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Posts posted by softgeorge

  1. thai jails are soo much better :P

    You beat me to it. I guess he has never had the pleasure of Thai jail cells.

    Along with Viktor's input, we can draw the following conclusions:

    Cambodian jail = Bird cage

    Thai jail = Zoo

    American jail = Mental hospital


    Danish jail = 4 star hotels

    well when paris Hilton and the royals visit Australia they prefer to stay in our prisons they are that good.

  2. I live in a mooban and one of my Thai neighbors has his own Karaoke machines that he pulls out every time some on the block has a party. And my Thai neighbors seem to have a party for one thing or another almost every weekend or at least every other weekend due to a birthday, holiday, house warming or any other excuse they can come up with. I just attend all the parties and throw one myself every couple of months or so just to do my part. By doing this I am close to all the people on my street and we I have a feeling of really belonging here. The women are always coming over to share their food together for lunches on my front porch or my wife is going over to one of their places where they get together and have their lunch in the carports and porches. So what I am saying here is that it is much more fun to join them rather than worry about a little noise.

    Sound like you are living my life.

  3. I have no fear of being assaulted or bothered here by anyone - One of the safest and friendliest places on earth in that regard...

    The one caveat I would make - Watch the traffic!!!...

    Realize that they drive on the opposite side of the road here - so if you cross a street look to your opposite way FIRST!... Also realize that the driver is sitting on the opposite seat in the car and many have tinted windshields that do not allow you to make eye contact with an oncoming driver...

    Also do not assume (As in the West) that you as a pedestrian walking on a crosswalk, driveway or SIDEWALK have the right of way!!!... :jap:

    I agree with you on most except that they drive on the wrong side of the road. I can only think of one country that does this but to mention the name is forbidden here as they feel it is an attack ;) Don't want a holiday.

    Look as if your in the minority. Red correct side, Blue wrong side.


    And who's on 1st?:D

  4. I have no fear of being assaulted or bothered here by anyone - One of the safest and friendliest places on earth in that regard...

    The one caveat I would make - Watch the traffic!!!...

    Realize that they drive on the opposite side of the road here - so if you cross a street look to your opposite way FIRST!... Also realize that the driver is sitting on the opposite seat in the car and many have tinted windshields that do not allow you to make eye contact with an oncoming driver...

    Also do not assume (As in the West) that you as a pedestrian walking on a crosswalk, driveway or SIDEWALK have the right of way!!!... :jap:

    I agree with you on most except that they drive on the wrong side of the road. I can only think of one country that does this but to mention the name is forbidden here as they feel it is an attack ;) Don't want a holiday.

  5. I think they are just preparing for the housewarming party. :)

    I agree with you - they most probably prepare for a housewarming party - it will all be over the next day.

    Being grumpy with a permanent frown on their faces they will probably never have a party again! Who wants to party with "frowning Grumpies"!!??? hehehe

    But what you described here is quite comon acctually - don't know what it is with many of these Thai "middle class" people thinking of themselves as "HiSo"- we have them here in our Moo Baan - my friends tell me about them in their Moo Baans - while some are very friendly others never smile, never great, don't want to get to know their neighbors - which is their choice - but I don't understand what is wrong with a friendly "Hello" when you walk past people in your neighborhood???!!!

    :Maybe they don't smile because canuckamuck is in thier nieghbourhood.

  6. It's clear suicide.

    Most ex-pat suicides chuck themselves from the 4th floor balcony but this guy lived on the 10th floor so that wasn't possible. Certain of instant death from that height he contemplates other sounder methods while absently watching TV.

    Jumping is clearly distasteful. He'd have splattered and not bounced as they seem to do in Pattaya. Also, he'd have had to leave the apartment to go to the 4th floor. None of this was possible. He wanted a nice quiet suicide, same as the Thai Police do.

    So, he's alone in the apartment, feet up, TV on, and thinks 'Nothing on TV. Why wait any longer? Where's a handy spirit's bottle rather than a sharp kitchen knife, length of rope or bottle of aspirin.'

    So, he then places the bottle on the bed and starts bouncing up and down on it until it breaks. Swedes, it should be remembered, gave the world Ikea. Who knows how this man's mind worked. He continues the bouncing, probably to the Rhythm of some Abba hit. I think Dancing Queen would have a strong beat for the bouncing suicide. Four beats to the bar apart from the ' da-dah, da-dah, da-dah, da-dah' part where he could always speed up a bit to keep it in sync.

