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Posts posted by Rags

  1. Yep Jockstar, I think the 4 day thing is pretty standard. 

    They said the same to me when I signed-up, but being the impatient bugger that I am, I connected it all the following day and it worked fine.  I think they just say 4 days to give themselves a bit of a cushion before the angry Farang phones up to complain  :D

    I went for the 256/128 option which is pretty good, except that it often disconects after about 40-60mins.  This could be due to the dodgy phonelines in my house, but is not as big a bother as when the dial-up used to keep crashing, as it only takes 5secs to get connected again.

    Good luck!


    I thought that broadband was always connected. Or am i wrong? ######ed if know i just thought that was the way it was.

    As buadhai mentioned it is certainly meant to be connected for all of the time that it is switched on. However I think that the line quality in my house is probably to blame, particularly as the telephone lines are connected with masking tape.... :o

    To be honest it is not a big problem for me at present for simple internet use, but if I was to start downloading movies and the like, I could see myself getting pretty pissed off. It may then be some time for a bit of DIY :D


  2. Quite a bit of ranting for one who's accusing someone else of being too "farang" and taking things too seriously na.. :o


    Keep on him Kitty - you do get the feeling that he doesn't like to be proved wrong don't you :D

    Of course, the real trouble is that you are just not Thai ENOUGH to have a valid view anymore - shame on you :D


  3. Yep Jockstar, I think the 4 day thing is pretty standard.

    They said the same to me when I signed-up, but being the impatient bugger that I am, I connected it all the following day and it worked fine. I think they just say 4 days to give themselves a bit of a cushion before the angry Farang phones up to complain :o

    I went for the 256/128 option which is pretty good, except that it often disconects after about 40-60mins. This could be due to the dodgy phonelines in my house, but is not as big a bother as when the dial-up used to keep crashing, as it only takes 5secs to get connected again.

    Good luck!


  4. I now I am in the minority here but I think Charles will make a great King. He is outspoken, he is an environmentalist and even stuffed in his cotton wool lined palace he is very, very aware of what is going on in the world.

    Ok his taste in women sucks..............on both counts ! !

    I totally agree. Not likely to be a popular view as you mention, but I too think that he will be a good King. Even more shockingly, I will be happier to see Camilla standing next to him when he is King, rather than the manipulative little madam he was with before....... :D

    Back on topic - Unfortunately what better location could there be for the British tabloids to invent some dirty story about Wills, than his trip to Bangkok (which will obviously be dubbed the international sleaze capital of the world)....you can already see the Sun's headlines :o

  5. Thinking of simple videos that for some reason you just can't turn away from, such as Christopher Walken in "Weapon of Choice", I am surpised that no one has mentioned the New Order one with the two guys in padded costumes slapping each other in the face - was it Blue Monday?

    Silly but it sure made me smile! :o

    Keeping the padded suit theme going, what about the Talking Heads video from the Stop Making Sense tour - classic!


  6. Congratulations to George and all at TV!

    By the way, who was lucky number 2,000....?


    Dohhhhh!.......who was lucky number 20,000....? :o

    According to the members list, lucky member number 20,000 is someone called pbrane.

    How appropriate!!!


    Cheers Jai Dee.

    pbrain is obviously someone with a great sense of irony/timing. The landmark first post by the 20,000th TV member was:

    "Problem with Forum..anyone else having a problem?"

