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Posts posted by blaze

  1. Those yellow shirts must be made of 'Teflon':-

    On 1 October 2013, Sondhi was declared guilty of lèse majesté for quoting remarks made by an opponent protesting the 2008 resumption of PAD protests. Sondhi was sentenced to two years imprisonment for defaming the monarchy, then released after posting 500,000 baht ($15,935) in bail.

    On 28 February 2012, Sondhi was convicted by a Bangkok Criminal Court of violating the Securities and Exchange Act by falsifying documents to secure a multi-million dollar loan for his media empire, a case dating back to the 1990s. He was handed the maximum sentence possible.

    The Security and Exchange Commission accused him of falsifying documents used as collateral for a loan amounting to almost 1.1bn baht ($36m, £22.7m) for his media business.[73]

    Sondhi pleaded guilty but was freed on bail pending an appeal against the sentence

    Let me save some TV forum members making a post, "...but, but Thaksin...." Yeah, that should do it.

    Why stop there? Are you trying to reinforce a false fallacy that yellows get bail while reds go to jail

    Remember that appeal you talked about, but refused to elaborate on….7th of August 2014 - The founder of Thailand's royalist "Yellow Shirt" street movement has been jailed after an appeal court refused him bail for a 20-year sentence for corporate fraud.

    Talk about cherry picking information to suit an agenda or didn't wikipedia mention the rejected appeal?

    So are you suggesting that Sondhi is in prison today? Think again.

    Reported on 25/8/2014 "The Supreme Court on Monday granted bail for Manager Media Group founder Sondhi Limthongkul and two former MMG executives after serving just 18 days in jail". Yep, those yellow shirts are made from teflon.

    where did we just hear about 'cherry picking information to suit an agenda..."?

  2. An interesting and probably quite unique interpretation of the term 'justice'.

    The court acknowledges that Sonthi's statements were, in fact, libelous ("reasoning that although his statement was libelous..".) it was ok because some of Thaksin's followers were convicted of libel and had not been acquitted.

    Make sense?

    And I think it is safe to say the every court case involving major players in the Thai arena IS of concern to the international community-- for reasons so obvious that they needn't be spelled out. (unless some missed Russell's recent tirade=- a view no doubt shared though not necessarily articulated, widely. This is precisely what Russell warned of when he referred to the PERCEPTION of unfair applications of law )

    I am NOT saying that the courts behaved unfairly- or even irrationally- but the wording of the report would suggest that the media provide a more accurate representation of the court's rationale.-- lest this be perceived as unfair.

    Russell understood that when a population loses faith in the fairness of the courts-- then the law becomes that not of the books- but of the jungle. In today's world- a country descending into lawlessness is of global concern

    • Like 2
  3. "What a refreshing attitude sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png, I'm allright Jack .

    Ever wondered what martial law means for the Thais? You know, the ones who actually do get taken away for "attitude adjustment". Do you honestly think their lives are unaffected by the imposition of martial law.................................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif"

    OK put your money where your mouth is, produce a list of these so called "attitude adjusted" people, will be very interesting to see you go balls up trying to spew your lies & innuendo. The only ones so far that have been in the sh*t are the reds that were causing all the problems in the first place but dont let the truth get in the way of your biased rants. We all know you would much rather all your news be coming from the ptp/thaksin camp reporters with all their lies, strange how you all didnt mind it when all we had was the ptp correct news simply spreading their bullsh*t and false reports. If journo's report the news without any of their innuendo involved they are fine, the only ones it effects are those that are deliberately trying to stir up trouble and cause problems. Martial law has done absolutely nothing to cause any hassles in any of the many places I have travelled since the coup, both north and south, seems the only ones trying to cause sh*t are the ptp/thasin appologists because their glorious leader/party has been brought to heel and the majority of people in Thailand are very happy about it, you poor little diddums.tongue.png

    So you are saying that all those who have lost their jobs or businesses due to downturn in tourism caused by martial law are deserving of this, because they are all red shirt dissenters?

    I was going to shut up-- but I couildn't resist-

    I left Silom because of the rallies-- the racket- the fervent fanatical- 'shut down Bangkok' s*it.

    Scariest T shirt I saw was Bangkok- Year Zero --

    Well - they got their year zero in the side street tourist joints.I go back and the street vendors who were making thousands a day selling anti gov't slogans- are gone--- the hotels with Shut Down Bangkok on staff t-shirts-- scratching their heads.And -- I don't feel all that sorry for them.

