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Posts posted by Mugg

  1. 'This is a good warning against stopping to look at accidents,' Samut Sakorn Police Lieutenant Colonel Chaiyaphat Charoenwai told Thai TV.

    More like a good warning to wear SEAT BELTS.

    The driver fled the scene, police said.

    Do they ever do anything different?

    Aah... SEAT BELTS would have helped them avaiod being hit from behind by a speeding motorist?

    I'm missing something here.

    YES it was " parked on the side of the highway to pick up the workers when he tried to overtake another vehicle.

  2. I didn't know I had any but if you do find out can you please tell me too.

    When I have the throttle wide open if I pull the clutch in I get a lot more rpm from the engine so there must be something slowing me down apart from my generously proportioned 155kg body (read fat man into that if you wish).


    How anybody can have such lack of understanding about such a thing in this day and age is beyond me :o


    Well if they have never been around a clutched drive train I can some what understand.. I just hope he is the last one, I think we have them all now .. LOL..

  3. are you aware of the need for back pressure on small engines...and especially bikes? Are you just trying to get some rumble from the pipes ?...You will be giving up HP for DB's... you could but a set of tuned pipes...

    or do like I did back in the day . "clothes pin a baseball card to the fender, and let it hit the spokes"

  4. Jus reporting back on this... Finally got it all done, after two trips to the employment office, two trips to the labour office .. Gosh, it was work! At one point, they even asked for the translated rental agreement! I refused.

    All paperwork done, now waiting for the actual card to arrive!

    So this can be done for foreigners employing Burmese maids, they can be fully legal, under employer name. It's a relief for all of us plus maid. ;)

    Seriously if the process was a little easier, it will motivate foreigners staying here to make their maids legal... Everything everywhere was in Thai. Every office I walked into had only Thai signs, I had huge headaches since I can barely read Thai. ....

    Excuse my ignorance on this subject , why is a Burmese maid preferred over a local Thai maid ?

  5. "landslide that killed ... causing the horrific landslide that killed ... prevent landslides ... slow down flashfloods ... counted over 60 landslides ... had caused landslides and flashfloods ... areas that were damaged by flashfloods and landslides after the floodwaters recede ... Most landslides had occurred ... factors behind the landslides ... damaged during flashfloods ... high risk for landslides ... the main causes of landslides ... the flashfloods and landslides in the southern provinces ... Most of the mudslides had occurred ... the ground to prevent landslides and flashfloods ... said the landslides ... said severe landslides... recorded over 30 landslides and eight flashfloods"

    it's possible to write a long article with just a few words, just by repeating them in different combinations. Good journalism.

    Apparently not too easy.... easy this is not...Not apparently.....too easy ? NOT!!!

  6. I do try to uplift the discusions :whistling: seriously though ,terrible as rape is ,i do not think that the lady in question was other than a lady of the night who got pissed and then wandered off from the bar to sleep it off ,if this IS the case then i am of the opinion that another slice off a cut loaf is not the worst thing in the world ,if i am wrong ,my deepest sympathy for the drunken lady laying on the beach at that time in the morning pure class.

    She wasn't lying on the beach until one of the rapists took her down there.

    Her problem was getting too drunk, which most of us have done.

    That doesn't mean that it's OK for some sleazebag to carry her down to the beach and rape her. And for some one else to just happen along and do the same thing is just disgusting.

    This truly is a target rich story of how disgusting humans can be.

  7. Hi Kenny, I don t know what the shop did do. Have you photos from before and after and also a indication of the price of the used parts and labour costs

    I can see they lower your back bumpers with replacements or with attachments. I see skirts mounted. What for type used and the sticker from back over the corner to the right side. What material is used and is it in sealed or stick on style.

    Look OK to me but material used will make the difference between a good looking car out of the showroom and after say 6 months in the Thai sun.


