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Posts posted by Mugg

  1. Some of them are fit, I suppose I am just not accustomed to seeing dripping arm pits dangling above the grapes.. I wonder if the Thai's understand or care that these are not typical of all Farnags.

  2. I been here a few years now (Pattaya) and I truly do not recall if this is a new twist or a common event. Topless Russians in mall's ,Tesco, Big C, etc. Not the women of course, but the men. I noticed this about 6 months ago, and of course it may have been going on much longer, it was than I just started to look for it.

    I am talking young, old, fat, fit.. this takes on many variations. I have seen men walk up to the door and step in and take off their shirts.

    Is this a common occurrence in the CIS, Baltic, and Russia ? Is this only here that it happens or also in other Asian countries. It is sad that in the States we had to place signs that stated "No shirt, No Shoes, No Service", but I guarantee it is enforced. Now many exceptions are made at beach side shops, but I have never seen this Malls.

  3. I agree Reasonableman and I would expect if Canada, UK, Germany or the USA were within the same distance as AUS is from Thailand the headlines would scroll all these countries names. Bravo to AUS for catching this guy and prosecute hopefully to the fullest extent.

    It is also a result of supply and demand, and for that, we are to blame. My feeling is that if you want to bump bones with a Thai get your ass to Thailand

    • Chiang Mai Flower Festival - early February, a definite horticultural highlight held during the first week of the month, with magnificent displays of exotic flowers and plants, together with a procession of floats along Tha Pae Road
    • Chinese New Year Festival - mid-February, with lion dances, colourful parades, decorated floats, fireworks and general festivities with a strong oriental theme, to see in the Chinese New Year
    • Makkha Puja Day - mid-February, a major Buddhist celebration, involving a candlelit parade to Wat Chedi Luang
    • Lanna Wedding on Elephant Back - mid-February, many people come to Chiang Mai at this time of the year to get married in this most unusual way, at the Elephant Conservation Centre

    http://www.chiang-mai.world-guides.com/chiang_mai_events.html Nice website tracking all over the world

  4. Weldmesh under the tiles.


    depends on the steel diameter. my ceilings are covered with steel mats (ø 8mm, 15x15cm squares) welded to the roof structure. cost in 2005 approximately 60,000 Baht. peace of mind for the Mrs, will stop a chicken thief but of course not a "professional" burglar with a boltcutter.


    Thanks. a lot of the burglars here do seem to be of the smash and grab variety - judging from what they take. That mesh might cause them to go elsewhere.

    It would seem that securing the perimeter is much more a deterant..

    1.) Thiefs are not drawn to light like bugs. A well installed sensor (motion) supporting a well designed lighting system.

    2.) Secondary Timer supporting a light from the inside of the house.

    3.) DO NOT construct a 2.5 meter fence around your property, allowing the thiefs to work in privacy undisturbed.

    4.) Inform your neighbors when you are taking an extended trip. Leave them with contac numbers.

    5.) DO NOT tell the "Yam" or "Security" about your plans, many thieves get their information straight from the Yam as to how much time they have to work

  5. No special fare for kids. It is only a dollar man!

    Trying to save every baht i can;)

    "2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

    Depends on how tall she is, kids below 1.20m are free, otherwise same fare as adults.

    They do have special fares, like 20 trips ticket, monthly tickets, student tickets, etc.

    I was informed by the BTS staff that the height of the child must be under 90cm, if over they pay the full price.

    Found on the MRT Website

    Additional privilege:

    1) Children who is not more than 14 years old and is not more than 90 cm. tall will be entitled to the free ride.

    2) Children who is not more than 14 years old and 91-120 cm. tall will be entitled to the discount rate.

  6. I am just now returning from B-QUIK. Now that I know my brakes are up to snuff, wife and I decided a trip to Chonburi was in order. I had not really put my foot in it up till than and I noticed a low thumping sound as I approached 65KM and continued through 90KM..