    And this was the educated class that will lead Thailand from the morass.

  4. I not shoot you down but I completely disagree.

    The military never did any good to Thailand, as in the previous coups they always had put their hands and arms in the jar, no positive changes, no real care for the country but for themselves.

    They talk reform and do almost nothing, and what happened before we are seeing now. Same same...

    I had a dream: I saw a country ruled in the interest of the People, and with institution not governing for themselves, a country where military is on duty to protect people, not to (mal)govern them, a country where a clan cannot be "owner" of it.

    ...but it was only a dream.

    Fair post but all doom and gloom. the military never BEFORE did a lot of good but recently not a bad record of getting shut of corrupt dead wood.

    Your dream will come true in 2016 Feb ? hope the Thai people have grown up enough to vote honestly--they will definitely be more aware than last time---enlightened being the operative word.

    Post removed in respect of all prevailing rules and regulations.

    Though perhaps an examination of enlightened self interest has prevailed in so many more developed countries.

    And rarely more enlightened (sadly) than here--- but they work.

    Happened in Fiji. this doom stuff is affecting your posts--look at your other 1 liner.

    Whaddaya want =- an essay on how power works? On why democracy was selected as the best way to avoid the impending conflicts that arise in a world of limited resources and divided loyalties? One line is all ya get today GJ.

    ANd as far as my reference to 'trains run on time'-- that is to point out that some forms of government can be very efficient-- hell- many exsamples best not provided... but I actually respect your posts as coming from a historically informed position-- not just heat--

    But-- Ok-- you know all this.

    Keep posting-- I respect them-- (not mutual I am sure)> aNnd just to add- I certainly do not hate the PM-- I think he has the very best of motives-- most people do.

  5. I not shoot you down but I completely disagree.

    The military never did any good to Thailand, as in the previous coups they always had put their hands and arms in the jar, no positive changes, no real care for the country but for themselves.

    They talk reform and do almost nothing, and what happened before we are seeing now. Same same...

    I had a dream: I saw a country ruled in the interest of the People, and with institution not governing for themselves, a country where military is on duty to protect people, not to (mal)govern them, a country where a clan cannot be "owner" of it.

    ...but it was only a dream.

    Fair post but all doom and gloom. the military never BEFORE did a lot of good but recently not a bad record of getting shut of corrupt dead wood.

    Your dream will come true in 2016 Feb ? hope the Thai people have grown up enough to vote honestly--they will definitely be more aware than last time---enlightened being the operative word.

    Sorry but I really don't see anything good done against corruption... Plus no transparency on what the imposed government is doing now.

    Beach cleaned? Situation back as usual.

    Phuket taxi? Situation back as usual.

    Gambling? Situation back as usual.

    Lottery tickets? Situation back as usual.

    Some nice mirror change, that as people turn their heads go back to usual business. That's all.

    By the way: as usual History will judge who is in power now. But I don't have much hopes it will be so benevolent.

    About going to elections on Feb 2016? I not believe too much about it... Many "cheerful" articles on newspapers lately are preparing the field of "More time is needed"...

    The problem is not about people to vote honestly. Is about POLITICIANS and WHOEVER else is in power to be honest, isn't it?

    Glad anyway we had an honest and constructive debate...

    OK you mentioned about Phuket taxi--gambling--beach--You have to remember these are INGRAINED and take a lot of time to clean it up.

    I see massive inroads against corruption, people moved--local councils nervous, police inroads into their activities.

    I have doubts here for that much change in a short time, but I have an open mind-optimistic that ANY improvements will be better even if we have to wait for much dung to be sorted.

    But has not 'made the trains run on time-;-- a lot to learn--- '

  6. Ginjag "The next election will be fair---but please tell me who will be eligible to stand ??"

    Well that is the question, I suspect that the Thai voters will have the option of voting for Retired General...insert any name you like or Khun Ying.... Insert any name you like. The Sino-Thai members of the Amart will pre-select the 'candidates', a situation not dissimilar to what is causing the protests in Hong Kong at the present time.

    I think Fiji did well out of the Military intervention. Now open and fair.

    My own honest opinion is there HAS to be some sorting out here, the only ones are the Military. The people could well have had PTP for the full term, BUT governance was non existent.

