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Everything posted by Misterwhisper

  1. Jeez, he either needs a comforting hug or a few therapy sessions against his obnoxious narcissism and Dunning-Kruger affliction. Probably both.
  2. None of the voting options provided really fit. So I went for the one that probably comes closest to the realities on the ground, "If China goes green, Thailand will follow". As China has absolutely no plans (nor the necessary infrastructure) for "going green" in the broadest sense and anytime soon, Thailand won't "go green" either.
  3. The only thing that the words "Trust" and "Thailand" have in common is the initial "T". There is nothing else.
  4. It truly is getting more ridiculous by the day. Who are visitors going to complain to when they have been scammed, overcharged, screwed over, taken advantage of? Your dancing elephant?
  5. Even 375 visitors an hour are way too many for that tiny beach, which very soon will experience its next bioshock.
  6. Yup, speeding. That surely must've been the main cause. Bangkok exodus 301221.mp4
  7. He just cannot desist, can he? It's almost like an obsessive-compulsive disorder that causes Yuthasak to frequently spurt out ludicrous predictions that - probably depending on his mood - appear to alternate between absolutely ridiculous uber-optimistic figures one day and more pessimistic ones the next. Yet they are all pulled out of thing air, of course. Just put a cork in it for a while, Yuthasak!
  8. The Anti-Fake News Center, which employs 1,167,543 staff so nobody feels overburdened by their tasking duties.
  9. Yes, there indeed have been tons of fake news circulating, such as... > weekly announcements by various ministries and government departments about the imminent arrival of millions over millions of foreign tourist; > repeated announcements by a certain minister that "everything is under control" regarding Covid-19 and that "Thailand has managed the pandemic better than any other country in the world"; > regular assertions that Thailand were a full-fledged democracy and a stalwart for the protection of human rights; > frequent claims the country were a hub for this and a hub for that and a hub for... well... basically everything; > and so on and so on. The legitimate question is, of course: Have any of these fake news sources been prosecuted by the Anti-Fake News Center in accordance with the law? And if not, why not?
  10. I really have been had by them for the past 30+ years, having been told all these decades that prostitution did not exist in Thailand. And now this!!!! I am speechless, shaken to the bone. My entire world is crumbling around me. After all, I initially moved here solely because I was taken in by the country's squeaky clean image. How could they lie to me so horribly??!!
  11. Meanwhile, in Thailand, a foreigner is not even allowed to own 1 single square centimeter of sacred Thai soil.
  12. Hopefully, they weren't the same "strategies" that plunged the airline into gigantic debt over and over and over and over again, with no lessons learned and the same mistakes repeated ad nauseam.
  13. No problem, because that is offset by a tiny minority of Thai people who have "tucked away" more money than any of them could use up in a lifetime -- emergency situation or not.
  14. No, it hasn't, Dr. Kwanchai. Or have you forgotten that cannabis was ILLEGAL in this country for at least 80 years? Your nation's prisons are full of people who tried to... uhm... partake in your "national heritage". So please, Dr. Kwanchai, don't try rewriting history just because it all of a sudden suits your agenda.
  15. I think something was lost in translation here. The question asked by T+L India to its readers probably was: "Which country WOULD you visit for your honeymoon - if only you COULD?"
  16. Perhaps. Unless the government does yet another flip-flop, of course. And as we have repeatedly seen, these DO happen all too frequently.
  17. And here is the old conundrum once again that plays a large part in holding back this country from developing a viable civil society: On the one hand, "netizens" have correctly pointed out that it was ILLEGAL to hire people for a salary below the minimum wage of THB300 per day. And on the other hand, the school's name has to be obscured and "netizens" are scared of being sued for "defamation" despite the fact that the school in question has clearly violated the law and even has PUBLICIZED that fact in the form of its job advertisement. Go figure.
  18. The only reason why this scam is working so well is that the modus operandi (including the threats and the blackmailing) used by "fake" and "genuine" bent officials and police officers alike is virtually identical.
  19. I hope the tourism & sports minister as well as the TAT chief both have received appropriate notices, too; namely to kindly desist from weekly announcing wishful arrival figures that in recent months have become increasingly hilarious -- in a comedy show kind of way.
  20. And one who has to be driven around in a golf cart and breaks out in a sweat and starts panting heavily if he even has to lift as much as an arm.
  21. Yes, it is. And one that the SPORTS and Tourism Minister always avoids highlighting in his glitzy brochures distributed to foreign cash cows visitors.
  22. No need to celebrate just yet, Mr. Prayuth. You still have a long way to go. After all.... - Turkmenistan's president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has been that country's "favorite" for a consecutive 2 DECADES, and - North Korea's Kim Jong-un is revered and worshipped like a god.
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