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Posts posted by ginjag

  1. 9 minutes ago, Cereal said:

    This description sounds like China itself. I'd think using this as a metric, the Chinese aren't coming to Thailand because it feels like home!

    Why oh why don't TAT, fight the Pattaya City Council regarding the sorry state of the sea, sand and street filth. It is obvious to everyone who visit and ex pats here. It is not just the Chinese who are missing it is the ex pats that are going elsewhere, and western tourists seeking cleaner Asian places.  example Singapore.   Is it so difficult to clean your holiday resort up Pattaya ????, I don't mean a one day purge, or lorry loads of sand imported to be washed away, I mean PROPERLY DONE


    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Spidey said:

    That's the least likely scenario of all. Those who can't secure an income letter (way less than 50% of expats),

    will either legitimately show 800k baht in their Thai bank account for 3 months, or do it illegitimately via an agent.


    I filled my UK passport in 5 years. When I renewed it I got a larger (48 page) passport.

    I always had a 48 page one,      90 to laos-------  1 page Laos, 1 page Thai, 1 page for entry and exit stamps.  added any extra tours away.    Having read what agent is legit  ??

    your guess is way less than 50%, if not show me,   talking to a friend in Udon immigration more than 50% are on the verify embassy job.. OK

  3. 4 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    The IO don't want any UK bank statements from you and nor are they ever likely to.

    That's fine, no problem,   Embassy stops verifying, Immigration not allowing statements,    leaves near 1 option 800k or bye ???

    If it does not get sorted, I will certainly opt for the laos 90 day non immigrant,   4 timmes yearly  spend an evening in a Laos hotel,  shopping in Nongkai on return and re-new my passport 4 times in 10 years, have 500k+ to do as I wish, and travel  more

  4. 9 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Wouldn't lose anything like 50% of it's expats and they'd be the ones who they make the least from. The ones who pay agents to falsify bank accounts are Immigration's honey pot and the changes don't affect them, in fact, it will almost certainly increase their number considerably. 


    On hearing the changes, immigration officers around the country were heard to shout, "Whoopee! Who's got the number of a Mercedes dealer?"

    If 50% had to revert to the non 0 visa example Laos overnight stay, Thai gains on transport costs immigration 90 visa, x 4 border runs in the year and other hidden expenses if % of Laos visa is given back to Thai  ??   The gain for the 50% if any is having all that free money not tied to a Thai bank,    argument is who loses most. ??  personally I do as my 10 year passport gets full after 3/4 years.......

  5. Just now, Spidey said:

    I download them as PDF files and print them off, in colour, on decent quality paper. Would pass as originals to a Thai.

    No airmail envelope,   it is a big help,.....but until clarification from the Immigration no one can do anything apart from the punter who has 800k in the bank.  if immigration do not act,  embassy verification is stopped,  therefore nothing can be produced to them it will mean that a big % will have to do the out of Thai border and consulate 90 day job again

  6. 4 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Why will they have to do that? No chance of them doing anything. It's not them that have changed things.

    Immigration will NOT have to do that.   Immigration will  normally try to keep it's ex pats on board, Udon employ ex number of people to cater for the daily needs, if it loses 50 % of ex pats because embassy refuses to verify some staff will be out of work.    I was merely trying to point out without the embassy be ing involved the immigration have choices, either lose the non 800k punters, and only retain the full payers......We all know who it will affect and who it won't.

  7. 8 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    See now, you vented and got your opinions lodged on this thread, basically repeating what's already been said for 44 pages, and after you called for a close to this topic! 


    Also, FYI, no use addressing Thai Immigration directly here; they aren't likely to read it.  But still, feels good, doesn't it?  ????

    Sorry did not repeat, only a handful,  Because of no end to the topic and 500 posts I thought it was sensible and added my last post to hope it could simplify things.  NEVER dreamed the Immigration office would read , never addressed them directly.    So what are you on here for to pick at posters points to win brownie points, have another beer.  Thanks teacher for pointing out what a silly poster I am   lol

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    ostr foreign bank statements show the exact date of the foreign debit; the exact amount  debited; the exchange rate for the date; and the Thai ATM location where it occurred.  

    The person standing in front of the IO Officer would also have the Debit Cards to Show and could also have letters from their pension provider or other verifying amounts.

    The actual Police Order as posted above- states  for income method-  Evidence of 65K per month and makes no mention of Embassy Letter-  However- the handouts at most Imm Offices indicate Embassy Letter backed up by confirmation of amount and source.

    If BE goes ahead with this charade- I would imagine  a long tussle with Imm offices that didn't get the word and many calls to BE from citizens asking for help. If one  has been providing accurate info the  supporting evidence is easy to assemble.  The issue will remain the tussle between Thai Imm and the BE.  It would be hoped the BE is reading TV and NOW starting to understand the concern of its citizens and others and NOW understands the Thai Imm law and how it works,.   The person from BE interview by Tommy Dee showed no real understanding of this issue.

