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Posts posted by Beng

  1. Breaking news Escaped prisoner fled from police escort, Police blame ghost but it was noted that all officers made large deposits in there RTP personal retirement accounts all are placed on in inactive post till they share there windfall and get promoted. Further update also a soi dog was believe to be apart of escape. But no worries several Burmese were rounded up to take the rap after usual confession.cheesy.gif


  2. I've driven to Chiang Rai and back a few times, and also to Pai.

    It amazes me how so many drivers assume that no-one is going to be just around a blind corner when they cut the corner or overtake on those cute double lines.

    As a Thai friend said to me "they're only there for advice" !!

    Keep well to your left in the car, and leave your bike at home.

    Been all over the north and south on 2 wheels.. Always adjust my speed to the circumstances.

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