    Thailand cannot afford to go down the road as was again and keep making the err. You see how much has been revealed ?? Thais ARE more enlightened so good the PM is paving the way for the next elections.

    The minority on here will shoot me down for this.

    I not shoot you down but I completely disagree.

    The military never did any good to Thailand, as in the previous coups they always had put their hands and arms in the jar, no positive changes, no real care for the country but for themselves.

    They talk reform and do almost nothing, and what happened before we are seeing now. Same same...

    I had a dream: I saw a country ruled in the interest of the People, and with institution not governing for themselves, a country where military is on duty to protect people, not to (mal)govern them, a country where a clan cannot be "owner" of it.

    ...but it was only a dream.

    Fair post but all doom and gloom. the military never BEFORE did a lot of good but recently not a bad record of getting shut of corrupt dead wood.

    Your dream will come true in 2016 Feb ? hope the Thai people have grown up enough to vote honestly--they will definitely be more aware than last time---enlightened being the operative word.

    Post removed in respect of all prevailing rules and regulations.

    Though perhaps an examination of enlightened self interest has prevailed in so many more developed countries.

    And rarely more enlightened (sadly) than here--- but they work.

  7. Contrary to the belief of the apologists, people DID speak to him, and he did speak to them. Here is the proof. Why didn't some of the antiPM brigade tell us he met the Sec Gen of the UN ??? because it was those minority ones that had all the latest news.

    I always find from the denials they rarely give out info that goes against their rhetoric

    You read that 'other paper's; report on how well his 'explanations' have gone down?

  8. Under the military council's road map toward democracy, a new constitution must be in place by October next year. During this period, the NRC is required to draw up guidelines and proposals for reform in 11 areas. If the reforms are not completed the next government will take over.

    Now if one can believe the PTP's four promises to pay the farmers BEFORE the PDRC started protesting without questioning the PTP and believe the PTP promise that the amnesty WILL bring reconciliation without questioning the PTP (even though both were lies) then to believe the NRC to complete reforms by October next year will be a walk in the park for the bitter and twisted 7% supporters and the Junta with the backing of the majority (not a 7% majority like the hardcore red shirts or the 43% majority like the 2011 election results) we will see a better and brighter and PEACEFUL Thailand.

    I for one hope to see this completed in the timeframe for the betterment of Thai society and just as I did not offer sarcasm or condescension when the PTP promised the above I will save it however for if they fail which, mark my words, I certainly did for the PTP when they broke there promise. Again because they failed Thai society.

    Seems some follow the PTP mindset and forget about the betterment of society and only give agenda driven sarcastic remarks. Why not? It is all they have left.

    I am dying to find out how you can claim the majority of the Thai electorate supports the current government, as far as I know they grabbed power by force and not by a general election.

    As to mentioning election results of 2011, PT did receive 48.4% of the popular vote and together with the coalition partners that were part of Yingluck's government, that government had the backing of over 53% of the popular vote and 300 of 500 seats in parliament, both were clearly a majority. The current junta has not received a single vote. Better not play the support card, as PT and their previous iterations have consistenty shown to have massive backing amongst the electorate, end of story.

    As to the support the junta does have, we simply cannot possibly asses, as they are not letting the Thai electorate have a say in who should lead their country. They are currently completely irrelevant. A true democrat should scream bloody murder at this reality.

    Before you die maybe read the topic with "POLL: Most Thai support NCPO" ?

    BTW I think a true democrat would scream "bloody murder" with a part of the population wanting to have a billionair who has a reputation of taking care of himself. A criminal fugitive who controlled both the Yingluck government, his Pheu Thai party and directed what they were supposed to do. The January 2013 New York Times article would turn all true democrats away from Thaksin. IMHO

    You have lost it-- you were ok before---well- desperation and drvie the mind into stange places.

    • Like 1
  9. It is rather amusing to hear a dyed-in-the-wool yellow elitist claim that they want to find 'middle ground' between the 97 and 07 constitutions.

    I would agree with your expectations. There is not much to do in the meantime but watch how the moving parts finally come to the final decision and then look at what that constitution is.

    I don't expect any elections to be held under to be 'free and fair', or if they are, then as you say, the elected government has no power.

    Wasn't the 2007 election "free and fair"?

    for the referendum or the election of the government?

    and what is the relevance to a future election under a future constitution?