    :D:D :D

    Sorry pbrain, no offense meant. Welcome to TV :D


  7. I have been known to utter some of the following, though I hasten to add that I don't tend to insert a quote into every conversation.... :o

    From a brief review of your list:

    we're not in Kansas anymore

    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship

    Show me the money

    If you build it, he/they will come

    You had me at 'hello'

    I feel the need — the need for speed

    My precious

    Houston, we have a problem

    Plus some additional ones:

    You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off - The Italian Job

    Walk in the park Kazanski - Top Gun

    I hate it when it does that - Top Gun as Goose is demonstrating "the finger"

    Ooohhh Bright Light - Gremlins

    Come over to the Dark Side - Star Wars

  8. I believe that George disabled it a few days ago to free-up some space in the database, but he did reintroduce it shortly afterwards. I guess that traffic has been a bit high again today, and that it will be turned back on once the "behind the scenes" techy things have been sorted....I guess.... :o

  9. , the main thing is that you managed to get your seat fitted, and your child's safety and your peace of mind are better for it  :o



    Interesting point about the Maxi-Cosi clamping onto the 3-point belt. Our seat is rear-facing at the moment but I'm wondering if it would clamp like the Maxi-Cosi for forward-facing. Need to have a look at that over the weekend... :D


    I have just sent you a PM with a link to details of the maxi-cosi fixing method in case you are interested.


  10. Aaaarggghh - it got me too :o

    I was also in the middle of posting a lengthy reply when it crashed - in fact I believe it was on the same topic as Jai Dee......so obviously it's our fault Jai Dee, maybe we need a rota system to make sure there is only one person replying at a time....:D


  11. I wrote a long response to this one, but the chuffing server crashed :D

    Anyway, you are right that there is generally a lot of interest from up-country girls in finding a Farang husband. My wife has been given a number of photos over the years from girls in her family's village, all of whom know that she has a Farang husband and want her to "get them one too"... :D

    As you mentioned the language will be the first problem, closely followed by the cultural differences, which although an issue for any Thai/Farang relationship, will be heightened by their lack of experience and interaction with Westerners.

    If you are not careful you will also get blamed for any subsequent fall-out within these relationships, and this could well effect your standing within the community. You could even be seen by some as being the local pimp :D

    Of course if it all works out, you will soon find yourself with a load more Farang neighbours in the village....is that a positive or negative.....?:o


  12. ...and what are your views on existing pensions - getting out early is penalised pretty heavily, is it worth putting 'good money after bad' under your predicted scenario?

    on existing pensions ... I am well aware of the penalties. What can I say?

    You yourself stated that you are mulling over these pieces of info. As time progresses and you yourself determine and confirm that the probability of the depicted scenario is rising due to occurrences in real-time, then that will be the time for YOU to make that decision ....

    Fair enough....I guess my actual question was, if the sh1t hits the fan and deflation occurs on the scale you are suggesting, are the losses on a pension plan likely to be so great as to make the current penalties for early withdrawal seem insignificant...?

    ....Crystal ball anyone...? :o

  13. I guess what I mean is that it is up to me whether I want to risk my life riding a bicycle with no "hat".

    It is my responsibilty to bring up my children safely and well.

    Should I let them sit in the back of the car without a seatbelt?

    Should I make them learn English?

    Should I make them got to the temple every week?

    Should I make them learn self-defense for their own safety?

    Should I let them do whatever the fck they want?

    Should I take them on a plane, where they don't have seat belts for toddlers. I had to hold mine in my arms, whilst everyone elseincluding me had to fasten my safety belt.

    Letting your kid sit in the rear window is up to you.

    Where you take you kid is up to you.

    Put them in a safe seat while you take them to McDonalds and poison them!

    Let them sit in the back of a pick up on the way to church.

    Sit on the ######n roof rack wilst going to pay tamboon and eat a vegetarian meal at the temple!

    Neeranam - I agree that it is up to you how you bring-up your children and to what extent you want to protect them. To each their own.

    My feeling is that in order to keep their children safe and well, a parent should make all reasonable efforts to remove obvious dangers from their child's path. e.g. stopping a 2 year old from playing with a knife rather than leaving it to destiny!

    Similarly if you are able to afford to purchase a carseat that could stop your child flying through the car windscreen in the event of a crash, then it is not as if you are coddling them, rather you are doing your job as a parent and protecting your child from a realistic danger.

