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Posts posted by Rags

  1. Why is it that I forever seem to be driving behind a pickup truck that cannot negotiate a simple U-turn without blocking the road and reversing back and forth - even on a decent sized road with 2 lanes in each direction....? :D

    I have never driven a pickup, and am curious as to the reason for this phenomenon, is it due to:

    a - amazingly large turning circle

    b - lack of power steering

    c - lack of driving ability

    d - lack of forethought

    e - .....?

    No prizes for guessing who got stuck behind 2 U-turning pickups this morning.... :o


  2. Thanks for the link Slimdog.

    I actually managed to solve the problem yesterday evening with the help of the Microsoft Support Forum. http://support.microsoft.com/newsgroups/default.aspx

    A surprisingly helpful and responsive group!

    If anyone else encounters a similar problem with removing a watermark, then the answer lies in the fact that the watermark is simply some word-art that is automatically inserted into the header & footer area. If the normal "No Watermark" approach doesn't work, then just open the header & footer for edit, select the watermark text and delete.......simple..... :o


  3. I am running Windows XP with MS Word 2003. A while ago I created a word document and added a "DRAFT" watermark in the background as follows:


    I now want to remove this watermark, but the obvious route did not work:


    To get around the problem I then tried to superimpose another "DRAFT" watermark on top, but this time making it white colour to match the paper and hide the grey draft beneath. This would have worked had the two pieces of text appeared in the same place, but they did not.... :o

    I then tried "Copy All" and pasted it onto a new file, but this simply carried the annoying "DRAFT" mark with it. The file has a lot of formatting, tabs, numbering etc, so I am loathed to copy without the formatting.

    Does anyone have any ideas.....?


  4. Jools quality is good IMO. Haven't been there a while but the Sunday Dinner used to be 299 baht ( give or take a few )


    Went to Jools a few times many years ago (with some of the regulars) and it always stuck in my mind as being the "cliquiest" place I ever found in Bangkok......has it changed at all....?

  5. To each their own - but for the same price as one of these you could get a nice detatched house in a mooban on the outskirts of town, complete with a garden!

    this is my dilema.......whether to buy a cheaper same quality house probably more space etc...but i dont want to feel stranded out in the suburbs... :o

    i like the convience of british town....nice area...just a few mins walk to bts...expensive i know....but if im gonna live in a city like bkk i reckon your home has to be as chilled out and as luxurious as can be...make life easy for yourself

    moo bann or city? ...thong lor seems very nice area.....any other areas similar?

    Thonglor is a very nice area, and as somebody mentioned it is currently very trendy.

    To be honest if you have not lived in Bangkok before, then I would think that staying in the city (somewhere like Thonglor) for a year or two would be the best way to go. It is a good central location and will allow you to pop out in the evenings to socialise, meet people and get a real feel for the city.

    Jumping straight into a mooban lifestyle in the suburbs, where a night out is often more of a once a week affair rather than a once every night thing, is probably not the best way for a new arrival introduce oneself to a new city such as BKK. If you are not careful in choosing the right area for you, then you could unfortunately find yourself a little isolated in a mooban.

    However once you have built up a circle of friends and you have got to grips with life in Bangkok, and especially if you have a young family, then a lot of people prefer the quieter option of the mooban. Knowing of course that if they ever want to pop into town, then they know where to go and have some mates to call on.

    I would suggest that if there is a likelihood of you following the "detached house in a mooban" route within a couple of years of arriving, then it might be better to initially rent a place in somewhere like Thonglor - there are a number of very nice apartments/townhouses for rent in the area. Save your money whilst getting to know the areas in and around BKK well, and then make an informed decision on where you would like to make your family's dream home.

    Just my 2 Bahts worth :D


  6. I enjoy it sometimes, especially like the flavor the spicy side sauce, chilies, and garlic give to the broth. And some of the food chunks you throw in can be quite nice, such as fancy mushrooms, vegetables, and such.

    Same here. Can take or leave the food, but absolutely love the MK sauce, especially with a bit of extra chilies and garlic.

    Took a visitor from UK along to MK once, and she was horrified by the whole concept. She couldn't accept that the fish was put in the bowl and cooked with the meat, let alone the fact that everyone tucks in together - she ended up with Kao Pad Gai :o

  7. Too young to actually remember it first time around, but my father was a big fan of Spike and the gang, and I loved listening to his old comedy records with the voices of Bluebottle and Eccles.

    Thanks to the Goons, Pete & Dudd, TW3, it's that man again, Harry Worth, etc., I actually ended up with a very similar sense of humour to my father, and still quote lines from these shows, but no bugger of my age ever understands them :o

    Say Goodnight Gracie......


  8. Why would you want to go in, anyway?

    Its always been easy to 'drop in' in the past plus I always prefer do all my own legal stuff face 2 face. I guess I will have to learn to trust the post.

    Same here. As you mentioned, it has actually been surprisingly easy and straight forward in the past. Only one person to speak to, and none of the usual process of getting sent from pillar to post and back again..... :o

  9. i for one love the concert dvd's, like tina turner live in amsterdam, u2 pop, led zeppelin the song remains the same, red hot chilli peppers at sloane castle etc :D

    For concert DVDs - Pretty much anything by Prince or O-+-> :D

    Especially the Sign 'O' the Times Concert - One of the publicity quotes stated "Makes Michael Jackson look nailed to the floor"....now there is a thought...!

    For the 'sexy girly' music videos mentioned above, you would have to go a long way to beat "Is this Love" by Whitesnake :o


  10. I have a 1yr extended Non-Imm-O visa on the basis of supporting my Thai Wife. I also have a work permit which is about to finish shortly.

    My understanding is that unlike the Non-Imm-B visa requirements (where you have to leave the country within a few days of a work permit finishing), that when my work permit finishes, my Non-Imm-O visa and the extended permit to stay in LoS is unaffected. i.e. I can continue to reside in Thailand until my current 'permitted to stay' date.

    Could somebody please advise if this is correct?


  11. If you had the opportunity of a free ..sort of.... and democratic ... :D  :D election to keep the motley crew or kick them out .....how would you vote? :D .............tut tut.....

    They would be feeling my size 13 rigger boots i am afarid :o

    ......leaving Tony Blair as the only figurehead representing Great Britain to the rest of the world......:D:D

    I know it is what he has been after all along....King Tony / El Presidente.....but really......No Thanks!

  12. Thinking of simple videos that for some reason you just can't turn away from, such as Christopher Walken in "Weapon of Choice", I am surpised that no one has mentioned the New Order one with the two guys in padded costumes slapping each other in the face - was it Blue Monday?

    Silly but it sure made me smile! :o

    Keeping the padded suit theme going, what about the Talking Heads video from the Stop Making Sense tour - classic!


    New Order - true faith?

    The one where two funny looking things are slapping each other.

    Thanks Neeranam - that's the one I was thinking of :D

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