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Posts posted by ImageDude

  1. 5 hours ago, theoldgit said:


    Maybe not but they are the people you're supposed to turn to advice, and indeed they advise this on the Gov.uk website in respect of applications from Thailand, it's hardly a minute detail.




    HMPO said:  You can’t travel with it after you’ve applied for a new one - but you will be able to keep your existing passport for ID purposes.


    Do you have a link for that please as I can't find anything on the UK Gov website.

  2. 5 minutes ago, theoldgit said:


    Maybe not but they are the people you're supposed to turn to advice, and indeed they advise this on the Gov.uk website in respect of applications from Thailand, it's hardly a minute detail.





    If you haven't already done so, you should get the old passport back from your agent. Just as Thais are supposed to carry their i.d. cards at all times, we foreigners are supposed to carry our passports. 


    I contacted the agent yesterday and They have posted it to me this morning and sent me the postage receipt by email.


    I dont know if it will be of any help to me but I have also sent an email to the UK Embassy in Bangkok asking if they can offer any assistance and am now waiting a reply.

  3. 8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:



    Firstly, my apologies to both you and @OJAS for attributing remarks made by you to him.


    Secondly, HMPO receive not hundreds but thousands of passport renewal applications via VFS and other contractors worldwide. If my information is correct, and I have no reason to think otherwise, then in normal circumstances the old passport is retained by the application centre, not forwarded to HMPO. Unless, as in Thailand, local law requires otherwise and it is kept by the applicant. So in normal circumstances HMPO would not be expecting the old passport. 


    But these are not normal circumstances.


    So I ask again, have you explained to HMPO the reason why you are unable to send them your passport? 

    I have informed them only since I read your post today, thank you, I wasn't aware of the reason although I suspected that may be the case. My email will be replied to whenever they decide. I also tried to contact them via the UK Gov. website but it is now giving the message that the facility cannot be used because the server is too busy. I am still confused as to why the HMPO don't know about this Thai law because they are constantly handling applications from Thailand via VFS Global, applications which will obviously not contain old passports. So why are they singling out my application which was also submitted to them By VFS Global?


    Did you explain this in your email? If not, it is hardly surprising that HMPO were unsure why the application centre advised you that your old passport was not required. The staff at Trendy know the reason, it is highly unlikely that anyone at HMPO does. 


    Sorry, I don't accept that. The UK HMPO must receive hundreds of passport renewal requests via VFS Global here in Thailand without the old passport. In Thailand VFS Global are the only vehicle by which you can apply to have your passport renewed. I am pretty sure that if all of those applications were treated the same as my application then we would certainly have seen it on TV.

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  5. 5 hours ago, OJAS said:

    If, in connection with your latest email, HMPO make a further pathetic attempt at fobbing you off with yet another completely unsatisfactory riposte over the next couple of days, I would strongly urge you to lodge a formal complaint addressed to <[email protected]> as HMPO have, indeed, advised me to do after they had tried to fob me off with a couple of extremely unhelpful ripostes. Still awaiting a response to the complaint I emailed to that address a fortnight ago, but HMG organisations usually allow themselves 20 working days to respond to complaints of this nature. And at least the nonsensical BS ripostes appear to have been finally stopped in their tracks in my case! That said, whether anything actually useful or constructive will eventually emerge in a hopefully considered response from HMPO ivory towers remains to be seen, of course.

    This keeps getting better. I have received another email in response to my email this morning. Which I stated that VFS Global had returned my old passport to my agent saying it didn't need to be sent with the application!


    From: HMPO Service
    Sent: 1587464405
    To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: HMPO Passport enquiries HMPO-823286b63e8a5736b003a6b6059d52a7
    Dear Mr

    Thank you for your email about a letter you have received.

    HMPO requires the previous passport to process you applications. I am unsure of why the application center offered the advice that you do not need to supply your previous passport.
    In this case, please provide the passport when it is convenient/ feasible for you.

    The application will continue once this is received.



    Customer Service Email Team

    • Haha 1
  6. Yes,  I am going to complain. I am currently composing a letter and will submit it when it is completed. In all of this mess with VFS Global shutting down and Coved-19 restrictions in general, I would have thought that we could have relied on HMPO to do the right thing and offer alternative ways to submit and collect new passports. I guess I am just forever the optimist! I wonder would it be of any use contacting the British Embassy in Bangkok and apply a bit of pressure in That quarter?