    So, as Benny or was it Bjorn, hits the piano part of a falling crescendo, our Swedish gentleman matches his energetic bouncing, driving shards of glass into his back. It's almost poetic. At some point and possibly as it is taking too long he goes jogging around the bedroom in order to increase the blood flow. Clearly, mindful of pulling a muscle, he hums to himself 'Chiquitita tell me the truth' as slower ballad type of number until he's warmed up. Then switches to a faster pace he recalls 'Money, money, money' and has quite a sprint on, maybe even breathlessly singing along with 'it's a rich man's game'. After all, he has a 10m baht condo. And what's life or in this case death without a tad of irony? He's in a hurry as he's probably aware that Biggest Loser is on at 9 pm and be tempted to change his mind. Though why that should cheer him up, I've no idea. So, with nothing to lose in a life of highs and lows he goes jogging putting from his mind the thought that he could die of a heart attack. The last thing he needs is a natural death at a time when he's trying to commit suicide.

    So, wanting to get it over with, he's running around the room, his lungs burning his heart nearly killing him yet still singing along to Abba's greatest hits, and leaving the bloodied foot prints. He sees the pot plant and thinks 'Who is going to water that after I've committed suicide with a spirit's bottle on the bed by bouncing?' and pausing, places it in the middle of the floor. See photo. All things now tidied away he adds two final laps before contemplating leaving a suicide note. But disgards this idea as it will only confuse matters. And besides he doesn't want to plaguerise Abba's 'I believe in angels' or to blame HBO for their poor programmes scheduling, high number of repeats and the fact that he can't reconcile calling National Geographic 'natgeo'. So, no note.

    He returns to the bed and bounces until losing consciousness.

    The only unexplained thing is why that choice of Abba?

    Most expats stabb themselves repeatably in the back before throwing thier own body out of the 4th floor window.

  7. Porn, including child porn, is not illegal to possesses. It is illegal to sell, distribute and probably purchase and display in public but it is NOT illegal to posses.

    I am pretty certain you are WRONG about the child porn (I think it IS illegal to possess) but I am unclear on the legal age porn. In any case, I wouldn't trust either you or me on this unless we get an authoritative opinion from a Thai lawyer. If I am wrong, good call from you, but again, are you a Thai lawyer? (I didn't think so.)

    On your other points, we will have to agree to disagree. You have made it clear that you don't believe or trust my observations of reading the expat press here for many years now in regard to the homophobic ways in which both the local police and local press deal with homosexuals and gay sex related new stories. Fine, but I can't imagine why anyone would make up a pattern of reports of lubrication confiscation specifically from gay men or when male to male sex acts are involved in the case. That would be really bizarre. As I have said repeatedly, my comments aren't about this one case, but a long pervasive pattern. Due to your clear lack of respect for my credibility, I don't think we have anything more to discuss.

    It's definately ilegal to possess in Australia.

  8. Lefties all over the world will be crying in their decaf coffee and near-beer.

    Why? who is the guy?

    Only the most liberal, hate filled TV anchor in the history of US television. He hates GWB, conservatioves and tea partiers and tried to turn that hatred into a career enhancing move. Hopefully this will get the attention of Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Ed Shultz. The new ownership of MSNBC are flexing their muscles.

    Remember, Google is your friend. I might also suggest you could check him out on YouTube for a few of his golden moments on TV.

    Good riddance

    Oh an American newsman hardly fits into the category of world news.

  9. I normally just read thai visa but felt I will respond to this. You say there should be a law to stop farangs living with a girl more than 30 years age difference. Why should it be? I know of one young thai lady (early 30's) very attractive and has a heart of gold. Her family are the same. She has been married three(3) times to much older men 40 to 50+ years. still married to the 3rd who is in his 80's and very frail. (others passed away) She gets great support from her family and her brother has even decided to live with them to help her. She tells me that Budha will reward her in a later life for helping older farang men who are alone and have no one to love them. She says she has loved and still loves them all with all her heart. Yes there re some sincre loving thai people who will support and look after the elderly farangs.

    Sounds like a lovely person and her brother :whistling: These people dedicate thier lives for the support of lonely old farangs and for no return apart from good karma. I am sure the brother is not driving around in a top of the range motor vehicle and has all the lastest phones and gadgets. I don't mean to be cynical but it is hard not to be as it is a large pill to swallow. I think you are being niave not every pretty face and smile has the best intentions. I would truely hate for you to become another statistic. I wonder why these people only dedicate thier lives to farangs for good karma. Won't budha reward them in the same way if the turn thier attentions to elderly thais? Thier are a lot more thais that need thier assistance than farangs.:rolleyes:

  10. Let's just face it we farangs are stupid morons and will believe everything that is fed to us. Farang murdered, it is suicide. Why do farangs stab themselves in the back cut thier own heads off then throw themselves out of the windows of highrise biuldings. All suicide.

    Why is it i every death there is these exact same lines in every media report.

    "Staff at the high-rise condo became worried when Mr XXXXX, a resident in the building for xxx or xxx years, had not been seen for a long period and failed to respond when they knocked on his door," "Maid unlocked the door and found the deceased"

    I dare you to check every report will be exactly the bloody same it is like a cut and pste job.

    Suicide my arse.

  11. Such a shame.

    Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

    I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

    If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

    It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

    If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

    Rent don't buy.

