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About Gumballl

  • Birthday 01/01/1967

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    Maryland, USA

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  1. Not UK immigration related, but oftentimes when completing immigration forms, the queries ought to be answered from the perspective of the person seeking immigration, not the person (even if the spouse) assisting with completing the form.
  2. The FED never made such a statement. Only investors (err, wagerers).
  3. You missed the point. Drunk driving should be penalized with incarceration; not slaps on the wrist. There should not be an in-between ground. If the perp has 0.08+% alcohol reading, then off to the irons. I don't care if Thai or (fat) farlang. I like to drink (perhaps too much). But I am not stupid; I do not drive to a watering-hole.
  4. Yeah, you were schooled by a narrow-minded teacher(s), and you yourself have not ventured outside a small circle when you were raised. I do not fault you. But hopefully I have answered your question, err, query.
  5. Invite more Chinese tourists. They have the vaccine.
  6. I have two daughters, and more cherished (perhaps?) is my SUV. If some punk(s) came at me in a threatening manner with their motorbikes, I would probably blow it off. But if the harassment continued, then I would honk my vehicle's horn. If more harassment continued, then I would practice making pancakes. A 3500 lbs vehicle will always win against a 500 lbs (or less) vehicle. A word to the youth... don't test me!
  7. How about the Thai's deport them to India?
  8. That's sort of what I implied. Indoctrination on how to operate a turret gun.
  9. I did something similar with Wise. I wanted to transfer a mere $100 from my US account to my Bangkok Bank account (it was my first transfer, and I am 'poor'). I had to scan my US passport using my iPhone. No big deal. Someday, I will do the same, but for the 400+K Baht transfer to solidify my retirement in LOS with my Thai wife.
  10. Maybe gun turrets should be mounted on the train cars. Stones today, molatav cocktails tomorrow? Seriously, why would anyone throw stones at a passing train? Figure out the motive.
  11. I can't find the emoji... but a facepalm is what I wanted. The bloke is carrying US dollars, thus appearing to represent the USA. Sigh.
  12. Bedtime at 9pm seems reasonable, but wake-up time, in your child's case, should be 6am. I have a teenage daughter that has a similar school schedule. I allow her to dictate the time she goes to sleep, but wake-up time is what it is... 6am. She has to be at school at 7:20. [We live 0.5 miles from school; she could walk, but as a courtesy, I drive her.] Next year, she will start at 8:20. She will be in the 11th grade (US). Hot as hell in the summer, and freezing cold in the winter. P.S. She typically walks home, regardless of the weather. We happen to live in a safe area. P.S.S. You did not mention your daughter's age. Mine will be 16. The school system in my area has a tiered schedule for school: High School - 7:20 am Middle School - 8:20 am Elementary School - 9:30 am High school kids are let out at 2:15 pm; the other schools are also let out 7 hours after their respective start time.
  13. I guess it is our way of saying "Mai pen rai" (sorry if my transliteration is incorrect)... but I'm trying to convey is... whatever. I am happy as the next person, minding my own thoughts and on goings.
  14. I have to admit I have never seen a Thai youth (or even an adult) with a mullet.
  15. The politics in Thailand have never, not once, bothered or affected me. I support the Thai people... not their government.

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