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Everything posted by rovinman

  1. It isn"t. ! ........... Just think , Elon Muskovitch could be in London in Less than an Hour ! ! ! !
  2. As I reported before, Singapore RECOVERED their Building costs, in just over ONE YEAR ! It is NOT for the locals { Gambling BANNED for locals in Singapore } ! But here"s a thought ! ! Instead of the THAI locals Gambling at the Casino, WHY can"t they SHARE in the Construction costs, and hence receive the RETURNS afterwards, and FOREVER, ?
  3. I would refer you to Hng Kong"s "Octapus" System, { and similar systems in Singapore and KL, Malaysia }, which are consistant over all the modes of transport { EXCEPT Aviation }, Seems to work there, because EACH transit system tolks to each other !
  4. I think that a Compulsory Purchase Order is in order here for 200M pounds only !
  5. In Singapore, Casinos are ONLY for Visitors / Tourists ! Locals FORBIDDEN !
  6. The Americans were giving away Stuff that they would have otherwise had to destroy ! Better that they gave it to a GOOD CAUSE, and with the Money that they have saved by NOT having to destroy all their old weapons, they can get their Armament Factories building NEW BETTER weapons, to sell at a bigger Profit elsewhere !
  7. NO ! Someone just needs to cut the cable , and it will be fixed immediately !
  8. 2.5 ppm interest , in either ! I was BORN in a heavily industrial town, the bottom third of my lungs were black for about 20 years ! Its easy to solve if you have the B$^^s , but very difficult if you have a VESTED interest !
  9. There are things called Battery Farms that Store the Energy for just such times !
  10. A shot across its bow, used to be used, used in the "Olden Days" !
  11. Two Observations ! 1] The Objects are Alien, and are watching us, ....or 2} The Objects are Reverse Engineered By "Some Government Department" who have been studying them for the past 70 years without telling the Truth ! Either way we NEED to know, so that we can STOP being afraid, and WELCOME them !
  12. This isn"t on the list of 39 reserved positions, for Thai Nationals, that I was shown, when I came to Thailand 25 years ago ! When did they add this ?
  13. Its a GOOD basis for talks with Trump, about Ukraine ! Give the Chagos Islands back to Mauritius, in the same way that Trump wants to give Ukraine to Russia ! Pillock !
  14. Banned in Thailand for HOW MANY YEARS ? And then, Now it"s OK for the locals to gamble and get Poorer ! ONLY the House wins ! OH, and the Government who also take a healthy Percentage of the Profits ! That'"s why Singapore ban the Locals from going in and Gambling ! Let the Tourists RISK IT ALL ! Marina Bay Sands paid for itself in just over one year !
  15. Always the one to find the loopholes, He"s actually working the Trump Crowd, as well as Hating the Biden Crowd ! ie. He"s in it for himself ! He IGNORES everybody who says it CAN"T BE DONE and goes ahead and does it ! eg. Electric Vehicles, Space X Reuse-able Rockets, Starlink Global communications, FSD, Optimus Robots ! etc. etc. ! I think that you"ll find he"s in the top element of the WEF, and even Schwab had better watch out, otherwise he"ll be trampled underfoot by Musk ! President of the WORLD ? ? ?
  16. The dog should be Put Down, as well as Banning the Breed !
  17. Just because Hes a Brilliant Engineer, doesn't mean that he's a Brilliant Politician, or Care Worker, or Farmer, or anything other than an ENGINEER, with the MONEY to buy other orofession about which he knows little ! If he wants to build TRUMPTON on Mars, I hope that he's got a VERY large supply of Potatoes !
  18. ""The crew is set to attempt the first private spacewalk, testing new spacesuits in the vacuum of space from a spacecraft that lacks an airlock."" Seems a little fool-hardy to me ! But , I did enjoy biting my fingernails watching ""Apollo 13""
  19. Yes, But into whose pocket ? ?
  20. Yes it was ! The same as Singapore, who ban the locals from Gambling ! Marina Bay Sands Casino, paid for itself in just over 1 year ! And Singapore has been winning ever since !
  21. With that amount of debt,, If Thailand defaults on it, China will probably take over Thailand's Economy, OR, Thailand itself ! Remember Hambanthota Port in Sri Lanka, which is now leased to China on a 99 year lease, because of Sri Lanca's inability to keep up with the repayments ? TIT !
  22. DEMOCRACY ! That's what Thailand is, .......... Same as Russia, ,,, China, ... N. Korea, .... Venez........
  23. I thought that, that is what ALL Authoritarian Regime leaders are supposed to do, though ?
  24. There are 195 countries in the world, of which 40 % or 78 countries are RHD and drive on the LHS of the road ! There are 195 countries in the world, of which 60 % or 117 countries are LHD and drive on the RHS of the road ! So is Elon giving up on the RHD Sector, {and leaving it to BYD ?} It seems a little strange, since, the Largest Population in the world, is now INDIA and once the preserve of the British Raj, and is RHD. India is developing FAST and will soon get rid of its ricketty Tuk-Tuks {Sam-Lors} ! So is Elon, relying on the forthcoming Robo-taxis, for it's future income ? I've done my share of driving, and getting Taxis, in Bangkok ! Now I live in the NE, where to get to the local village { 3 / 4 miles away}, I use a Motor-cycle ! I passed by the BYD Service Centre a while ago ! Looks like they're up and running ! So, What to do Lah ? BTW, I'm a Newbie here ! I've only been here 25 years !
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