    I was talking to my wife last night about this and she told me the story of a family from her old village in Chianat. The family have 3 daughters the oldest 22, 21 and 17. When the oldest was 18 the parents encouraged her to find a farang to marry and assisted her in the search via internet. They eventually found her a 78 yr old from Germany and arranged the marriage the guy passed away a couple of yrs later apparently from natural causes. He was from what I have been told quite financial and left her and her family well off. The girl within 6 months was married to another elderly farang. Her 21 yr old sister is also married to a farang in his 70's and the parents want to marry off the final daughter to a farang also. This to me seems to be a business for them and nothing to do with love. The commodity being elderly farangs in thier twylight years. Apparently other families in the village also want to follow in the footsteps of this family as they can see the wealth they are accumalating.

    I am not saying every Thai is like this before people jump on my back accusing me of throwing a blanket across all thais. I am talking about one family out of millions. Oh and my wife is 3 years younger than me before anyone asks and we met in Melbourne when she was doing her masters in accounting and we dated for 3 yrs before getting married.

  12. Acording to a leading UK newspaper the ban is indefinite ?

    Bad news all round as Thailand is suffering from a big drop in tourists as it is and this will only add to the problem. How long till it hits us here on the Gulf side ?

    Link here


    I am currently looking at the thai newspaper that we are not allowed to mention here and it says 14 months. In black and white says 18 sites closed for 14 months. would tell you the name of the leading thai newspaper but it is forbidden here.

  13. This is beyond belief.

    I presently know of 3 Thai wives that are having affairs and even though we have informed the husbands, the husbands are reluctant to accept it and still burning the candle for them.

    I guess that the wife feared her husband was going to leave his daughter and perhaps some others in his will and that she would lose out and not receive 100% of his estate.

    What is it that attracts the guys to these evil gold digging whores like a magnet? Is it lust, companionship, having a trophy wife or what?

    Not only will the friends of the husband require a truck load of cash but also need to come up with some hard evidence against this woman to produce to the court where obviously the police haven't bothered and have either deliberately mislaid any evidence they have or will refuse to release it. This is where the case against the wife may fail. In over words, the friends will have to become they're own detectives and gather all the evidence possible prior to committing this case to court.

    I know what I would do to obtain justice, which I cannot quote on here, that would be a much more effective way to use the £11000.

    It is a terrible shame but it is something that will probably never stop. I see this time and time again. Some old bloke who has been married forever and has only ever known one good woman reaches retirement only to end up losing his wife to either natural causes or a divorce. He has naturally come to believe all women are as wonderful as his wife. As we all know in western society it is difficult at a ripe old age to become socially active and most lack the skills to do so as the last time they used those skills was 40 to 50 years back when they were young men. Indeed even if they remembered those skills they would have little use in today's western society. Enter a holiday trip to one of SE Asia's many tourist destinations and what does the Lone Ranger hear within the first 5 minutes "hello sexy man, where you go?" or one of the many derivatives endemic to the region he is in. This is extremely alluring to any elderly western bloke who has little or no experience with women (remember, a life time spent with a good loving wife = zero experience with women) and as we all know these types of women get their hooks stuck in as quickly as they can. Remember love is indeed blind especially when a person has not experienced affection (real or imagined) for a long period of time and it is very very easy for them to fall in love literally the proverbial "Love at first sight" These predatory women (who have been doing this for years) recognize the symptoms and are nice to the bloke for just long enough for him to get passed a point of no return where they cant see the forest for the trees. It's when a man gets to this point that he does not heed the warning of friends or family who can see with absolute clarity that the woman is evil. In extreme cases such as the one mentioned here, they either get taken for everything they have and when realization sets in they commit suicide rather than return home penniless and in shame for not listen to everyone's advice, or as in the case above get bludgeoned to death because you are not dying quick enough to get your money or the death insurance, or you die of aids! If you are old, retired and unwise to the ways of woman SE Asia is a very deadly place indeed!

    very well said and sadly so true.

  14. Truely disgusting and hard to believe. The poor guy was dying from cancer anyway but these lowlife greedy thais could not wait that makes this whole story even more disgusting. I hope his daughter and friends have a good result with thier actions but we should not expect to much, 70 mil baht will do a lot of talking. I presume with her having british citizenship that she would have a british passport. I hope this has been cancelled.

    Sadly he is not the 1st and he will not be the last farang to go at the hands of a thai wife and her boyfriend/family Everytime I see a young thai woman and farang husband 30+ yrs her senior I wonder what her true feelings and motives are.

  15. Wow, a place where you can go and look at Asian girls, how original for Thailand.

    I am excited about the Wendy's however.

    Yes I think I will come with you to Wendy's. Swensen's is quite good also. You could also go to Carrefoure or Tesco they have the girls squeezed into tight shorts serving beer right beside the childrens play areas and you do not even have to buy a beer whilst watching your girl (sorry chld). As Another poster said ladyboys at Hooters will not work only for some.

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