    Like the 2007 constitution, this one will be written to keep the Thaksins out of power. Yet the systemic flaws that created Thaksin will remain. If they were sincere about creating a peoples' constitution they would have an election next month-- and permjit the elected government to begin the process of handing power to the people.

    A democratic constitution written by people who reject the authority ol constitutions?

    yeah- right.

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  10. When there is no referendum the Junta are criticized.

    When there is a hint of a referendum the Junta are criticized.

    Might be time for some to join the reconciliation bandwagon for the good of the country.

    The sad thing is though that just like the 2007 constitutional referendum that the majority wanted the result will be denounced because it does not suit a certain agenda.

    That my friends will also extend to the next election if / when the PTP don't win. The result will not be recognized by the PTP and the election will be deemed rigged by the Junta.

    That is the mindset of a PTP supporter.

    BUT….there was never corruption in the rice scheme!!!

    Djamie-- you know very well, yet conveniently forget to say, that the 2007 constitution was enforced with 'visits' to the villages by men in army-- by the threat : accept this constitution or the army will provide you with one of our choosing.

    To design a nation's constitution with a single goal: to prevent the election of a truly popular government is a recipe for long term disaster-- this will be at best a continued expression of adhocracy.

    And thus, doomed.

    Constitutions aimed at preventing a single family from getting power are inviting rewrites in the future--

    And this one will not be to advance the cause of democracy-- only to keep the Thaksins at bay.

    Yes-- a referendum-- accept this constitution-- or accept continued clownocracy.

    Do you really believe that in a hundred years this document will be still in force?

    There was a constitution- it was torn up--

    and this one will last more than six years?

    It's a joke -- engraved on parchment.

    The only right these people have to even propose a constitution is their monopoly on guns. Not on commitment to creating a nation of citizens.

    • Like 2
  11. First vote:...................96 + 75 + 01 = 172

    Second vote:............. 87 + 75 + 15 = 177

    How the <deleted> does anyone believe these idiots managed to count millions of sacks of rice if they can't even work out how many people are in a room?

    Pupil 'Robespierre' in the corner with the fools' cap on, now! How is it possible it could escape to a brilliant mind like yours that, just maybe, 5 members of the assembly could, eventually, not have been present behind their desk at the time of the first vote, but had (re-?)joined in time for the second vote? No, I can't accept that from you! So elementary! Shame on you! (Or were you just blinded: 'ah-ha, here I have a rotten fish to throw at these people'? When so, frame it up, eat it, sit on it, sleep with it, take it to your friends, do what you want with it, because that rotten fish, Robespierre, it's all yours! Ba-ah, what a smell! whistling.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif )

    , just maybe, 5 members of the assembly could, eventually, not have been present behind their desk at the time of the first vote, but had (re-?)joined in time for the second vote?

    that's all you needed to say-- and leave the head scratching prompted by your kick ass theory to the readers.

    (and keep adding those animated cartoons applauding your brilliance-- even if you sound like a fool, the cartoons don't lie);

  12. Bring in the Clowns

    the 2007 cut the power too much.

    That was the best they could have done short of saying no voice to the people- and this will be more stringent?

    We can be prepared for a constitution that permits the army to 'intervene' when 'needed'--a second house appointed by the amart- and a gurantee to the establishment that Thaiand is a democracy in name only-- with the hidden promise that elected governments have no power at all.

    clownocracy's tend to be short lived.;

    a fast pie in the face-- and the joke is over--

    Sometimes jokes end up in a mess...

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  13. Not being involved in the PTP , red shirts or Shinawtra family fortunes , one wonders if it is in the national interest or helping reconciliation to continue legal action, you will have the same problem when the country goes into election mode and what's the bet , repercussions will follow, the ruling elite have hijacked the agenda , so it stands to reason a revamp PTP with big backing, lots of rice farmers and disgruntled country people , the PTP will be voted back in, I would be hammering for the relevant Ministers , Department heads and advisors to see what really happened in the failed rice scheme. coffee1.gif

    What I think is being missed here is that SHINS are part of the RULING Elite. Look at the wealth? they cannot be amongst the poor and impoverished?

    They are part of a new financial elite-- NOT of the ruling elite-- If they had been part of the ruling elite- be assured, there would not have been two coups to dislodge them.

    There is a difference between 'elite' and 'establishment'.

    All this discussion about the legal aspects of the case are comical-- in fact there is only one law that will apply- and that is 'all court cases must serve to bring happiness to the people.'

