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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Good to know, thanks. Did you have to turn in your Thai license when the DMV issued you a state license ?
  2. Mr. Theerawat didn't observe that the men were drunk and didn't play by the rules.
  3. Didn't read where it was an electric 'disability' trike; just a 3 wheeled electric scooter. Probably didn't have insurance on the trike scooter. He was well aware of the dangers of that street.
  4. Sounds like a gang hit. I'm sure this isn't a total stranger to the murderous gang. Certainly reflects negatively on Pattaya. YMMV
  5. Didn't either; not until the arrest and publicity from that.
  6. I thought the violence went way further back in time. At least as far back as the Jews with the Ark of the Covenant destroyed (genocide?) entire groups of people at God's suggestion( was he that gave them the power of the Ark).
  7. BiB need to stop this kind of thing. Total disrespect for Pattaya, tourism, and Budha. Keep it in the school yards.
  8. Seventeen turtles in twelve days of hunting and they only amounted to less than half a kilogram.
  9. I thought it was outright Sarcasm; good to see its use officially.
  10. Kid has a decent paying job or has a great allowance. Dating material there.
  11. Too bad Thailand doesn't have oil out in the Gulf that it could harvest. That's Sarcasm; should be an icon for it. (not sarcasm)
  12. I expect one good thing about a DoomsDay bomb would be that it could be placed around your own territory so that if it is disturbed by another nations nuclear arsenal then it'd go off automatically. Doomsday doesn't have to hit a target, just go off.
  13. Good job Thailand; seems Iran has performed it's retribution via many missiles & drones on Israel yesterday. No Thai's injured or killed.
  14. An Iran attack on Israel may justify Israel attacking Iran's nuclear bomb project. Of course, Iran will claim there were only women an children at these facilities.
  15. I've a feeling some of them ended up in Phuket.
  16. Money, free money. He runs (controls a few elephants) an elephant 'sanctuary' that he solicits contributions for. Elephants have a roof over their heads, food of sorts and perhaps are happy. HE has an excellent roof over his head, excellent food and drink, and happy enough he'd like some more of the easy life.
  17. This will be a good deal for both countries IF Thailand makes it easy & simple for Vietnam works to work in Thailand. Vietnam actually has an excellent educational system and produces technological appropriate workers for Thailand's new proposed agreements with the big technology companies to be their hub in South East Asia.
  18. Everywhere in the world 'money talks'. In Thailand money SHOUTS. He has the money from elephant lovers around the world who think he is doing Gods work.
  19. who is it that decided no civil litigation?
  20. How many of the future refugees are gonna be ex-junta & relatives of such? I myself would like to see Thailand claim a bit of Burma for themselves, part of that strip of land bordering the sea would do nicely.
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