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Posts posted by 111tingtong

  1. Aaah, that website in English makes so much more sense, thanks for the link and i'll bookmark the TV thread for reference, some good info there, nice onethumbsup.gif

    I'll keep the Red Lion and you lads in mind, appreciate the invite and it does sound like a great night out, this time though just want to take the wee lassie along for her first game, nothing too dramatic. Do you know where the best section of the stadium to head for is, I mean I dont want to end up in the bouncy bouncy section with drums banging straight off with my daughter? Is there a main stand or can you freely move around the ground to suite?

    30-80 Baht to get in, great prices, I remember paying that in GBP at Ibrox. Nothing wrong with 10-15K crowd, I can feel the atmosphere already, cant wait. Do you know what the ground capacity is?

    Thanks again for the links that'll save me some time and the missus will appreciate not getting bothered about football.

    See you there sometime.

    Mon the Tigers.......partytime2.gifpost-4641-1156694572.gifpost-4641-1156694083.gifclap2.gif

    PS I should really move this to the thread you linked, but I have no idea how to do that, maybe a mod can be of assistance?

  2. Hello,

    For anybody interested in football (soccer) Chiang Mai FC are playing Sara Buri FC this Sunday. Its away though. Next game at home will be the Sunday 20th against Chantaburi at 18:00 at the 700 Year Stadium. Any idea why they play at this time?

    Ive never been myself and really looking forward to taking my daughter along for her first football game. Went along and had a look at the stadium a few weeks ago and its pretty impressive considering. The head coach, Mr René Desaeyere, who signed a 1 year contract and comes from Belgium I believe, never heard of him but I wish him all the success and hopefully he can get the Tigers into the Premier League. The Chiang Mai FC website is all in Thai so had to get the wife to do some translating, apparently the head coach is on a 5-6 million Baht contract, so the league must be pretty serious.

    By the look of things they have already played two games, won one, lost one, could be worse.

    Has anyone been?, would love to know what the atmosphere is like, anything like the UK? What are the ticket prices and are there season tickets available?

    I was an avid Glasgow Rangers fan before moving to Thailand, 6 years ago, and miss going to the football at the weekends, hopefully Chiang Mai FC can do the business an relight that passion and they play in blue, bonus. I just hope there's pies and bovril available to keep me warm at half time whistling.gif

    Please forgive me if I have any of the particulars wrong, the wife done the translating not me unsure.gif

    Looks like a good atmosphere:


  3. Hi,

    Im looking for a fully furnished house for a friend to rent from April to June (3 months). Budget 15-20K per month.

    Must have parking for motorcycles and in a secure area. Around the Maehea area (South of the Airport ) would be ideal (Land and Houses for eg).


  4. Hi All,

    Has anyone ever used a child seat with their scooter similar to the photo below? If so can I have your opinions on how secure it fits and its general use with your kids. Im not to keen with my daughters sitting either in front or at the rear just holding on, I think this is a great idea. Only issue I have with this is, if they are strapped into this seat and (god forbid) in the event of an accident they would still be secured to the motorcycle, sometimes its better to be thrown free, thoughts?

    Has anyone seen them for sale anywhere in Thailand?

    On a similar note, I can't believe how difficult it is to find a small helmet for my children (age 3 and 4)!!!!! I know these are not popular with the Thais as the passengers don't wear any protection from what I see and would probably account for the lack of availability. I know its a long drawn out subject but I fail to understand the lack of responsibility from the parents, TiT......ermm.gif


  5. Gents,

    Im looking for a good metal fabricator, specifically with aluminium plate. I need some parts made for a motorcycle, initially an engine skid plate/pan.

    Any recommendations around Chiang Mai?

    Similar to the below picture standards



  6. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I have always thought that squirrels live in trees, prefer high places and require lots of space to climb and run about?

    Squirrels are rodents and enjoy chewing on wood and tree bark. They are basically tree dwelling rats with bushy tails.

    They also like to borrow, you know, the old joke about the squirrel burying it`s nuts.Somehow I cannot see that a cage, even a large one would be a suitable environment for these animals.