    And to his credit, Prayuth is aware that the sino thais of Bangkok do not make up 'the people'.

    Thais like their soaps- and a pretty woman hounded into possible prison by a cruel army led regime doesn't make for a happy ending-- Prayuth knows that.

    She will walk.

  14. Nobody is

    "In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

    If she's innocent why worry?

    Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

    Especially at this time questions of individual guilt and innocence are of little import-- what matters is that those tasked with dealing with these cases do so in such a way as to harmonize with the national agenda.

    (That is not new-- again- look at the fundamental ways that Chinese regard the role of courts - not to preserve the rights of the individual but rather, the harmony of the nation- Confucus 101)

    And perhaps this also answers your second question.

    The decision will not be based on legality- but the higher principle- of-- happiness for all.

    PT are, as they always have done, acting as if the law is something for them to use or ignore at will.

    They are not alone in doing this and there will never be democratic progress and social justice progress until all are liable for the actions.

    Ultimately, won't that be the most harmonious solution.

    Certainly would make me sleep easier.

    nobody is sleeping well BP.

    Read the last editorial by Thullsatit-- minds are burning out.

    we are expecting some kind of rules-- some kind of law-- and in fact all depends on the psychology of one man at this moment.;

    And he has to be torn- he has made promises that haven't been made in decades- anywhere. He knows that his acceptance is dependent upon his making those promises good- and he is learning that a nation is not the same as a camp full of raw recruits--

    He can hear the wolves-- and at night- he doesn't sleep either-- Perhaps he is thinking-- Montenegro should be nice at this time of year (it's not!)

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  15. "In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

    If she's innocent why worry?

    Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

    What about Suthep? Is he going to get away with all the trouble and interference with peoples livelihood, and damaging Thailands tourist industry he caused?

    In an adhocracy such as this- we have to wait and pay attention to the prevailing winds. All decsions from here on in will be responses to the moment's breeze.

    Remember- the goal is happiness to the people. Not justice for the person.

    Too many of us are interpreting these issues as legal issues-- they aren't. Legality as we understand it, is just a silly but perhaps needed, dance performed to maintain the illusion that the 'system' is legit-- which begs the question- if law does not offer legitimacy- then what does?

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  16. "In a last ditch move to block the impeachment of Yingluck Shinawatra, Pheu Thai Party will today present what it believes to be the strongest legal points to convince the National Legislative Assembly that it is not conforming to tradition when it comes to impeachment."

    If she's innocent why worry?

    Or is the tradition they are really referring to the one where no one is liable for their criminality?

    Especially at this time questions of individual guilt and innocence are of little import-- what matters is that those tasked with dealing with these cases do so in such a way as to harmonize with the national agenda.

    (That is not new-- again- look at the fundamental ways that Chinese regard the role of courts - not to preserve the rights of the individual but rather, the harmony of the nation- Confucus 101)

    And perhaps this also answers your second question.

    The decision will not be based on legality- but the higher principle- of-- happiness for all.

  17. I would give him a maximum of one year. If by Nov 1 2015, he has not made some serious inroads into reforming the RTP (disbanding, and starting over from scratch, would probably be better) and tackling the corruption of the last government (that means arrests and prosecutions, preferably followed by a few Chinese style executions), then I would toss him out on his ear.

    So far the prospects of him doing anything substantial seem very dim indeed.

    you would toss him out huh?


    Christ you people so blinded by hatred of the Weimar-- sorry Taksin- regime that you will give any corporal -sorry, I meant General- with a hard on for your enemy carte blanche-- and now you say- you will give him a year?

    You will not give him SHIT- he will take as much time as he wants.

    and you will do NOTHING.

    Yeah-- Thais need more education before they are turned loose on the polls. Right!!!

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  18. Perhaps ginjag's deranged, hateful and profoundly stupid posts can be merged with the what-Thais-hate-about-foreigners thread. That would seem to be their natural home.

    There were a lot more like him baying for a coup earlier in the year. The more sensible ones realised that most would change their minds soon enough. Anyone with a brain realises that coups are never the answer. No matter bad the government may be. It's up to the electorate to vote them out. Not to be ousted at gunpoint with weapons paid for by them to protect their democratic rights.

