender of your kids.

  15. Some people seem to be confusing a visa on arrival with being visa exempted.

    This fools loads of visitors to Thailand as well.

    Malaysia has:

    * Visa exemption

    * Three month visa-free stay (Most Western countries that are not in the Commonwealth

    * Onemonth visa free stay (Applies to Thai citizens and other ASEAN citizens)

    It's all out there if you just Google. Like http://impressions.com.my/kl/visa.htm

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