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Posts posted by Phil_ne_uk

  1. Can anyone please advise me. I am planning to live in Thailand when I sell my UK house. A friend who lives there told me that a retirement visa is best as I’m 50 yrs old. The problem is that I understand I must have a copy of my police record. I have applied for this but think it will show that I was a bad lad when I was 20 yr old (young & daft lol) although it was 30 yrs ago I did serve 8 months in prison. Will this be a problem? If so then I will have to settle with a business visa I believe when I eventually start a company. I’m worried that if they know I was in prison that they might say I can NEVER come back to Thailand again! (panic!!!)

    Any tips would be appreciated.



  2. I’m planning to move to live in Thailand when I sell my house in the UK. I intend to live with my Thai girlfriend when I get there. She has a 10 yr old daughter. Does anyone know if she would want her daughter to live with us, the 3 of us together? Or would she stay with her grandmother in Bangkok. Is this customary?


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