    I took it back to Khun Mai and he jumped in it hit the sukumvit and returned with a grin on his face. He spoke to the mechanic and 10 minutes later Khun Mai and I are testing it together this time... Thump is gone... I asked how much, he said mechanic found speedo cable lose and also repositioned and lubricated, No Charge... Now I am starting to wonder if these guys actuallt worked there. cowboy.gif ... I bought everyone a coffee my bill 80baht... I also tipped the mechanic and you would have thought I was handing him a grenade with the pin pulled...

  7. I agree, B-Quick has good service. They are competing with the other big auto repair shops. They pulled 2 nails out of my tires and repaired them no charge. They never charge for tire plugs, whether car, truck, motorcycle or big bikes.

    I agree that B-Quick offers great service - I didn't know they offered free repairs though, I recently paid 150b for them to remove a screw from my tire and patch it, did you originally purchase the tires from them?

    I was not offered any free service as I pulled in, it was the management that offered the free service as I tried to settle the bill.. It could be the luck of the draw

  8. Agree...but quick into your wallet if your don't watch them

    I agree with that as in any transaction. After using B-Quik I do not feel I would need to look over their shoulders, I have great confidence in the techs and the manager ; in both professional ability and integrity. I do not say this easily.

  9. Good to hear, I've had nothing but good things to say and experiences with them myself, there's a forum member here who is top tier with the company and he'll sure be glad to hear about it too. Though he might have wished the guy got some kind of service charge out of you or maybe not as it has created a happy customer who came and told others about a good experience and that can be worth 10 fold in the bank in the future.. Especially in a country that so lacks regular, good, sincere, customer service and business ethics..

    I actually told him if I needed new set of Pads go ahead and install..He said yes if you need I would have mentioned it... It was not easy tipping them either... The equipment is top notch and the camera's in each stall makes it obvious that they wanted no question about their professional work...

  10. Just bought a used car for my wife. Since the test drive was limited to a few laps around a parking lot not all problems would be found. Only issue I found was the right front brake had some pad noise. I had already checked rotor from a simple feel underneath. I could see plenty of pad so I was sure a closer inspection was needed. No pulling or grabbing was noticed just a slight annoying noise.

    Drove off the lot and drove straight to B-QUIK, asked the manager if I could get this looked at. He assured me yes but since this was now around 8:00PM he may not have enough time to get parts and put the car back together. That being agreed upon he did check all lug nuts and placed the hub caps back into trunk (boot).

    Returning this morning he directed a tech to remove all wheels and check the brakes. No problem other than a pad hanginging slightly as a result of a pour installation. Everything cleaned lube, packed bearings, and put together again. Noise "Gone" happy wife. I asked how much? "No charge, Inspection free" I was told.

    I have had an inspection where I was not told I needed something replaced.. I tipped and went on my way. I will be a future customer on B-QUIK.

    • Like 2
  11. Google adsense ads, not sure why you are making such an issue out of something google puts up- usually based on your browsing history as far as I am aware

    moving to forum support

    Well I have seen ads on Viagra and I assure you I have Never.................. Wait never mind it was my GF doing searches . As you were :jap:

  12. Does this monster have any breaks in addition to those of the bike? I can hardly imagine how to stop that beast quickly from let's say 50 km/h in case of emergency. :o

    Would the loaded monster ever get to 50 km/h ?

    I must say it looks great, but the poor motor in that little bike

    Idea for another project for the OP, build a frame for the bike to fit a 250cc or 400cc motor :D ?

    Now I did see not so long ago + was private ? had white plates on so was legal...... Look to me to be a DAIHATSU van with the front missing but roof still on, and a motorbike front... bit like a Tuk Tuk.

    It actually travels at a nice speed and no shimmy. Not sure I enjoy going 50Kph on my PCX... We have connected to a Phantom and where as the power was these handling was the most important aspects we were working on. I think bigger is better, so my GF says on many occasions

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