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Posts posted by Rags

  1. My wife is studying for a series of examinations to qualify as a chef in the UK.

    She needs a book she can have with her in the kitchen. Many of the terms are relatively specialised and do not appear to be adequately translated in the pocket book dictionary she has always used.

    I recall seeing a Thai-English-Thai dictionary of engineering terms in the Seacon Square branch of DK books, they may well have something similar for other professions - I will try to remember to take a look next time I am in there.


  2. Things may have changed now, but the old approach was to register for the Government's "Non-Resident Landlord Scheme" which I believe was run by a department called FICO(?). To be eligible you had to state/prove that you would be non-resident for more than one year - but best check the current situation!!

    This scheme meant that your rental income was not taxed at source. Then at the end of the tax year you would do the normal tax return for this and all other UK derived income (being sure to deduct mortgage interest payments, wear & tear etc), and you would pay tax on anything above your normal UK tax allowance.


  3. Mmmm food for thought - thanks Harmonica :D

    Hold Cash - any particular currencies?

    What about pensions - getting out early is penalised pretty heavily, is it worth putting 'good money after bad' under your predicted scenario?

    Don't worry, I am just mulling these thoughts over, and am not necessarily planning to act upon all your advice. Merely interested in options for avoiding poverty :o


  4. Phill Collins did an awsome introduction on the drums, to a song which i cant remember i dont have his album, but it took the normal version and made it some 2-3 minuites longer, any one help? (might have been "easy lover")

    In the Air Tonight...? This might not be the one you are after, but it does have a h3ll of a long intro :o Maybe Sussudeo (sp?)...?


  5. If I had a child I would definitely get a car seat..........but.........I think I'm detecting a bit of cultural intolerance or at least misunderstanding in many of the posts here.  Part of the reason Thais don't use these devices is that they believe in destiny....what will be will be....may pen rai....etc.  In some of the posts people seem to think that this is a result of ignorance.  I think that the Thai culture has this 'what will be will be attitude' as one of it central points...it is very Buddist.  I think that Thais' views on suffering and dieing are very different from westerners' attitudes and it is NOT a matter of ignorance, it is a matter of CULTURE.

    As I mentioned in my original post I did consider the influence of the Thai belief in destiny etc. but figured that this doesn't normally stop most Thai's from adopting a basic level of self-preservation (I did say BASIC :D).

    Just a thought, but would it be fair to say that as most Thai's get richer (or have the means to) they tend to do more and more to protect themselves and their family despite the general 'whatever will be will be' attitude?

    On a more facetious note, maybe the key to this particular childseat issue is to bring out a Louis Vitton version and make it THE fashionable hi-so accessory for all self-respecting car owners... :o


  6. As mentioned, there are occasionally some good deals with the 1st connection with UBC. We took advantage of the recent Bht 2,000 installation offer, which was a vast improvement on the normal Bht 9,000 price.

    It is however a complete rip-off if you want a second installation point (with additional decoder box), they charge you about Bht 7,500 for 'installation' even though the dish is already there and calibrated. All they have to do is place the box on the shelf and trail some cable to the 1st connection. Not rocket science, and it should certainly be a lot cheaper than the normal price for the 1st installation. :o

    Has anyone ever seen UBC offer a promotion for the second connection point?


  7. For a distinctive rock intro, Layla by Derek & the Dominoes was the first that came to mind, closely followed by Sweet Child of Mine by Guns & Roses. However, both of these have already been mentioned, so now thinking of an original response :o


  8. A girlfriend of mine was going to buy a new Honda.  But  it wasn't fitted with the bolt for a safety seat.  She asked why, but the salesperson just gave her a weird look!

    I don't believe that special bolted fixings are required these days. Most of the good quality childseats that I saw had a mechanism that simply clamps onto the rear seatbelts.

    I know it doesn't sound very secure, but once they are installed and properly tensioned, a good couple of tugs on the seat is enough to reassure you that the seat isn't going anywhere :o


  9. This is a very very touchy subject in my family.

    :o  :D  :D

    I bought all the correct fittings, attachements etc etc and the family think there is something wrong with me.

    me "Why isn't Kitty in the chair?"

    her "Kitty feels no good in the chair"

    me "well how do you think she will feel if she flies through the windscreen?"

    her "Mai bpen rai, you good driver"

    :D  :D  :D

    Yep, I initially faced a very similar struggle with the wife.

