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Posts posted by Beng

  1. The Beluga Sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in the world by a long way and the freshwater stingray in Thailand is third on the list.


    A lot of people come to Thailand to specifically target this fish and Jeremy Wade on "River Monsters" managed to catch some.

    The Giant Mekong Catfish is stocked in many Thai fishing ponds even up here in Isaan but is certainly endangered in the wild.

    Thanks for the link. Very interesting.

  2. Wow, can you imagine the howls of protest if someone had to take a test in talking and writing in the Thai language in Bangkok to qualify for a Thai marriage visa?

    The german embassy seems trying to discourage thais from applying for a visa. If we had to do this kind of test, there would be a lot less farang living here.

  3. I am Austrian, can give Private German lessons everywhere if all my expenses are paid. wink.png

    By the way - "My wife, for some inexplicable reason, wants to learn German."

    You legally married?

    One reason to learn German is to qualify for a Marriage Visa for Germany-Austria,

    to get that, you have to make first a test in talking and writing in German language.smile.png

    For a german 'longstay' visa, the language test has to be taken at Goethe Institute only. This is very inconvenient as they are in BKK.

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