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  1. The meaningless word ' Racist' ,before it was re-invented by Harold Macmillan [England 1950's ] used to be spelled P.A.T.R.I.O.T.
  2. Lincoln Understood...ggle..'The Lincoln Douglas debates.4th debate,first page'
  3. Around 1980 driving from Folkestone to London around 1am on the A .20 ,I had just entered the road where there was no street lighting..I saw a man in soldiers uniform carrying a large trunk on his shoulder and marching on..He was not thumbing for a lift but I stopped and asked where he was going....He had just come off the ferry and going to Ashford..I said I can take you there..I opened my boot and tried to lift one end of his large trunk...I could hardly ;lift it...I drove him to his family home on the far outskirts of Ashford..a journey of more than 10 miles...No female or man dressed as one could have done what this Soldier was going to do by himself.
  4. To prevent the draft being flooded with a huge wave of men dressed in women's clothing, all of these should be placed in 'workhouses for their otherwise full term...
  5. Thanks for the extra info, Eddie..Much appreciated....
  6. Thanks Khun LA and Richard.....I will be at V.M at about 5 pm..so no fun on a tuesday in February.
  7. I tried but it does not show anywhere near V.M. to get on..Nearest I can see is Din Daeng.,,Surely there is somewhere nearer ?
  8. Does anyone know how I can get on the Number 7 expressway [ to Chonburi] from Victory Monument Bangkok. Thanks ,in advance, for any response.
  9. There is a documentary on Y.T showing the building of the canal...An incredible piece of construction...Every American should watch this and it should be shown on all schools in the U.S.....Trouble is...Anything the greatest race in history has done must now never be broadcast...
  10. It was the Court of Human Rights tat ruled that the pension I paid 44 years for is ..'A government Benefit'..... I guess this allows the government to stop ALL payments to pensioners.
  11. Chak nok lake [ Huay Yai ?] is being filled and villages built where there was once year round water. There is not much of the lake left now.
  12. Yes I went there around the same time..looked ...saw...left...
  13. ggle..'Deadlier than the H.Bomb'...banned in Britain.
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