    I don't think it would be so easy to release them back into the wild after having been brought up in captivity from an early age. They would be too tame and susceptible to being caught by dogs and cats and even people who might see them as a light launch time snack. Also they may have problems fending for themselves if having been previously cared for and not used to finding food in a natural habitat.

    I would first do some thorough research on these animals before committing yourself to they`re welfare and well being.. Same goes for any other species you may consider owning.

    You make some good points BJ.

    Beetlejuice is on a roll with his words of wisdom, the last few days he is my Thai Visa Guru :D , why can't the OP buy a cat, dog or fish like the rest of us?

    If the whole world did what "the rest of us" do it would be pretty boring, no? whistling.gif

  7. Correct, I've just come back from a friends house who had a squirrel since a baby. It lives around his house/garden very happily and comes down for a visit when there's people around, very friendly.

    Back to the original question....

  8. You can get Walkers Salt and Vinegar at Tops on the bottom floor of the Airport Plaza. Also Smith's Crinkle Cut Salt and Vinegar, Big Bag. I get my family to export the occasional Monster Munch, Pickled Oinion over, awesome.

    I miss my crisps too buddy ermm.gif


  9. The ideal solution here for rental property owners would seem to be:

    1) ensure you are UK non-resident for tax purposes.

    2) ensure also that your other investment income arises offshore and not in the UK.

    3) join the approved letting scheme and keep the net rental income under the tax free allowance amount.

    The only fly in the ointment will be where people have UK pension which have not been, or are not capable of being, transferred offshore since that will eat away at the personal allowance.

    If the house was in joint names would you be able to get 2 X the tax free allowance amount, one for each owner?

    Yes, it states this from this link http://www.expatnetw...te-Landlord.cfm

  10. The new news article from 27/01/2011 titled "Elite Card operator is dealt new blow" offers some startling information. It is sketchy and hard to follow so I am paraphrasing a bit. What might it mean when it says extended visa privileges are being removed from the membership package? Does it mean the lifetime visa promise is being abolished? It goes on to say they are going to speak to members about what to do and are scared of a lawsuit now. Have members received any information on what is going on yet? Hope it is not as bad as it sounds and you guys are not being kept in the dark.

    I think what is meant is they no longer can use the visa as a selling point for the card. As this is the major benefit of the scheme they would have no option but to close membership, there's really no other benefit to having it for the fee. Im sure current members will still hold onto their lifetime visa's as this was passed by the government a few years ago.

  11. There was a rumour a few years ago that if a as a UK citizen you owned property in the UK for what ever purpose, HMRS were going to go after you as you had a "presence" in the UK and they deemed you were not completely "non-resident".

    This was during the tenure of Flash Gordon and loonie labour, so maybe nothing came of it.

    Why done you send the tax dept an email ?

    OK the reason im asking is, ive been renting my property for years without declaring to HMRC. Out of shear negligence I just assumed as a non-resident I wouldnt be subject to any tax on the income I receive from the property. Now it has been brought to my attention from my letting agency that HMRC are conducting audits on their overseas landlords!!! and theres only one reason for that, they can possibly scalp some tax from you.

    Yes my next step will be to contact an accountant or tax office direct. Just asking if anyone has had any experiences recently with them. Im pretty sure there are lots of brits living in Thailand in similar situations, im always getting asked from friends within Thailand what I do regarding my UK properties, the answer up til' now has been "nothing"

  12. Hello,

    Anyone, whats the scoop with renting a property in the UK as an expat living in Thailand with regards to paying income tax? Ive been classed as a non-resident for 5 years now according to Mr Tax man. Does this involve having to fill in Yearly Tax Returns again, uuughannoyed.gif????

    Thanks TT

  13. Hi Jbeck,

    I use 3BB (12MB) 1350Baht/PM (year contract). Its rock solid. Does everything your asking for. I stream WSBK, BSBK using myp2p for live races and MotoGP, but this is usually shown on UBC live if you have it.

    I also use Skype to friends around the world including video, you get the odd glitch but nothing to be concerned over.

    Youtube works a treat with it, you get the occasional clip where you have to pause for a wee while, nothing too annoying

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