    It's like paying a security guard to protect your home and family. He then takes the gun, holds you and your family at gunpoint and takes your house. He then orders you about and punishes you if you don't agree with his every word/command. Make sure you smile, too. He wants you to be realy p..ed off, but wants you to force a smile for him.

    This ginjag chap needs a good lie down. And yes. PT were self serving rubbish on the whole (although they did more for poorer Thais than any other party in Thai history), but a coup is never the answer. The foamers answer to that are the rants about civil war and red terrorists. Forgetting the fact that is was the PDRC that started the kerfuffle with their rabble rousing speakers. Using 'you know what' as an excuse, when 99.9% of reds support 'you know what'. Mouthing off in speeches about them being uneducated simpletons and that their votes shouldn't count. Stopping elections. Closing down gov buildings. Why? To give the military a reason to move in. If Suthep and co could cause a mild stink, the army could simply ignore government demands for help and move in claiming they 'stopped a civil war etc'

    Truth hurts, but it needs pointing out to the easily led. If the army (or police for that matter) actually did its job and protected the electorate they would've steamed in, arrested Suthep and co (not for protesting but for closing down buildings/cutting power/stopping people from voting etc) and nipped the nonsense in the bud early.

    Can you imagine the reaction in the UK or USA if the elected party was booted out after the army refused to help the government after it took sides choosing the opposition? Us Brits are pretty reserved on the whole, but we'd burn London to the ground if that happened. I'm sure the USA would do similar. It's sad innocents had to die in the riots, including children. That is terrible, of course. But so was the gunning down of 90 or so protesters from the 'terrorist' side. They were agrieved voters. Fed up of being ridden roughshod over. So no, they aren't terrorists in my eyes.

    Not very intelligent are you?

    Did most for the poorer than any other government?

    Everything they did was for themselves, and did you forget the farmers killing themselves? The country would have went bankrupt if they had stayed and who suffers the most in a bankrupt country?

    Using 'you know what' as an excuse, when 99.9% of reds support 'you know what'.

    Well they used the amnesty bill as an excuse and you claim 99.9% of reds supported it? Did you just arrive in Thailand last week or what?

    Since you are intelligent and been here for ages- pleases explain to the previous poster exactly why the gov't of the time could not simply borrow the money from banks (as this current regime has) to pay the farmers their due.

  19. Oh not this again.

    Democracy is very simple: the empowerment of each citizen to participate equally in the development of policies that will affect the nation.

    How that is achieved is of no great import-- it is not perfect-- but to suggest that a well meaning autochracy is simply a cultural varient on the notion of democracy-- well- you might as well say a snow shovel is a varient of a muffin.

    Busy body tony. Thai have democracy the thai way. Nothing to do with farang; especially British.

    There's only one Democracy,the Universal way or none at all,which ones yours?


    Now don't be silly. You might have a "Direct Democracy" or a kind of "Representative Democracy"
    but there's no such thing as "Universal Democracy".

    Even within the Representative Democracies there are at least another 20 types of Indirect Democracies.

    I'm absolute sure, the democracy you grew up in, is a complete different kind of democracy, than the one I grew up with.

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  20. Busy body tony. Thai have democracy the thai way. Nothing to do with farang; especially British.

    Dude this guy is a tool yes,but he does not speak for me and most of the people in my country and to be completely honest with you most people in England could not give two shits or a toss about what the Thai people do in there own country. This it just some political bullshit

    How do you know what he speaks? Because the spin doc for the junta told you?

    Most people in your country do not even know against which nations their gov't exercises sanctions.

    But the people in those countries sure do!!!

    You actually be;lieve that Blair would come here so ill informed that a ten minute chat with the general could cause him to see the light- and not only that, encourage the general to keep on keepin' on?

    That the main problem that Blair seems to see in the coup is that it has not sold itself enough to the world?

    God man-- you are a sucker.

    This is shown as a green light to the people of Thailand that advanced western democracies will accept the current situation-- I don't believe that- do you? jWhen that old Christian Blaire stamps this mess with his approval- it is encouragement to the junta-- and that is how it's being fed. You accept this?

    Obviously you don't live in Thailand- we residents would like to know just what ACTUALLY was said in that tete a tete.

    It could affect our lives regardless of what 'most of the people in England' know.

    reading the posts on this thread- it's enough to make you think the whole world is too stupid to participate in politics.

    This is not about Blair- it is about the willingness of some supposedly educated westerners to differentiate between truth and fiction!

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