  7. On 4/15/2020 at 2:14 PM, OJAS said:

    Typically generalised HMPO hogwash which is spectacular in its abject failure to make any attempt to deal with the specific issues currently facing those of us here in Thailand who are in imminent (or, indeed, urgent) need of replacement passports, I think!

    I have now received another reply from HMPO and it has thrown another spanner in the works.


    Dear Mr

    Thank you for your enquiry. We have received your new application. We can proceed with the application once we receive your old passport.

    Please send this to:

    Liverpool HM Passport Office

    101 Old Hall Street


    L3 9BP

    United Kingdom

    We understand that this may be delayed due to COVID 19

    If you require any further information, please contact us via e-mail: Liverpool@hmpo. gov.uk

    Kind Regards,

    C McGrath

    Customer Service Management Team

    HM Passport Office Operations

    Her Majesty's Passport Office

    T: 0300 222 0000

    Text relay service prefix 18001



    They are now causing further delays by asking for the old passport, which is not in my possession. I can't reach my agent yet but presumably he has it after submitting my documents and application to VFS Global. I emailed HMPO back after receiving this mail explaining the predicament that we all in and I just received the bog standard Covid-19 delay spiel reply, it will take longer etc. etc. I also tried phoning them yesterday on the given number but was kept on hold until my phone credit ran out. By the way my application was submitted to VFS Global in Chiang Mai on the 10th March 2020, which means we are 42 days into the procedure and still no sign of my passport!  

  8. 1 hour ago, TenDreams said:

    Me too. I used an agent as I could not travel to BKK. I think they submitted the application at VFS BKK between March 16-24th. I contacted HMPO via the form, had a few replies, and the final response was as you posted above, although they did add I should contact with them again next week (edit: they said they found no record of my application). I did get my 'old' passport sent back to me when I asked the agent to do so. I need a renewal for visa purposes (it's nearly full + expires Dec. 2020), not travel. The agent says there is no application reference number, I haven't seen a receipt or any proof of application - did you get one?

    No I didn't get an application number. When I contacted the agent they just sent me a word doc. which contained the appointment time and date for VFS Global. The appointment was for the 10th March. So presumably that is when the the agent submitted my application. Hopefully, with the falling numbers in Covid-19 cases VFS will get back to work soon and sort out the backlog. Fingers crossed.

  9. I am in the same boat as some of you guys. I submitted my passport for renewal with VFS in Chiang Mai at the beginning of March 2020. I have been in touch with the HMPO via the Government website and received the following reply. 


    Dear Mr.

    Thank you for your email about the status of your British passport application.


    In response to the latest coronavirus measures relating to social distancing and necessary travel, HM Passport Office has reduced its staffing levels to ensure that these measures are followed. Applications will take longer than usual. Please do not book travel without a valid passport.


    Standard applications do not have a guaranteed service standard, and we are unable to confirm how long applications will take at this current time. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you.


    The passport office will be in touch if they require any additional information.


    If you applied online, you can continue to track your application here.



    Customer Service Email Team



    So there you have it and make of it what you will.



  10. I will soon be listing some surplus to requirements Fishing Rods and Reels for sale. Does anyone know if it will be okay to list it here in order to target buyers or do I have to advertise it in the Classifieds section? Thanks in advance,


    ID ????

    Tight Lines

  11. 12 hours ago, pickettywitch said:

    You can apply online for this O visa, to your nearest consulate in the uk, sending copies of passport app form and a letter from DWP to say your eligible and recieve your uk state pension, no bank statements, but if you've lost your letter from DWP 3 months statement its not about the money just to show your bank is receiving your state pension from DWP, you'll be contacted from the consulate, if approved by the embassy in London you'll have to go in person with your passport etc etc, Thats it matie, towards the end of the 60/90 day period granted, go to your local immigration office near you and apply for a ext of stay, now to get another ext after that I cant say, take it from me mate its as simple as that! Chok Dee! 

    For 14 years I used the Hull Consulate to obtain my Non Immigrant O Multi Entry Visa. This year all Honorary Consulates have been restricted in the Visa's they can issue. They can no longer issue the Non Immigrant O Multi Entry Visa but they can issue the single entry 90 day visa. The Royal Thai Embassy is the only place in the UK that will issue the Multi Entry Visa. The requirements for this visa have not changed and the postal service they offer is very efficient.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 weeks ago I got a new Non Immigrant O Multi Entry Visa based on being a UK Pensioner from the Royal Thai Embassy in London. I did it by post and it was all very painless. My passport with visa was returned almost by return of post. The requirements are stated quite clearly on the website, if you are still not sure send me a PM.