    Hold on why I pick myself up off the floor a serious answer surely not!! lol

    The car was a new Mazda 2 Spirit now it is a newer Mazda 2 spirit but with bits on lol sorry no picture of standard car but you can see one from Mazda web site.

    The car has been lowered on Tein springs, 17x7 alloys, full body kit as you can see, 4" slash cut exhaust(new back box) Xenon headlights, xenon spots, Aux interior gauges, many more things, cost I have not worked out and scared to lol

    All stickers are of top quality from Mafiaracing. phuket I am not sure how long they will stay pristene in the Thai sun.

    The Carbon Kevlar stickers as far as I am aware have glue or something applied to the edges not sure about the rest.

    Get to the good stuff. What is hanging from the mirror ?

  8. Western countries have become nanny states.I am not interested in her opinion expecially having being interviewed by another 'sister' about Asia,.Ive lived here for years. She will do what all Ambassador's do. Go to taxpayer funded shindigs,pat little rug rats on the head and play tennis.

    What does 'sister' mean in your context ?

    I hope she attends many functions, and pats as many "rug rats" as she can. As too tennis, I am certain she plays golf as well..

  9. Three years on the most magical word in my life is "Dad" from a daughter who I consider is a gift in my life and the second best thing that has happened to me behind my thai partner.

    You are describing the difference between being a "Father" and a "Dad" and quite well I might add.

  10. There is no good deed that cannot be diminished by negativity it would seem.

    Not negativity, but reality from some. Every tragedy requires a tale of hope, of bravery, of courage to lift the spirits of those that have suffered. The scenes of devastation are heartbreaking as are the stories of families destroyed. My friend who's family is in Trang told me his village was innundated with flood waters waist deep.

    The press and the government everywhere respond to people that have suffered a tragedy by trying to keep people calm and by looking for something that will bolster spirits. My experience suggests that the story was not as glorious as it is being made out to be. That doesn't mean I am denigrating the kid or saying something didn't happen. However, stories like this get a visit from the spin specialists before they are splashed across the headlines. My point is that one shouldn't dismiss some people's hesitation to fully embrace the story as their being negative Neds & Nellies.

    Hopefully everyone will agree that the kid did good and deserves praise for that. Maybe not a conventional hero, but a responsible kid.

    Well said man... Look as though he might need to draw on some more courage, as they try and locate his parents

  11. There is no good deed that cannot be diminished by negativity it would seem.

    Oh booo hooo!!! Negativity? By whose judgement? Or is it just a differing point of view from your own?

    I myself have been twice saved by my older brothers and sisters from drowning and neither I nor they consider themselves hero's, no media coverage, no public melodrama, you just do what is right for your family.. A stranger that is a different thing..

    I am in tears here LMAO, What other possibilities are there, that your family members were always there when you fell in the water? LOL Your comments are welcome, although now I know the root cause..

  12. While not intending to diminish this boys accomplishments I don't consider the saving of one's own family to be anything more then a great deed by a big brother and would expect nothing less of nay family member. We tend to use the term "hero" in too loose a term these days. The case would be different if he saved someone else's 2 year old who was unrelated..

    Good effort for saving his baby brother but "hero" is a tad melodramatic..

    I think the only one that can really answer that is his baby brother. I am sure his baby brother looks to his big brother as a hero, when he is handed the last portion of rice when too many mouths to feed. Sounds as if he has what it takes, the right Stuff , so to speak.

  13. A possible solution is to call and get more info at one of these numbers that I see on the USA web site.

    Visa Information and Appointment Website:



    Live Call Center Service: 001-800-13-202-2457

    Visa Information Recording:

    Non-immigrant Visas

    Tel: +66-2-205-5003 (English) or +66-2-205-5007 (Thai)

    [email protected] add this also as a good email I got a response within Hours..

  14. goto the link at the main menu on this site and click speed test Bangkok server I have 3BB

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 8050 kbps (1006.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 180 kbps (22.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 45 ms

    Tuesday, March 29, 2011 5:51:09 PM

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