    She basically didn't want to let go of the lad, and certainly didn't want him 'tied to a chair'. The wife's family also thought I was a bit eccentric for spending a relatively large amount of money on a seat to go on top of perfectly good car seat :D:D

    However, as I mentioned above, the wife is now more than happy with using the car seat, and the little lad actually climbs up into it of his own accord and joyfully asks me to strap him in :D

    Either way, it certainly helps to put my mind at rest after seeing some of the idiots on the BKK roads :D


  10. My car is fitted with a western standard child's car seat that I brought into Thailand myself, and my son is always strapped in for any length of journey – this took some convincing for my wife but now she appreciates the peace of mind and the freedom of not having to hold him all the time, and he is quite happy sitting and watching the world go by. On the occasions when we have to travel by taxi, then we at least make an effort to hold him in such a way that we could (hopefully) protect him in the event of a crash.

    Last night I was driving home on the expressway and whilst glancing in the rear window of the BMW in front, I was amazed to see a Thai baby (maybe 9 months old) crawling on the rear parcel shelf with none of the passengers taking any notice….!!!

    The image of what would happen if this car were involved in a car crash is all too easy to imagine.

    I have been in Thailand for a number of years and am used to seeing the poorer Thai families crammed onto motorbikes and babies sat on parents laps in the front of cars, but for some reason this sight just struck me as being so much more reckless and unnecessary – even considering the Thai destiny concept of whatever will be will be etc… :o

    Most department stores have child car seats for sale, but I have started to wonder if it is only Farangs that buy them. Do the richer Thais not understand the benefits?


  11. I have also been looking around for a decent compact PDA phone, and was considering either the O2 xda mini (Bht 28,000) or the Asus P505 (Bht 21,000). Both of these are pretty small pocket PCs running MS Windows Mobile, and appear to have similar specs - no wi-fi but apparently you can buy a Sandisk memory card with this built in... :o

    Although the O2 looks much better, the cheaper price of the Asus will probably be the deciding factor. Does anyone have any experience with the Asus P505?

    My other question is whether browsing the internet on these devices has similar layout and graphic content as a proper PC (but obviously with a smaller screen :D ), or whether it is the same text-heavy wap version that you get with a normal GPRS handphone?



  12. and if you buy a new one you can even get a visa every year.

    Like buying a condominium and a visa is connected. Yeah right.

    Ah, a real estate agent that is also a visa agent and probably also a lawyer and maybe more sidejobs....

    For me this sentence is a "red flag".

    Khun Jean - To be fair I think that Scheggs was referring to the old 3million baht investment visa concept, rather than offering to pull some strings :o .

    I am not sure if it is still available, but if so then I believe that it allows a foreigner to count the purchase of a condo (Baht 3M+) as an investment in Thailand, and to qualify for a non-immigrant visa on that basis.


  13. Really sorry to hear that Pedro, must be a terrible shock.

    I have no direct experience of autism, but the son of an old colleague has it, and I will try to find out some details for you. If I remember correctly, his son was responding well to some form of regular massage treatment that was heightening his general awareness - but not sure of the details. I will check.

    Firstly as you mentioned, before you get too disheartened, I would definitely try to get a second/third opinion. Same advice for any serious condition diagnosed in LoS!

    Is it possible that the delay in language development could be due to him struggling with both Thai and English, rather than autism? You have not mentioned your son's age, but as you know kids all hit the milestones at different stages.

    Anyway, I hope things turn out OK, and that the second opinion brings better news. Just don't lose sight of the fact that he is still the great kid that he was before, and whatever terms get applied by doctors and the like, he is still going to bring your family a h3ll of a lot of joy.

  14. Duh - I thought the thread was about avatars.

    ...and I was being so dramatic... melodramatic.gif...duh...duh.gif...what an idiot...banghead.gif...it's enough to make you...vomit.gif

    Thomas - From your "why hide" comment, can we assume that your latest avatar is actually a picture of your good self...? If so what made you change from the starchild/baby and come out of the closet so to speak...? :D

    Back on topic - My favourite/most used smiley has got to be the " :o " because I have a tendancy to be just a little bit sarcastic! Without this smiley it would be pretty difficult to convey the right meaning....without 'unintentionally' pissing everyone off.... :D


  15. Thanks Jai Dee - that would explain it :D

    Shame though, the idea of a real-time scrolling list of new replies was the aspect that initially drew me to the forum portal. Maybe that is one for the TV wish list.... :o


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