    To my mind all this B Embassy involvement should STOP.     Immigration please re think of the UK--or Thai bank statements clearly stating the pension entries monthly--to offset the Full 800k-----even the air mail envelope posted to Thailand enclosing the said monthly Bank statement.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Bla bla bla -- then don't read it.

    If there is a major new announcement of substance it's highly likely a new thread will be started to highlight that.

    Think you get the wrong meaning  (bla Bla Bla) I was referring to a few that just reply to people just to show they have loads of funds, and ask them to go home etc.  I read it because I get a notification on my computer and not know if it is new news or same as the 500 posts we already have had---Understand Jingthing.  Your reply is exactly what I said, so close this one as it is now past sell by date  OR try to break the record for the longest topic  lol


  10. 44 pages, and no one has an update.  So,  If the Immigration office cannot make the UK Embassy issue, then it will have to draw up an alternative.   (1) accept a UK bank statement with the direct debit entered monthly  example latest 3 month statements to arrive at your Thai address. Because the postage envelope also helps to verify.  OR   (2) only allow 800,000 in a Thai bank account deposited 3 months prior to Immigration reporting date.

  11. Seems to be nothing definite from both sources,   I wouldn't be surprised if both know what the score is and Im.Of. is heading towards a 800k in the bank -full stop,  only this route.

    Thais get confused with so much paper work.    To my mind after January  you will need 800k from a Thai bank confirming the said amount was in the account for 3 months prior to the extension.

    Wouldn't this be bliss, BUT not for those with 500k and pension details to offset.---BIG problem.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, ajnamoon said:

    Really    thats strange   as when i first came here  i got a one year retirement extension from Thai  Consulate  in  Hull    UK

    2 years ago I got a shock, traveled there, annual visa, they stopped doing them, so did the flight for nothing, 90 day one only,   so every 90 days it was Laos in 3 years my 10 year passport was full of stickers, plus a night in a hotel--------The I only had 1 choice, convert my 0 visa into a retirement one.

  13. 6 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Bit of a narrow minded view.

    We have our own home and no dependent children so we can live reasonably well on under 30K a month. Lifestyle has quite a significant bearing on matters.

    Agree,  I am single, 3 bed bungalow  6,500 baht month,  True vision/ wi fi 2,500 baht month,  Electric water 1,000 baht a month,    shopping at Tesco and local market for food,  home cooked,    I live on well under 20k,   (I not smoke or drink)   2 dogs  3 cats,  very happy, no Thai family begging.  

  14. 9 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Embassy makes nothing on the income letter the £50 is taken up by administration costs.


    I have until Christmas 2019 to resolve the problem as I have a house and family here and Thailand is my home. Probably need to put 1m baht in my Thai bank account next September. However, I really can't see this problem persisting until then and am optimistic that it will have all gone away by next September.

    55 quid......sent ems Thai express ADMIN costs, makes nothing to process a letter with a stamp on it. ??

    If it was my private business and had that many pass through my hands at the wages they pay I would be worth Billions

    • Like 2
  15. 1 minute ago, Spidey said:

    No. It's an embassy letter or nothing and that isn't going to change. Thai Immigration isn't going to change the process because one Embassy wants to save money.

    No problem  as I have to next October  to consider my long term status, but the new immigration chief could change things if they think the embassy letter is near worthless because of definite proof is not really confirmed.    Embassy is raking it in,   immigration has always wanted to know how many teeth your granny had when she died  LOL

  16. 6 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Thai immigration should seriously look at retirees and income in a more objective light.


    Do retirees living here claim any Thai benefits - No.

    Do retirees take Thai people's job -No.

    Are retirees making problems for immigration - No.

    Do retirees contribute finacially to the thai economy - Yes.

    Do retirees support Thai families - yes lots do.

    Should it matter if a retiree had 30k or 100k a month - No , not really, as long as he is happy living his life on his income and can finanically support himself and/or his family.


    I live in Pattaya, and there does not seem to be a day going past that I do not see businesses closing or mass signs on condo buildings for rent and sale, I see empty malls, empty cinemas and lots of empty bars. 


    Getting rid of those low income retirees does not in any way benefit Thailand. I see many people bashing those on low incomes, saying that they should not be here - seriously ? Are you that so high strung in your own ego ? Does it really matter what income others have to you ? get a life.


    In what way do low income, honest retirees actually effect Thailand ? 













    Brilliant, exactly my thinking, and their monthly spending is going into the pockets of local people then back into the treasury.  The emphasis on  Chinese pre booked visitors is ridiculous compared to the lower income ex-pats spending.

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  17. 1 minute ago, Spidey said:

    And how do you prove the 25k month. Embassy letter.

    With the annual pension statement that is posted to me stating the said amount, this is forwarded to the Embassy to confirm.   If the embassy are reluctant to do the service or there is a problem with if it is legit maybe the bank statement backed up with the yearly confirmation  should be enough   BUT  suppose Immigration could make it easier--NOT through loop holes.....to be satisfied with this info.....My thinking is not Thai Thinking, Their method is loads of paperwork flying in many directions.

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