    Rags :o

  14. I am surprised to hear that the childseat did not fit the Honda.  We have a "Maxi-Cosy Priory" childseat which fits perfectly in our 2004 Honda CRV.  The rear seat belt fits through the seat's roller mechanisms and clamps just fine, and is very secure even before you engage the tensioning lever.

    There are definitely compatibility issues with certain cars, where due to the shape/angle of the rear seats a childseat may not sit squarely in place, but I had not heard of the seatbelts not being designed for childseats!


    We've got a Britax which according to their website, fits our Honda Accord by using the seat belt tensioning feature. This is a feature where you pull the belt all the way out and it is locked when it goes back in (so it doesn't move normally.) It is basically pre-tensioned so the child seat won't move.

    Honda Accords here (including the new model) don't have this feature. The only way that the seatbelt is tensioned is when the car brakes suddenly and the 'normal' emergency tensioning works. I didn't think that CRVs had the feature either so our seat may have trouble in a CRV.

    I managed to get the seat fitted by using the brackets a bit differently but the standard seatbelt tensioning feature on UK/US Accords definitely isn't fitted here.

    OK, so it comes down to the different fixing approaches adopted by different carseat manufacturers.

    According to the manual, the maxi-cosi seat does not need to have the "locked seatbelt feature" as it tightly clamps and locks the belt section of the 3-point seatbelt making it independent of the seatbelt roll-up mechanism. This means that only the shoulder belt portion of the carseat's fixing system is subject to the normal seatbelt's tensioning on braking.

    Anyway, enough of all this technical stuff, the main thing is that you managed to get your seat fitted, and your child's safety and your peace of mind are better for it :o


  15. ................ silence ................ "what's wrong honey?" ............... "nothing" ............... silence ................silence................"what's wrong honey?"..............."nothing"...............................silence................"honey what's wrong?"..............."nothing"...............silence..............HEINEKEN! :o

  16. Mmmm food for thought - thanks Harmonica :D

    Hold Cash - any particular currencies?

    What about pensions - getting out early is penalised pretty heavily, is it worth putting 'good money after bad' under your predicted scenario?

    Don't worry, I am just mulling these thoughts over, and am not necessarily planning to act upon all your advice.  Merely interested in options for avoiding poverty  :o


    Right now its the Dollar; down the road? don't know. Still expect it to be the $ but will know when the time comes which one to switch to.

    Options for avoiding poverty? I like that! :D

    ...and what are your views on existing pensions - getting out early is penalised pretty heavily, is it worth putting 'good money after bad' under your predicted scenario?

  17. A girlfriend of mine was going to buy a new Honda.  But  it wasn't fitted with the bolt for a safety seat.  She asked why, but the salesperson just gave her a weird look!

    I don't believe that special bolted fixings are required these days. Most of the good quality childseats that I saw had a mechanism that simply clamps onto the rear seatbelts.

    I know it doesn't sound very secure, but once they are installed and properly tensioned, a good couple of tugs on the seat is enough to reassure you that the seat isn't going anywhere :D


    Yes but... the seatbelts in the cars here aren't designed for the child seats. We bought a child seat here after checking that it would fit our car. When I fitted it, I discovered that the seat belt tensioning mechanism is different on Hondas in Thailand than it is in the UK so the seatbelt can't be properly tensioned for the child seat. That is the case even with a new Honda in the showroom (I checked). When I took the seat to Honda to get fitted, they didn't know what I was talking about...

    A Thai friend explained that is why many rich Thai's make sure they buy imported cars - because they have imported safety features. According to him, the cars made for the Thai market are known to be missing some features, including safety features. :o

    I am surprised to hear that the childseat did not fit the Honda. We have a "Maxi-Cosy Priory" childseat which fits perfectly in our 2004 Honda CRV. The rear seat belt fits through the seat's roller mechanisms and clamps just fine, and is very secure even before you engage the tensioning lever.

    There are definitely compatibility issues with certain cars, where due to the shape/angle of the rear seats a childseat may not sit squarely in place, but I had not heard of the seatbelts not being designed for childseats!


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