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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. You Guys I been to Iraq The media shows only the fighting all the time Yeah you go to those areas that the fighting is in sure you might get shot. I went with the army national guard and the iraqi people are doing what it takes to make their country better. They want the US in there, If we left the country would go to I don't know.

    Some security people are making a 1,000 dollars a day. A DAY!!!!! I talked to one guy and he said they shoot at me I'm giving it (Money)right back to them. he was joking. I was on the bordor of Saudi arabia and they have thai people working over there. If the money is good and TAX FREE sure but when you come back to the states you better declare it on Tax forms.


    I'd do it again and whatever reasons we went into Iraq We Had Cause anyway!!!!! He shot at fighter jets during the Ninetys and wanted to go back into kuwait. and never listened to the UN and threw inspectors out. all normal routes of trying to get him out were exhuasted in my opinion and i'm getting off the thread here sorry :o

  2. Thank you gentlemen.  Wasn't trying to start a pissing contest.  Just responding to the stated subject of "mouth to mouth kissing" with some of my own experiences.

    I'm only a visitor to Thailand for the past eight years and spend 8-12 weeks a year there, so I'm not about to try to form a serious relationship with a non-working girl.  While some people think they can start a relationship and it will somehow survive in a long distance situation, I'm not that optomistic about that kind of relationship.  Hopefully in the next dozen years I'll be able to make the transition to living in Thailand largely fulltime.  At that time I'll likely exit the rent-a-pooying market and look for something better.  But my experience has been to this point that the Thai ladies are fully trainable to meet any request in the intimacy department.

    Take care,


    :D:D well I didn't have to train my wife but that's a different story. :o Yeah Usually when i kss my wife it is usually the tongue is outside. but most of the time she sniffs me. I have to go hahahaha :D

  3. What’s with the noses on these two girls? One looks like she borrowed her nose of Michael Jackson, and the other looks like she's been sniffing glue. :D

    Not that I don't find the thing erotic, but they are typical looking bar girls/pro's. Not the best looking examples of Thai females I have ever seen, but I guess they’d do the trick.

    They look good lying down :D:o

  4. "Can we see the rest of ths great slide show? Seriously now. "

    Likely one or two more I can post without mods doing a hatchet job on it.....

    Gotta watch the sensitivities of all remember:



    It gets a little dicey after that and I doubt the PC amoung us would appreciate what I CERTAINLY APPRECIATED!

    Of course it was all for my benefit.  They work bar.  They go with falang.

    Whatever gets the job done.

    Go make yourself some memories.

    Take care,


    Dude, you do realize that both "girl boys" in those photos you posted don't you???!!

    Boys?? No way :o

  5. Personally, I think it's so sad that people come here and 'pay' to have sex! :o  :D , but that's my own opinion, each to their own!  :D

    PLus they wouldn't come to pay if the service was not already there correct?

    Their is nothing wrong with it, So be it if you fall for the girl. It has nothing to do with the girl being honest or not She has a job to do. It is her job. She chose to do it. If you feel like the victim then shame on you because your going to a girl for money from the beginning. She is just going to continue taking your money.

    A Friend sent me a X-Rated movie with a thai, It broke my heart because supposedly she was in pattaya for two weeks. The Guys were obnoxious towards her. She looked young. Also looked like she didn't know what to do like this was her first time being with a man.

    I am married never been with a bargirl. I guess this is a endless discussion of this topic. I never seen old men with young girls over in thailand but i never been to the places that cater to this.

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