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Posts posted by Mugg

  1. Probably most of these posters with the Thai Bashing were haters back in there country of origin. Take pig out of the shit and what you have is a pig out of the shit... Not hard to understand.

  2. My GF for 3 years now has seen more cocks than a Winchester rifle in a John Wayne Western.

    Great line. I love it, and it's right up there with "my ass was going up and down like a fiddler's elbow". Both very funny.

    she's bucking like an epileptic donkey at a strobe light convention.

    she has been pumped more time than a 12 gauge shotgun in a terminator movie..

    but I do love her

    Back on topic... if they were going through your computer or checking out the bank book , or wearing your favorite robe , now that would be reason to kick some ass.... All that happen was a little boom boom ...

  3. Forgiving her is for your benefit, trusting again is for her benefit. These do not serve the same purpose. Another poster hit the nail on the head, sex is not some emotional decision. Run down walking street :rolleyes: and ask everyone if they are emotional attached person they are ready to bang. Now if she was sitting at home with this guy drinking Nescafe and saying what an asshol_e you are then that would piss me off.

    Most likely after 6 years you guys have worked the money flow out to a mutual agreement, you left her food, water, and a roof over her head... you took the penis with you. I am not sure it was mentioned but in the last 6 years you have been with another woman..

    Forgive and get the out of the way before you can work on any other issues... My GF for 3 years now has seen more cocks than a Winchester rifle in a John Wayne Western. This has never been a point of argument in any discussions.

    Good Luck Pal ...

  4. Some of you might have missed this since it seems to be written in Engwish...

    The operator denied having rented a vehicle to the Russian, who was in possession of the passport when taken into custody by Patong Police.

    The Operator (The Thai man who owns the Bike Rental Business)

    Denied having rented a vehicle to the Russian (this means he did not rent a bike to the man)

    who was in possession of the passport ( "who" is referring to the Russian, and this indicates he had his passport on him)

    Now the Passport is connected to someone being "Taken in to custody". So two men one is going to be taken away from this scene, whom do you think went to jail (i.e Custody) Hint: "He resembles a chandelier" Please do not let any clarity or facts hinder what you might post.

  5. Yep, as always another "suicide" but this time IN police station. I wonder if the foreign suicide will ever stop in Thailand.

    After all, the only thing i am struggling with is why would someone fly to Thailand to commit suicide? can they not do it back home :blink:


    This may not be your only struggle, but you made me laugh :lol:

  6. and thats why customs are always on the look out, esp avocado's which can easily be bought here.....

    Avacados I've seen here are small and expensive. I can understand wanting to bring some in, especially if you have your own tree at home.

    If your budget is that tight, where avocado's could be a make or break decision on your trip, stay home...

  7. I think your going to have to get one made! Try one of the welding shops that make gates. They should have the tools. Provide better drawings, my guess is they could sort you out.

    I might have to, I had several offers to wack him for 500 baht, I am hoping for a more amicable separation.

    Hope that is not BlinkieBill's pussy you want to catch.

    Catch and Release ... 100 Click away... Strategic relocation

  8. I think your going to have to get one made! Try one of the welding shops that make gates. They should have the tools. Provide better drawings, my guess is they could sort you out.

    I might have to, I had several offers to wack him for 500 baht, I am hoping for a more amicable separation.

  9. I'm confused.

    Using surrogate mothers is quite common these days of medical tourism. Thousands of Americans, Brits, German, ect. couples that cannot, or do not want to "carry" a child routinely go to India where clinics arrange for the couples in vitro fertilized egg to be placed within the womb of the surrogate mother who is paid to carry the child to term, and not infrequently to age one or two, whereupon the child is retrieved. This is common and legal in India, so is this illegal in Thailand? And who are the fathers? Are these children created from the egg/sperm of a couple who cannot bear a child? When this is done in India the child, though born in India is not considered an Indian citizen. I would think that here the egg/sperm parents would not consider their child, even if carried to term by a Vietnamese in Thailand, either Thai or Vietnamese.

    There are lot's of "takers" in India, for it is one of the few ways to earn perhaps $5-15,000 to be used for a grand wedding.

    Is it the surrogate carriage of children that is forbidden, or the illegality of the Vietnamese mothers "working" in Thailand without a permit?

    30 Years ago China (Taiwan) made it a penalty to have more than one child. Before a couple could conceive or within the first trimester your child must have a government permit. If you wish to have a second, then you face a heavy penalty of paying over half of your income in taxes. If you are from a poor income then your child/fetus could be terminated.

    So let say you wanted a boy and you gave birth to a girl instead, now enter the human trafficker.

  10. Smart of you to distance yourself from this and not go along with the lie. While the little village soap operas may be amusing to some, I think it best to leave that to the Thais and stay out of it.

    Great advice as stated say nothing to NO one.. you mess up a half a million baht deal and a house, we will be posting "RIP , poor guy was just trying to help"

  11. You sound like a very enterprising young man of 55. You made a few decision that I imagine you thought through to a point that a conclusion was made based on facts. When your base on principle, 99% of ones decisions are already made. The true intent of Sin-Sod does not really play well in this Scenario. I would be the last one to say "Family and Business" is a great idea. I also feel the OP is not an idiot, perhaps a few misguided choices, but choices all the same.

    Make your BAFO (Best and Final Offer) and be prepared to cut your losses. Yes that might mean dumping the GF. She will not disgrace her family by just turning her back on them. The BAFO should have a NLT Date, submit in writing to her so no one else has to see it, or know what the offer is.

    You already lost your GF by the fact she is stressed to the point the she needs hospital care. This is a New deal, make it and live with it.. I would also watch your ass (back) if the deal is "NO DEAL" . Disgracing a powerful woman like your GF's mother, is not a good way to see age 56.

    Good luck to you and your GF, very sorry to here about her stress.

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