    • Like 1
  13. Hi there, I've just got back from Chiang Mai Fishing Park. I had 3 pleasant days fishing there. There are 5/6 lakes which offer different species and therefore different fishing methods. They have a legend on the wall of the building that shows you what is where etc. You can get more information here,  https://www.google.co.th/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBD_enTH726TH726&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=chiang+mai+fishing+park&*   however, this site is well out of date and I don't know if it is still maintained.


    They have rods etc. for hire but if you have your own gear, then it is only 50TB per day. Bait is also sold there and they have no objections if you want to take your own bait.


    Tight Lines. 

  14. Hi, sorry for the late response, I haven’t checked in here for a while. I have stopped fishing at Bo Sang some time ago. The main reason is their bait policy, they only allow you to use the bait they supply. Which is fine, if it wasn’t such a gooey, oily black mess which makes your hands dirty and greasy and contaminates everything you touch. My last visit there, the staff where asking to search anglers bags to make sure they were complying with the ruling and they were not very pleasant about it. I moved on to Chiang Mai Fishing Park which I found to be a much more pleasant environment, cheaper, cleaner, and no bait policy. My first visit netted a 35kgs catfish among other smaller catches. So, now that is my primary fishing venue when I am in Chiang Mai.


    Tight Lines.

  15. I think these Fishing Tour companies are targeting tourists and holiday anglers and not resident anglers like you and I. The prices are high, yes, but most of them provide transport, all the tackle required including bait for fishing, and meals for the anglers. They also provide the services of a knowledgeable fishing guide. Who, from what I have seen, does everything except winching in any catches. So I guess they rack up a fair amount of expenditure with all of their overheads. It’s not my idea of a day’s fishing, as I like to be 100% hands on, but it will suit some people.

    Tight Lines.

  16. I can’t offer any suggestions or advice for your locality. However, in general I have found that most of the venues I fish here in the far north (Chiang Rai Province) offer a variety of fish in the lakes. Therefore, lending themselves to different angling methods. When I’m fishing and look around me I can see anglers employing those methods to target the different species. It’s true, that on some occasions while using lighter tackle it’s possible to hook a biggun! But, I find that all adds to the pleasure of fishing.

    Tight Lines

  17. You're right this is Thailand. I encounter this all the time and no longer consider it a problem. What we (as foreigners) have to remember is that Thai's are a collective society and are more comfortable doing things together in groups. We, on the other hand are predominantly individuals and don't like to have, what we consider our 'personal space' encroached upon. You did the right thing, grin and bear it. By the way, did you catch anything other than plastic bags? tongue.png

  18. A lot of things are advertised on Thai web sites but when you order they never seem to have it.

    Fishing in Chiang Mai is very unique and you will need gear like the Bait Runner to properly fish. This is because of the unique locking drag that it has. Good raided line is hard to find.

    Don, with due respect you are making a rather sweeping statement for someone who is relatively new to bait runner reels and Bo Sang fishing lake. A bait runner type reel is not an essential piece of kit for Bo Sang, or indeed anywhere else. However, it is certainly useful in some situations.

    I have fished Bo Sang on numerous occasions and have never used a bait runner reel. Neither, have I had my rod and reel pulled into the lake by a fish. You, using your bait runner reel can’t claim the same as I recall. And you are not alone. These reels need to be set at the correct tension for this not to happen.

    Let me further enlighten you, the term bait-runner was first used by Shimano in 1987 so they have been around in the UK and Europe for a very long time and strictly speaking it is a Shimano brand name. These types of reels are in effect, free runner reels, and the technology was developed by Shimano. Basically the free runner facility is a second clutch allowing the user to set the reel in free spool with adjustable drag pressure depending on what you are using it for. Moving the winder handle or knocking the set lever off puts the reel back into gear.

  19. A friend told me last week that Mae Sai was flooded. There's no mention here, which is encouraging, but I'd like confirmation one way or the other. Is the border open? Are shops on the Tachileik side flooded? I plan to go next week.

    I have been over to Tachilek today. Everything appears to be back to normal. The market stalls that where flooded out are now dried out, cleaned and open for business some are selling off flood damaged goods cheaply. However Mae Sai itself is very quiet, very few people about.

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