There is a documentary on Y.T showing the building of the canal...An incredible piece of construction...Every American should watch this and it should be shown on all schools in the U.S.....Trouble is...Anything the greatest race in history has done must now never be broadcast...
It was the Court of Human Rights tat ruled that the pension I paid 44 years for is ..'A government Benefit'.....
I guess this allows the government to stop ALL payments to pensioners.
Movie makers are equally accountable.....For advertising alcohol and cigarettes.
.Watch any old black and white movie from America.. everyone smoking .
Any time of day drinking a full glass of whisky 'on the rocks'
It can only get worse...Whoever is in control of the media .press and educating the young will see to that..
The far left began taking over education in the early 1960's England.
Around 1998 I was in Joories Inn hotel, Pentonville road.most of the staff were Eastern European including management
I asked a room maid how she got the job...
We were recruited in our country was her reply..
The jobs were not even advertised in England